I am Homie
The world in this game is awesome so far.
My copy from NewEgg came today. Praise the Lord.
Am I the only one who pounds the x button when attacking even though it does it automatically?
Press "select" to access the lowercase letters. Oh wait, you mean how to change it now? I don't know then.
Doing that, you might get lucky on counters if you happen to re-trigger attack at the right time.Am I the only one who pounds the x button when attacking even though it does it automatically?
No problem, "OLIVER" will do just fine. That's how kids write anyway.
How old is Oliver in the game?
No problem, "OLIVER" will do just fine. That's how kids write anyway.
How old is Oliver in the game?
Doing that, you might get lucky on counters if you happen to re-trigger attack at the right time.
Am I the only one who pounds the x button when attacking even though it does it automatically?
So from what I read here and saw in the GB quicklook, the partner ai is downright stupid.
Is there no option to give standard commands or actions to your partymembers? Like the system in Dragon Age: Origins or well alot of other rpg's today.
For example: HP < 75% - cast (something) ?
He's a 13 year old who is as tall as an eight year old and acts similarly.
No. Later on you get the option to automatically gaurd or go in attack mode which helps a little. I haven't had any trouble with the ai yet.So from what I read here and saw in the GB quicklook, the partner ai is downright stupid.
Is there no option to give standard commands or actions to your partymembers? Like the system in Dragon Age: Origins or well alot of other rpg's today.
For example: HP < 75% - cast (something) ?
Sadly, no. There is a tactics option in combat that allows you to select from a few preset attitudes ("Don't use abilities" "back us up" "keep us healthy", etc), but they're no substitute for gambits and the like. They'll always use all of their MP as quickly as possible, unless you tell them not to use abilities at all.
I've finished the game and the problems I've had with it are:
- partner AI is terrible
- familiar pathfinding in battle is shit as well (though this can be managed with smarter positioning of your familiars)
- bosses love to spam the shit out of their field spells
- aforementioned field spells seemingly interrupt everything, even healing spells when they're in the middle of healing someone
Despite these complaints, it's an awesome JRPG. I haven't played one like it in quite some time, and I had a blast with it.
No. Later on you get the option to automatically gaurd or go in attack mode which helps a little. I haven't had any trouble with the ai yet.
Only problem I had is that they kill things faster then I do but that's it lol.Yeah was thinking about the gambit system aswell. Seems rather odd not to have a system like that in a game like this.
You are one of the few I have read that didnt have problems with the ai.
My copy should be in my mailbox when I get home from work today. Will come post my initial thoughts when I have put a couple of hours into it.
Would someone be able to explain exactly how counter-attacking works? I read the explanation, but does it mean you have to press the attack command when an enemy attacks, or is it sort of a luck thing where your familiar has to attack at the same time?
LOVING this game so far, I'm just about finished the Golden Grove.
No. Later on you get the option to automatically gaurd or go in attack mode which helps a little. I haven't had any trouble with the ai yet.
I just never understood the aging personality range for Japanese media characters, where as in America you know the 13 year old will act like... well a 13 year old.
Just a pet peeve, so don't bash me here![]()
You don't really go by visual queues via attack animations. You simply hit the attack balloon when it flashes blue (it flashes blue right as the enemy attacks). The timing on it is utterly ridiculous though. You're better off mashing X and praying.
Darn it! Really, really wanted Griffy but thought Amazon would only have it available as a pre-order and so I decided to get the game at Gamestop after my Wizard Edition fell through. Why must you do good things, Amazon?! >_>
Buy it from Amazon, get the griffy, return that game to GS with your receipt?
I considered this, but I would feel kinda bad doing it so I'm just going to hope they offer Griffy on PSN eventually.
Feel bad? The Gamestop won't cry over losing 60 dollars. Being lazy is a much more valid and understandable excuse.
I'm not even sure if I still have the receipt - I have Prime so I could order the game and it would be here in 2 days. It's not like I couldn't easily "return" the game, but I already purchased it from GStop and so I'm just going to stay with it. There's also the possibility that GStop won't take it back, which would mean that I'm out $60 more.
"Game data not installed correctly?"
Thanks for that=(
So much for buying games digitally=(
Any solution for this yet?
