Not reading the topic, but why is he discussing Ni No Kuni in a topic about gaming journalism?
In a nutshell:
-People are worrying out about their order in the other Ni No Kuni thread. No one is quite sure what's going on and if their order is actually legit.
-Rumbalumba feels fine about his orders, tells everyone to "chillax". Also mentions he has an order for scalping on ebay placed.
-I'm almost sure he used some sort of negative/hostile term towards all the people who were worried about their orders. Not 100% positive though.
-During the cancellations, Rumbalumba gets one of his orders cancelled. Soon after, his other orders get cancelled as well.
-At that point he asks everyone to petition/email Namco or something like that
-People tell him to chillax
So to answer your question. There was a discussion about the recent Ben Kuchera twitter debacle, specifically a mini-discussion about why he's so upset/angry. Someone suggested that Kuchera is upset because he didn't get his Ni No Kuni Wizards edition, and that Rumbalumba should tell Kuchera to chillax. Upset that this was still being brought up, he posted a
major spoiler about the game....and now he's banned.