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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch |OT|


I believe he was mentioned as 'really weird' compared to the others, lol. I guess he makes more sense in his area.

I found a really old concept from Ni no Kuni back in 2008 when it was subtitled THE ANOTHER WORLD and I wonder if Drippy was originally going to transform into this giant horsechicken thing in the first iteration of the game.

It's a small image but it's rather beautiful... curious why whatever it's representing was scrapped though.


Now I want this giant chicken in the game.


I think I have found the solution for your predicament.



Chocobo =p

Anyway, yeah it would be cool if there were parts in the game where he got to ride that. I think in a review someone mentioned that there is another vehicle you get to ride post game but he wouldn't say. Wonder what that is.

EDIT: Much better than my avatar I made for him. LOL!
That is amazing and I will take that. Recycled Totoro (Warrior Totoro?) has found a home. Thank you :)

Clear avatar if you want.

Pretty hyped for the game after the demo. Still almost 2 weeks before EU release tho :(. Still need to decide if I wanna go retail or digital but 20gb might be too much for me.


I think in a review someone mentioned that there is another vehicle you get to ride post game but he wouldn't say. Wonder what that is.

I said that at this board a while ago. :p

It's sort of a spoiler though. BE FOREWARNED.
The vehicle is the car that Oliver rides in the first hour or so of the story which breaks down and has him crashing into a nearby river and sort of causes his mother to die after saving him... :(


So at what time does Sony usually update PSN with games? I figure I'd start the download before going to work on Tuesday.


Neo Member
I had the Wizard's edition pre-ordered, but I then decided to cancel as I won't have access to my PS3 until June (away from home for studies). It's so frustrating that I don't have my PS3 here with me, ugh.


Grace Chen Time.

But really, it'd be PST, I believe.

Welp, guess I'll start the download before heading to work on Wednesday. ._.
With these PSN speeds I'll be playing the game on Friday.

Guess it's still better than waiting for the european release.
It's only 7 PM on a bad day PST. It's usually 3, maybe 4 PM and way earlier if we're lucky. So he probably meant 7 PM EST or something.

Yeah, I meant 7 PM EST. Bad days are later, but I've seen it earlier. The update time of the US store is a running joke in the PSN thread.

US: Now Up (Normal Update Time: Tuesday @ LOL GCT)
EU: Now Up (Normal Update Time: Wednesday @ 1700 CET )
JP: Now Up (Normal Update Time: All Week @ 1900 PST)
HK: Now Up (Normal Update Time: All Week @ 22:00 PST)

Edit: While stealth-editing things for all time is kind of funny, I wonder why I don't automatically leave edit tags on my posts. Oh well.


I guess it really depends on what's being updated. :/ I've seen it as early as 2-3PM PST and sometimes like 5-6PM on bad days.


I wonder if this will be the new Persona -- the JRPG those that don't like JRPGs rave about.

Well, it seems VERY jrpg-like, but it does have the Studio Ghibli vibe going for it. Animation junkies will eat it up. And it just looks polished as fuck.
Amazon is seriously screwed up. I had 2 day shipping which they said was release day delivery but my delivery date was Thursday. I called and they changed it to one day (Wednesday delivery). Now the site says select one day deliver for release day deliver. How is it I've met their requirement for release day delivery yet I can't get it on release day. So frustrating.


You know, I've never pre-ordered a PS3 game before and I have never gotten one at full price either (I normally play my games on the 360), but this game is an exception. It screams everything I love about JRPGs and the fact that Studio Ghibli is putting their charm in it makes it even better


I wonder if this will be the new Persona -- the JRPG those that don't like JRPGs rave about.

It's possible. It's very much a traditional JRPG, though. The aesthetics, the music, and writing are all tremendous, but I dunno if people who dislike the genre will be able to look past the fact that the feel and structure is as Japanese RPG as it gets.


The anticipation this week of actually when DR is going to ship this is going to horrible. I am paying for 1 day but that could be who knows when. At least I have the guide coming from Amazon Tuesday. Can't wait to dig in.


The anticipation this week of actually when DR is going to ship this is going to horrible. I am paying for 1 day but that could be who knows when. At least I have the guide coming from Amazon Tuesday. Can't wait to dig in.

Yeah I know. I got 2-day. But that doesn't mean a whole lot if they sit on them. =l

I'm also contemplating getting the guide. I probably won't use it a lot until I've beaten the story but I dunno. I'll scan over it. But it's one of my most anticipated games and it's been a long time since I've bought a guide for an RPG.
The anticipation this week of actually when DR is going to ship this is going to horrible. I am paying for 1 day but that could be who knows when. At least I have the guide coming from Amazon Tuesday. Can't wait to dig in.

that's why you buy the digital version in the mean time lol.


It's possible. It's very much a traditional JRPG, though. The aesthetics, the music, and writing are all tremendous, but I dunno if people who dislike the genre will be able to look past the fact that the feel and structure is as Japanese RPG as it gets.
That'd probably depend on why people dislike the genre, as you do see a lot of people who really liked the 16-bit FFs but profess they hate JRPGs now. Maybe they'd be more open to something like this.


Junior Member
It's possible. It's very much a traditional JRPG, though. The aesthetics, the music, and writing are all tremendous, but I dunno if people who dislike the genre will be able to look past the fact that the feel and structure is as Japanese RPG as it gets.

Even Persona however is classic JRPG-as-fuck when you get down to the core gameplay mechanisms. The only things that set it apart are the amount of time spent on social links and the fact that it has actual well-written characters. Otherwise its core actually isn't incredibly different from 8 and 16-bit JRPGs.

I think if Ni No Kuni's gameplay is praised for any reason, it'll be for the game being representative of JRPGs before they got caught up in emo bullshit.


