Ah, yes, the joy of poor AI. I've really only had a few issues in mine, but that's likely only because I'm rather over-leveled now.
Man Drippy is a right dick at the beggining haha. Only got to play up to where the demo starts last nightwill have to wait till saturday to play more. laaaame.
Ah, yes, the joy of poor AI. I've really only had a few issues in mine, but that's likely only because I'm rather over-leveled now.
You don't really go by visual queues via attack animations. You simply hit the attack balloon when it flashes blue (it flashes blue right as the enemy attacks). The timing on it is utterly ridiculous though. You're better off mashing X and praying.
question for those who ordered from
in us there's a griffy familiar dlc for preorder sent by amazon.. is there something similar for uk? or?
There's apparently some problem according to SCEEs twitter.Is it me or did Ni no Kuni just vanish from the UK PSN store?
Is it me or did Ni no Kuni just vanish from the UK PSN store?
They're fixing the fuckup I mentionned earlier. As a result it apparently messed up the store page for the game during the transition.Is it me or did Ni no Kuni just vanish from the UK PSN store?
It's been taken down for the moment because SCEE are incompetent.
They only uploaded one of two files needed (the 6gb one), and only just realised an hour or so ago that there was another 16gb file they needed to upload. It should reappear on the store when it's done uploading.
take the one that boots your speed. no point in saving them since you won't unlock new ones until you get all of the ones available.spoiler about the king and questions
i just sved the cat king in the sewers and i have 3 merit stamp cards, should i spend it now? or save it for later?
Played about an hour or so and it's pretty good so far. I like how the game looks, and the dialogue is top notch.
I also like how the game trains you to use the dpad early on. At first I was annoyed by how the game was forcing me to use the dpad for some menus. It later makes sense why the designers chose to do it that way.
Is anyone interested in the Gold Hurley DLC from the PrimaGames guide?
Since I'm from Europe there is no need for it. I think you must be from NA to redeem the code.
(Note, you first have to generate the PSN code via the PrimaGames site).
The third familiar you come across is amazingly adorable.
Ok, I've think I've finally hit that "level curve" point the game where things get harder. I've made it toSome of you have already mentioned the AI issues this game has.Fairyland and traversed Mom's stomach. I'm having some serious issues with the squid boss. I've had some success with the all out attack and defense, some character switching and all around heals. It just seems that either the AI want to use one familiar till they're blocked or attack themselves. At most, I get the boss to about 1/2 HP and then team members start to die, usually with Esther first.
I'm curious about strategy used to get past this point. Oliver is currently level 27.
Several of us have had to solo bosses like this with Oliver/his familiars after everyone dies. Basically you end up running around, using defend against the big attacks, and waiting for blue and gold glims. With that particular boss,Did the fight with Oliver at 24, took a loooong gets a bit hectic at around 25% or so because it spawns mini-jellies, luckily they are slow so the strategy of running and focusing on the boss still works.
Others report that with the right mix of familiars and tactics, you can keep the party alive and win.
I'm looking to mix up the familiars and try Esther in a pure heal role for the fight. It sucks because while she has a decent mana pool, Oliver's is just bigger. Hopefully I'll succeed this next time.
In boss battles, I tend to have Esther heal, but also supplement the healing. Oliver's heal spell isn't that strong, so I use a lot of healing items. Then it just becomes a war of attrition.
The only reason why the larger mana pool can matter is Esther's original familiar can get a lvl 2 heal spell that heals for around 100 hp, which can be great in tight spots. Only downside is the 11mp cost.
Finally beat it with 56 hours! That was a really short ending, and I wish all this stuff that is unlocked after you beat it was given to you before the end. Oh well, more content is more content.![]()
I got my Griffy promo code yesterday but when I try to redeem it I get an invalid/already redeemed message.
Anyone else have anything similar happen?
I got my Griffy promo code yesterday but when I try to redeem it I get an invalid/already redeemed message.
Anyone else have anything similar happen?
The only thing I didn't like about the game was the constant hand holding.
Putting the objective marker in the map can be considered handy to some, but I thought it made the game less adventurous. I love to figure out where to go next myself
Why not just turn it off?
I got my Griffy promo code yesterday but when I try to redeem it I get an invalid/already redeemed message.
Anyone else have anything similar happen?
....that's possible?
Never looked into it, lol. But yeah, fail etc.
Going to start this game soon. Any basic tips for a total newcomer?