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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch |OT|


So is this a super "missables" old school type of RPG where if you don't follow a guide you are going to be screwed? Or can I just jump in blind and free and not have to worry about missing out on X weapon because I didn't trek back to Y town to randomly talk to Z old man?

From what I've read, nothing is permanently missable, although at one point in the story some enemies do show up [for a limited time] and if you don't battle them, they won't be added/listed in your Beastiary. Other than that, nothing can be missed.

The story event for the [potential] missable Beastiary information is:
when the town is turned/overrun with zombies.


I'm loving the combat. The defense/evade system is pretty good but can be twitchy at times and require some pretty good reflects. After awhile you kind of get use to canceling out of attack into defense. If you are fighting boss with strong attack you got to be careful with long casting attack though cause it doesn't seem like you can cancel out of those.
It gets pretty hectic though when you get your 2nd party member. My only gripe is that the AI controlled character aren't very good at blocking strong attacks. You can set several tactics for them but I wish there was afew more options like conserve mana etc.
If anyone has figured out what the blue colored damage text above enemy's head is let us know. I'm unsure if it was mentioned in any tutorial but I can't seem to find any info on it.
I've had the game for afew days and have already clocked 18 hours. This game just oozes charm. And wow that soundtrack.
So where are you not supposed to save again? About to start it and didn't want to go digging through the thread.

Woah woah, yikes. Someone fill us in again!

Sidenote: The guide is beautiful. Flipping through it now - a feature they have that I love is the "suggested level" for each area. Always lets me know if I'm under/over leveled. Handy to have.


war of titties grampa
well, didnt reserve and it looks like only 2 best buys have it in stock near me. I will go and if they have it, i will buy it.... If not, well Ill get it later... Do you guys think I should go with Ni no kuni or xenoblade or the last story if you could only have one?


And you're not supposed to save at any point, or just certain points?

Just don't save at all during that wand quest at all. (before/after/during whatever)

If you do manage to get the "oops I reloaded my save and I'm stuck in the wall" error... skip the cutscenes in the beginning and get to the same spot in like 5 minutes tops.


"Whoa, @Yousif_Alshaker apparently had the *exact* same issue: don't save at the beginning of the wand quest!"

"So I guess you should keep multiple saves when you play Ni no Kuni because mine got corrupted in first 45 minutes."

"Managed to repeat the error on Ni No Kuni. Do not save immediately after looking for a wand. @HollieB pic.twitter.com/h5pON1Zr"
It's truly depressing what this game has managed to do for me in its first hour than what FFXIII failed to do during its entire duration, and how fucking shitty FFXIII's writers are.

*For the love of god do not highlight this unless you are a few hours into the game, just to be on the safe side.

FFXIII tells us that moms are tough.
Ni No Kuni shows us that moms are tough.

The death of a woman with about a minute's worth of screen time managed to elicit real emotion out of me due to her actions and the reaction of other characters. Maybe a lot of people started the game knowing she dies as its been out for a while, but I didn't, and I was genuinely surprised.

Yay for great storytelling and yay for staying spoiler free. This game is amazing and shows the true colors of great jRPG's.


Man, this game is addicting. 6 hours in, still in the first area. lol. This game is big. If you don't like to read, then it might be a problem. Sure its voiced, but not all of it. Still lots of text to read. I don't mind.


If anyone wants some nifty Drippy avatars... ;D


Love this dude.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Just got home from work to start this baby. It's quite interesting seeing the differences in the intro of this version as compared to the original DS game. PS3 version has allusions to dark forces in the beginning where the DS original did not.
well, didnt reserve and it looks like only 2 best buys have it in stock near me. I will go and if they have it, i will buy it.... If not, well Ill get it later... Do you guys think I should go with Ni no kuni or xenoblade or the last story if you could only have one?

I didn't like either Xenoblade or Last Story, so I say go with this.
It's truly depressing what this game has managed to do for me in its first hour than what FFXIII failed to do during its entire duration, and how fucking shitty FFXIII's writers are.

*For the love of god do not highlight this unless you are a few hours into the game, just to be on the safe side.