I find Persona's main draw are the very well written characters (also well designed) along with that entire "cool" vibe that the series has given off since P3. The gameplay isn't really anything to write home about imo, but the interactions between the main cast members along with the Social Link characters make the game more than 'just a standard RPG'. It also sort of brings in those visual novel-esque elements that most people in the West aren't used to during the Social Links and integrates them pretty well.


Personally, I think Persona 4 is an absolute blast to play, as a dungeon crawler I love it, especially on cranked difficulty. There's very little that it mechanically doesn't do near perfectly for it's setup and my tastes, it's a very finely tuned game, pure polish. Anything past the core crawling is a very distant second as the whole high school anime angle never interests me much, even when it's properly done.

I've seen the sentiment several times, and I've never understand when people say the gameplay isn't great in it, but then again I rarely seem to agree with many JRPG fans around nowadays, despite having been playing the things for like 22 years. Last time on GAF specificly I really felt like I saw eye to eye with any sizable portion of the JRPG crowd was before we switched boards way back in the day, so it's been awhile :lol


Junior Member
I find Persona's main draw are the very well written characters (also well designed) along with that entire "cool" vibe that the series has given off since P3. The gameplay isn't really anything to write home about imo, but the interactions between the main cast members along with the Social Link characters make the game more than 'just a standard RPG'. It also sort of brings in those visual novel-esque elements that most people in the West aren't used to during the Social Links and integrates them pretty well.

Strangely enough, this also pretty much exactly describes my experience with BioWare games (the ones I've played anyway). It's like they're the western equivalent of visual novel-style writing.


Never understand when people say the gameplay isn't great in it, but then again I rarely seem to agree with most JRPG fans nowadays, despite having been playing the things for like 22 years. Last time on GAF I really felt like I saw eye to eye with any portion of the JRPG crowd was before we switched boards way back in the day, so it's been awhile :lol

It's not horrible, but don't you agree that most people who are head over heels over the latest entries in the Persona series aren't really in it for the gameplay?


It's not horrible, but don't you agree that most people who are head over heels over the latest entries in the Persona series aren't really in it for the gameplay?

Honestly, I don't think a sizable chunk of modern JRPG fans are in it for the gameplay in general. Japanese games that go outside of the large, lush, traditional setup have always been a bit ostracized in a way WRPGs and their deviants are not (dungeon crawlers, rogue-likes, general offbeat acceptance, etc), but it's been even worse lately. I mean, that's always been a thing, it's not just now, I just think over the past generation and a bit of the climate change it's amplified even further, which is odd to me because considering how entertainment evolved and accessibility of certain things rose, I figured it'd go the other direction, with people less reliant on video games for their dosage of anime tropes.

Persona 4 is a very fun dungeon crawler, but it being that (a randomized dungeon crawler) is automatically off putting to a lot of genre fans, no matter how well it's done. I wouldn't find it surprising if a lot of people just want it turned into some high-school VN. I think part of the success the game finds, even in it's niche setup, is the success it finds on both fronts. I don't think it's a sum of it's parts game at all, I think it's just a really well done game from all angles that will attract multiple fanbases.

I just happen to think one of thoe fanbases is a bit crazy. :p I mean I dig on the occasional VN/adventure game, but really now.


It's not horrible, but don't you agree that most people who are head over heels over the latest entries in the Persona series aren't really in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay can be factor, though the game blurs the lines to an extent: your advancing relationships outside of the dungeon increases your ability to complete those dungeons well. Actually, I guess it's more than the sum of its parts, similar to games like Actraiser that if you broke them down the individual parts (especially the sim aspect) could be mediocre.


So my local EB still says 25th for Australia, is he an idiot, or is that right?

I want it to be 25th, that way I could play through the long weekend =\



Nah, its all good. I have a new Vita to occupy me, just craving me some Ni No Kuni goodness!

Its the same store who argued with me, saying that mass effect 2 is not coming to ps3, when it was already announced. I asked him to atleast look it up, and lo and behold, it was even in their system.

Figured I'd ask anywho, just in case!


Oooh, also, PSN says 25th, which is why I thought there might be some hope!

Obviously sony just hasnt fixed the write up to reflect the delay

EDIT: Sorry double post! Too excited


Didn't preorder - I hope GS ordered enough copies. I'm sure that's just something they say to mess with you.
That depends on how big the game is and where you live I think: obviously it's stupid to ONLY order enough Halo copies, but for something like Etrian Odyssey they might not ship more than the pre-ordered amount unless you live in an area where they feel it's worth stocking anyway, and this is a somewhat blurry case. I think if 20+ preordered at some places though this is probably a game they'd have extras of, and failing that it's probably got better odds of being at Best Buy or wherever.


Even Persona however is classic JRPG-as-fuck when you get down to the core gameplay mechanisms. The only things that set it apart are the amount of time spent on social links and the fact that it has actual well-written characters. Otherwise its core actually isn't incredibly different from 8 and 16-bit JRPGs.

I think if Ni No Kuni's gameplay is praised for any reason, it'll be for the game being representative of JRPGs before they got caught up in emo bullshit.

Well, yes, Persona 4 is still a turn-based RPG with lots of random battles, but its structure is totally different than any other JRPG. It's based on time, not space. So for people who are sick of the typical JRPG "let's go on an adventure and fetch things by traveling across the world and fixing things in every city and buying new equipment as we go" structure, Ni no Kuni might not be very appealing.

But if you do like JRPGs, you're in for a treat. I'm about 8-9 hours in and I'm loving every second.


I can almost see a Phoenix Wright/999 effect happening to Ni no Kuni. We'll only know for sure next week when people head to stores to try and buy copies. Kind of hoping that it does happen just so another pressing happens, lol.
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