Can anyone explain 'counter-attacking'? Mr. Drippy gave me a run down inbut I have no idea how to put that into practice.Golden Grove
Enemies were running from me at that point in Ding Dong Dell, nearly got wiped 2 battles into the desert area.
Hit attack when it turns blue?
When what turns blue? The attack command? It doesn't seem to do it when I tried to wait and see. :[
edit: nevermind I think I've got it, window seems really short though
Does anyone else find the idea that everyone in the =world carries around a stamp for when people run errands for them amazingly dopey and great?
Don't know if this has been talked about yet, but I got this in an email from Prima:
It's the last bit that worries me. Can I really not use Hurly with my PAL game? I bought the guide for Hurly from a UK based shop too (Book Depositary UK).
Man, this game nearly gave me a heart attack... Thought I lost two and a half hours of work... butI can handle that.thankfully there is a continue feature that just costs you 10% of your money.
Only 10%? Well, I guess that's not bad. I remember you lost some money in Earthbound if you "died" in battle. But if you deposited all your money and carried none of it with you, you literally had no penalties really.
If all you want is the game and you're in no rush, wait for the digital edition to go on sale. One of the positive benefits of digital versions is that you'll always* be able to get hold of them.I wish I heard of this game before it came out.things like thus bit hard to get.
If all you want is the game and you're in no rush, wait for the digital edition to go on sale. One of the positive benefits of digital versions is that you'll always* be able to get hold of them.
* I know this isn't quite accurate.
It's also cheaper. I saw a thread at CAG saying it was $55, which factoring tax, is $10 less than I paid.
I just did the first reading comprehension quiz and I'm pissed. First of all, you have to type in the answer character by character. Second of all, you have to type it in specifically how they want it phrased. And worst, the answer they wanted for this particular question was wrong.The third SMALLEST is the lion, but the answer they wanted was the west dragon, the third LARGEST
Played for 7 hours straight... I haven't done that since I played Minecraft for the first time back in the alpha state days.
The game is truly amazing.
Holy smokes this game is great! I got to the cat king and did that quest but I have to be up early tomorrow.
As someone said, this feels like the first real jrpg on HD consoles. Maybe I'm wrong and missed some but this is where I imagined jrpgs going in the future. Great looking, lots of side quests, stat tracking for monsters killed, Pokemon style creature helpers, etc etc. a lot of little things that I love to see
Can't say the story is too cookie cutter tbh. Not like you're some outlaw who plays by his own rules but god dammit gets the job done. I like the story, characters and world so far. The Cthulhu looking villain is cool although I've only seen the portrait from early in the game
If you like jrpgs or want to experience one for the first time in a long time then you won't be disappointed
Man, this game nearly gave me a heart attack... Thought I lost two and a half hours of work... butI can handle that.thankfully there is a continue feature that just costs you 10% of your money.
Just wanted to say this is the most magical gaming experience I have had since Chrono Trigger. This game just has that indescribable something about it that makes you feel pure joy.
Buy this game.
drippy makes me think of yangus
So he's just talking crap and this game doesn't have excessive amounts of grinding?
I don't really know the guy that well, except from his decent Jimquisition videos, so I don't know the general consensus here regarding his work. If he is wrong, please let me know, because I'm incredibly curious about this game.
#1 on Amazon UK now:
Has anyone gotten far enough in the game to learn to hit SQUARE in battle to perform "All-Out Defense" ?
This is outlined in the game manual... and there is debate of if it is even possible. Was it possible in the 2nd segment of the demo, where you have multiple party members?