FFXIII tells us that moms are tough.
Ni No Kuni shows us that moms are tough.

The death of a woman with about a minute's worth of screen time managed to elicit real emotion out of me due to her actions and the reaction of other characters. Maybe a lot of people started the game knowing she dies as its been out for a while, but I didn't, and I was genuinely surprised.

Yay for great storytelling and yay for staying spoiler free. This game is amazing and shows the true colors of great jRPG's.

Among its other problems, FFXIII felt like it was dropping you into the middle of a story, and not the beginning. I complain a lot about how Assassin's Creed III does like the worst job I've ever seen a game do in recapping previous games, seeing as how I played all of them and still had no idea what had happened to everyone at the beginning of ACIII, but FFXIII basically did the same thing without three games of context.

Also, just in the first few bits, absolutely love the writing:

Oliver telling Drippy "no" when asked to save his world.
Drippy cheerfully saying Oliver is accepting for all the wrong reasons when he says he'll go to save his mom.


Motorville immediately reminded me of Podunk in Secret of Evermore. And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P


Can anyone tell me where the last kid is for the hide and seek quest? spoiler tag it if you must. I've been all over this town and can't find him/her.


I'm very impressed at how much work they put into the Wizard's companion. Actually a little jealous of people that got the Wizard's Edition. I have a feeling that alchemy might be a little easier with a physical copy to look at.
Motorville immediately reminded me of Podunk in Secret of Evermore. And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P

That settles it, I have an early contender for my 2013 GOTY and I haven't even played the full game yet.


Aftershock LA
Just bite the bullet Figsy.

Yeah, I'm sure I will. Just one more hour to go before I'm off work and can check the Target. If Target doesn't have it, hopefully Gamestop hasn't sold out by the time I get there. Although, in a funny way, I'm actually heartened by some of the reports of stores selling out of their copies. Anecdotal, I know, but I'm just glad we're not the only people interested in this game.

The guy at Target had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him if they had this PS3 game called "Nino Kooney." Looking forward to it, even though I should probably wait until next week, but I'm jonsing for a charming and classic style JRPG that isn't sprite based.


Can anyone tell me where the last kid is for the hide and seek quest? spoiler tag it if you must. I've been all over this town and can't find him/her.

There was one inside a shop and also one up a circular step. Those 2 were the ones i had trouble with. Don't know which one you've found.
Among its other problems, FFXIII felt like it was dropping you into the middle of a story, and not the beginning. I complain a lot about how Assassin's Creed III does like the worst job I've ever seen a game do in recapping previous games, seeing as how I played all of them and still had no idea what had happened to everyone at the beginning of ACIII, but FFXIII basically did the same thing without three games of context.

Good writing makes all the difference. I get it, games are long and a lot of work and writing goes into them, but during story highlight moments and when the story is trying to get an emotional reaction out of its audience, it needs to be firing on all pistons. Every written line in NNK isn't some masterpiece of writing, but the storytelling, characterization, and dialogue is satisfactory and that gives it its emotional resonance as well.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Restarted the game, this time with English langauge.

I'd have to give the English dub the go here. There's more character to it.


Anyone recieved the Amazon Promo code? Need the Griffridgerator so I can wreck some pocket sized monsters!

They sent them out last night so check your Spam just in case you don't have it in your main inbox. It should say "Your Amazon.com Promotional Code" or something. It may not be sent until later today though.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Motorville kinda reminds me of Earthbound in 3D actually.
And whoever said that the time period was something out of the 70s or 80's is smoking some shit. It's clearly inspired by those quaint little all American post WWII towns of the 50's =P

I also said this too. I'm terrible with history so you can't blame me on thinking this :(


My local EBGames had 30 pre-orders... is that a good sign for such a game? (for reference, the chick told me BLOPS2 got 300)


come in my shame circle
Glad I read this thread. Guess I won't save during this wand quest thingy.

Or at least I'll keep a backup save.


My local EBGames had 30 pre-orders... is that a good sign for such a game? (for reference, the chick told me BLOPS2 got 300)

It'll do fine. A lot of my friends are purchasing the game, even ones who mostly play on the 360. Maybe it'll be the Demon Souls of 2013
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