Crash Station
So where are you not supposed to save again? About to start it and didn't want to go digging through the thread.
So where are you not supposed to save again? About to start it and didn't want to go digging through the thread.
So is this a super "missables" old school type of RPG where if you don't follow a guide you are going to be screwed? Or can I just jump in blind and free and not have to worry about missing out on X weapon because I didn't trek back to Y town to randomly talk to Z old man?
they say the wand quest. where you go find your first wand.
And you're not supposed to save at any point, or just certain points?
So where are you not supposed to save again? About to start it and didn't want to go digging through the thread.
The bowl is packed, a beer is in hand, the pizza is on the way and the game is installing.
Life is good.
And you're not supposed to save at any point, or just certain points?
"Whoa, @Yousif_Alshaker apparently had the *exact* same issue: don't save at the beginning of the wand quest!"
"So I guess you should keep multiple saves when you play Ni no Kuni because mine got corrupted in first 45 minutes."
"Managed to repeat the error on Ni No Kuni. Do not save immediately after looking for a wand. @HollieB"
I like this man.
edit: wait...did you work out today?
well, didnt reserve and it looks like only 2 best buys have it in stock near me. I will go and if they have it, i will buy it.... If not, well Ill get it later... Do you guys think I should go with Ni no kuni or xenoblade or the last story if you could only have one?
It's truly depressing what this game has managed to do for me in its first hour than what FFXIII failed to do during its entire duration, and how fucking shitty FFXIII's writers are.
*For the love of god do not highlight this unless you are a few hours into the game, just to be on the safe side.
FFXIII tells us that moms are tough.
Ni No Kuni shows us that moms are tough.
The death of a woman with about a minute's worth of screen time managed to elicit real emotion out of me due to her actions and the reaction of other characters. Maybe a lot of people started the game knowing she dies as its been out for a while, but I didn't, and I was genuinely surprised.
Yay for great storytelling and yay for staying spoiler free. This game is amazing and shows the true colors of great jRPG's.
If anyone wants some nifty Drippy avatars... ;D
Love this dude.
Motorville immediately reminded me of Podunk in Secret of Evermore. And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P
Just bite the bullet Figsy.
And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P
Can anyone tell me where the last kid is for the hide and seek quest? spoiler tag it if you must. I've been all over this town and can't find him/her.
Among its other problems, FFXIII felt like it was dropping you into the middle of a story, and not the beginning. I complain a lot about how Assassin's Creed III does like the worst job I've ever seen a game do in recapping previous games, seeing as how I played all of them and still had no idea what had happened to everyone at the beginning of ACIII, but FFXIII basically did the same thing without three games of context.
There was one inside a shop and also one up a circular step. Those 2 were the ones i had trouble with. Don't know which one you've found.
Finish Persona 4. You'll need a game like Ni No Kuni to cheer you up after the withdrawal from no more P4 sets in.
haha, its is true about the post partum personna 4 thing.
Those are the ones I found. lol. Wheres the last one?
Anyone recieved the Amazon Promo code? Need the Griffridgerator so I can wreck some pocket sized monsters!
And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P
My local EBGames had 30 pre-orders... is that a good sign for such a game? (for reference, the chick told me BLOPS2 got 300)
My local EBGames had 30 pre-orders... is that a good sign for such a game? (for reference, the chick told me BLOPS2 got 300)