If it's sealed and within 30 days, they can't turn you down, for the record. Assuming you could find the receipt, that is.
Did you install the 16GB and 6GB DLs?
I´ve downloaded the 6GB file and installed the game, and when I start the error message appears, I cant find any 16GB file on the Store or anything=(
That's the issue I mentionned yesterday. They apparently omitted a 15GB file in the digital preorder for Europe and Australia. There's a thread on the PSN tech help board where a support guy wouldn't even acknowledge the issue and said the 6GB file on its own should be enough."Game data not installed correctly?"
Thanks for that=(
So much for buying games digitally=(
Any solution for this yet?
That's the issue I mentionned yesterday. They apparently omitted a 15GB file in the digital preorder for Europe and Australia. There's a thread on the PSN tech help board where a support guy wouldn't even acknowledge the issue and said the 6GB file on its own should be enough.
That's the issue I mentionned yesterday. They apparently omitted a 15GB file in the digital preorder for Europe and Australia. There's a thread on the PSN tech help board where a support guy wouldn't even acknowledge the issue and said the 6GB file on its own should be enough.
So much failure surrounding the release of this game.
If it's sealed and within 30 days, they can't turn you down, for the record. Assuming you could find the receipt, that is.
That's what I figured but being at work right now, I don't want to phone them. Alternatively, if this isn't solved in the afternoon, I'll shoot Eurogamer a mail, they're usually great at following up these kinds of stories.Simple solution for people should be to phone SCEE. last time I had to phone them in the UK, they were incredibly helpful and got my issue resolved. Though phoning them in this case is more likely to help by alerting them to the situation. The more calls, the more obvious the situation becomes to them I would think.
edit: Yeah, reading that thread, the support guy doesn't sound like he knows what he is talking about. Someone from Australia said they phoned tech support and was told it would be available at 12pm EU/UK time (?) and that the 16GB file was mandatory so if people phoned Sony UK/EU, they would probably be told something similar I'd imagine compared to what the 'support' guy said on the forums.
I get you mate, I thought I'd try a digital preorder for the sake of convenience and having the game ready to play when I get home tonight. As it stands, the best case scenario is it'll take me a couple of hours to download the data (and as long to install lol).Wtf?!
This is outrageous! This MUST be fixed TODAY! I waited so long for this game and now this?!=(
Assuming I did take it back, couldn't Gamestop tell that it wasn't the same game that I purchased through the barcode anyway if I try to return a sealed game from another store?
You don't really go by visual queues via attack animations. You simply hit the attack balloon when it flashes blue (it flashes blue right as the enemy attacks). The timing on it is utterly ridiculous though. You're better off mashing X and praying.
This is very hard to believe. It makes me wonder if you've simply not paid attention to the other characters and focused on whoever you were controlling, because the AI in this game is predestrian at best. So much of the problems could have been overcome through UI manipulation, but they don't even allow that much and you basically have two automatons that flip coins to see if they will actually follow protocol. Trash fights aren't the problem, bosses are. Not all of them either, but on many the AI is exposed for what it is.
You can be "that guy", and I'll join you. There's a lot that I like about JRPGS, but the age thing, and especially the "super cutesy" (not specifically this game other than Oliver) anime look or the floating emoticon junk are not it.
All the regular versions of the game have the same bar code as long as you bought it both from the same region, It shouldn't be a problem taking it back to Gamestop. I am doing the same thing to get my griffin familiar but taking it back to Bestbuy rather than Gamestop.
So, I'm at the second town. Who is a good familiar to use, not necessarily just for the upcoming Old Smoky but, preferably, the duration of the game? So far I have Sleapeafowl, Ruff, Green Buncher, Lagoon Naiad, Taddlywink, Clubber Cub, Bonehead, and Sore Boar, as well as the story req'd fams.
I evolve them ASAP I don't even care yo.I really don't want to wait until my familiars are level capped to evolve them. What are you guys doing?
I really don't want to wait until my familiars are level capped to evolve them. What are you guys doing?
I really don't want to wait until my familiars are level capped to evolve them. What are you guys doing?
From where I am, how long until I can tame Familiars and get the DLC ones? I'm atDing Dong Well, at the save point