Hey guys, hanving some trouble. I'm trying to do the sidequest where you have toI got the one in the shop, and on the tower, where's the last one??find that lady's kids
Has everybody who ordered from Amazon gotten the pre-order DLC yet? I want my griffin!
Combat is getting so bizarre I feel like I'm not grasping 25-50% of the mechanics fully
Does anyone know how and why tactics settings sometimes stick and sometimes don't? I'll tell my companion to not use any abilities, and she won't for several battles. Other times, I'll tell her to not use abilities, and the next battle she is set to use abilities again.
It seems it would be pretty hard to pull off a "sleep" spell in this without constantly juggling tactics because you don't want your partner to ever attack the sleeped mob. First you have to select your main guy, put him in battle, select "tactics" , select "do nothing" for you partner, go back to battle, select sleep-casting familiar, cast sleep, select your main guy, put him in battle, select "tactics", then select "attack same target as me" for your partner.
That's just crazy. Unless there is a better way?
Played for about six hours last night (finished everything in Ding Dong) and love it. As is the common opinion, the art and music are absolutely glorious.
I still don't feel like I'm understanding combat completely though. I'm trying to play it like a Tales game, but it feels like it's more a war of attrition of "I'll stand still and you stand still and we'll whack each other until someone dies." I especially don't understand the point of the second familiar you get because he seemed absolutely worthless until leveled up to around 7.
I'll spoiler the continuing question just in case (end of Ding Dong stuff):I get that you're supposed to use Psyche Up - Go Wild to interrupt major attacks, but there never seems to be enough time to pull it off. I ended up beating that mouse boss just by running around in a circle along the arena edge, throwing out the first familiar, healing, repeat.
I'm embarrassed even admitting any of this confusion because it shouldn't be a problem. I just want to be sure I'm getting everything out of the game tactics-wise.
I still don't feel like I'm understanding combat completely though. I'm trying to play it like a Tales game, but it feels like it's more a war of attrition of "I'll stand still and you stand still and we'll whack each other until someone dies." I especially don't understand the point of the second familiar you get because he seemed absolutely worthless until leveled up to around 7.
i think 2 copies for any target is the number. that's how many i had too. lol.
Has anyone gotten far enough in the game to learn to hit SQUARE in battle to perform "All-Out Defense" ?
This is outlined in the game manual... and there is debate of if it is even possible. Was it possible in the 2nd segment of the demo, where you have multiple party members?
Yeah, it sucks! My boss and my co-worker also failed at securing their copy yesterday as well. All the stores they went to were sold out as well.
I'm hoping Amazon will have my order by tomorrow, since it's "Shipping Soon," but I'm expecting Friday. I started playing Rogue Galaxy on my PS3 to get my Level 5 fix in the mean time. Lol.
The second familiar hits harder against creatures that are the same element as he is. Also, his "psych-up" ability is pretty awesome against slower attacking enemy types, as he unleashes a constant barrage of attacks.
The general rule is - pair familiars against enemies that share their element. Some familiars you get are slow and have bad melee skills. Throw these guys in to cast a spell, then pull them out right after casting and put a melee familiar in to finish off the enemy. I'm pretty sure that the same-element advantage applies to spells as well.
How so?
There is onein the town square area.
Combat is getting so bizarre I feel like I'm not grasping 25-50% of the mechanics fully.
Thanks! Just beat the first boss. Oliver's fire spell is OP.
When can you start evolving your familiars? Mine are about level 15 and I'm in the desert area.
The general rule is - pair familiars against enemies that share their element. Some familiars you get are slow and have bad melee skills. Throw these guys in to cast a spell, then pull them out right after casting and put a melee familiar in to finish off the enemy. I'm pretty sure that the same-element advantage applies to spells as well.
Cheapest seems to be Amazon, at 36 GBP, which seems strange (usually at least one out of the various online retailers is cheaper).Ok I'm sold. Cheapest place to pick this up/pre-order in the UK?
Ok I'm sold. Cheapest place to pick this up/pre-order in the UK?
K, so pit same element vs. same element? I was confused by this, cuz in another Level 5 masterpiece, Jeanne D'Arc, it's more like Rock Paper Scissors, certain elements are more effective against others etc.
How many familiar are there for Oliver?
I'm pretty sure this is what the tutorial taught me, and seems to have been working so far. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
There are also a bunch of "damage type affinities" under the familiar's status screen. It shows like 6 elements, with either a blank, check mark or cross over the box next to it. What do these mean?
I'm pretty sure this is what the tutorial taught me, and seems to have been working so far. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
There are also a bunch of "damage type affinities" under the familiar's status screen. It shows like 6 elements, with either a blank, check mark or cross over the box next to it. What do these mean?
Posted my thoughts above on the Familiar 'types'. As for the 6 elements, a check mark means that familiar is resistant to that element while a cross means they are susceptible to it. Dashes are just normal I guess. I got this from the manual and the Book dude.
I heard like 300+. Though I haven't been getting any, save the ones you get from story. I guess capturing is told in the story? Dunno.
Huh I know nothing about this game.
Is it a solid RPG? (like what Final Fantasy used to be)
Also kinda surprised they left the title untranslated.
Do people know what Ni no Kuni actually means or how to pronounce it?
I think it's "The Other World" or something like that.
:OI woke up this morning wanting to start the game, but it turned out that the 16GB file downloaded last night was corrupted. So I downloaded it again this morning and it's installing now. Fingers crossed that nothing went wrong this time, because I just downloaded 32GB in less than 24 hours. (._. )
i had like an hour or so this morning to start the game. had to let it download and install overnight. played up to the demo part and saved it. got multiple save files just in case the others crap out. kinda want to start over so i can enjoy the beginning but tonight is American Idol night D:.
you have to be there to understand.wtf is this shit?
Are people playing the American dub or the Japanese? I am thinking of going with the American voices so my girlfriend can listen while she does other things but I am curious on how good the dub is.
It's become clear to me that I need to get a guide. These side quests are killing me.
It's become clear to me that I need to get a guide. These side quests are killing me.
Now i am scared i already downloaded the small 6gb one (took me 14 hours D: ) and on 2% lol of the 16 gb one, this will take forever, if i get a corrupted file i will cry![]()
Does the game have the JP VA?
Is the game grindy?