Niantic on Pokemon GO – Masuda and Miyamoto’s involvement, regular updates planned...


Nintendo is receiving a disproportiate amount of credit by the press, but to disqualify their involvement is ridiculous.

Did you read the article? He is "aware of the game". How can you call that involvement?
Even John Hanke hesitates to say more than what actually is true about Nintendo's involvement because he knows they weren't contributing much in terms of the development.

Game Freaks, however, seem to be far more involved as Masuda gave a ton of feedback on a frequent basis.


Interviewer just ruins this guy's day accidentally

There are a toooon of things throughout the game that would need fixing. Like, I drove around town for 20 minutes or so tonight and couldn't get that starmie any less than three footprints, no matter where I went. Some sort of directional indicator would be nice.


As others have said PVP and trading are things that need to come eventually.

But they need to really take their time with it, don't want trading to trivialize the rest of the game. Would prefer it if you could only pvp or trade in person and not over the internet.

Also how the battle system should work for pvp, if they should keep it the same, or go something similar to the actual RPG games.
I think the simple nature really helps with the casual players.

Then there is other mechanics like PVE vs wild pokemon.
But if that is implemented it should only happen against very rare pokemon you have to weaken before you capture, having to battle every single pokemon you capture would make the game a chore, so they were right to leave that aspect out.


I think not having trading at release was a smart move. Right now there isn't much more to do other than catch them all, trading would of trivialized that greatly. Once there's more 'mons, shinys etc then trading will be nice.
i feel they don't want to step on the "real" pokemon games' toes just yet, even though this is printing them much more money than any 3DS game ever will :D


Junior Member
the only thing i dont want is PVP. thats wbat Pokemon is for. keep battling at gyms to emphasize having to congregate in certain areas. unless they make PVP only playsble at pokestops, that woukd be cool. if they make pvp a thing that you can do in your house or at your fruends house etc.., the whole concept of going out into the world, socializing etc.. will be lost imo


Make an update where you get five pokeballs for every 1km you walk. An incence for every 10. Maybe like five candies of a favorited Pokemon of yours. Stuff like this would be incredible.


They should have asked him why pokemons more og less only are in the big cities when a lot of ppl. Live in the countryside. And that pokemon always have been about catching them in the wild and tall grass.


I hope they stay true to the core of the game and require people to be in close proximity in order to trade at all times.

No sending Pokemon, no online battling, none of that auction hall marketplace bullshit. Get people out there if they want to trade or battle.


I hope they stay true to the core of the game and require people to be in close proximity in order to trade at all times.

No sending Pokemon, no online battling, none of that auction hall marketplace bullshit. Get people out there if they want to trade or battle.

Yes, they should be as social as they possibly can. The online trading in X and Y really killed the whole idea of social trading back with the blue and red days.

They should even make it so that you can ambush trainers by standing still for a minute to register yourself, then if it detects a player nearby, you have to walk up to them and force them into a Pokemon battle they can't decline. Make NPC trainers into real life!


I dont want ANY new features

I want server stability and patches to the app to make it run without freezes/hard locks.

Playing last night I had to force close and restart like 15 times because it ALWAYS freezes during the pokeball catch animation

Fix that shit, then we can talk features
That's a common request of all MMOs, and most games. Ideally, yeah, they'd fix everything so it's 100% bug-free, and only THEN add new features. Unfortunately I don't think it's that simple. Especially as they probably want as many new features that happen to be linked to spending real money as possible to keep the shareholders and CEOs happy.

Caught a Meowth last night! So that's cool.


That's a common request of all MMOs, and most games. Ideally, yeah, they'd fix everything so it's 100% bug-free, and only THEN add new features. Unfortunately I don't think it's that simple. Especially as they probably want as many new features that happen to be linked to spending real money as possible to keep the shareholders and CEOs happy.

Caught a Meowth last night! So that's cool.

Niantic is a private company, so they have no one to answer to except fans.
I dont want ANY new features

I want server stability and patches to the app to make it run without freezes/hard locks.

Playing last night I had to force close and restart like 15 times because it ALWAYS freezes during the pokeball catch animation

Fix that shit, then we can talk features

And they should consider some semblance of game balance before indulging in competitive PvP. Right now people (and whales!) who live in large cities have a huge step up over everyone else.


Didn't you just copy the whole Interview? That's not really cool man, why would anyone click in the link you posted now? :/


I really enjoy the app a lot more than I thought I would. It's a very solid start, with regular updates and more Pokemon continually added I can see this being a great game that lasts a long time.



Seeing as both Google and Nintendo invested money into the company to make PoGo happen I dont think this is true

You're right, but they probably already made back their 20 million investment already, if not, very soon.
Puzzles and Dragons was making 4.5 million a day at one point for reference.


Mad salt on display here. Guess that's what happens when the rival product made more money in a week than yours in its entire lifetime.
True. Not just that tweet though, but also some of the Twitter replies seems kinda salty too (trying to come up with insulting-type replies) hehe. Kinda silly tweet to begin with though, as in no one claimed to be the first AR game that uses geo location.

Speaking of that game, was there another AR game like that on the Vita? I remember trying a demo a few years ago that showed where you could catch monsters using GPS, but i cant remember the title.


Unconfirmed Member
I think not having trading at release was a smart move. Right now there isn't much more to do other than catch them all, trading would of trivialized that greatly. Once there's more 'mons, shinys etc then trading will be nice.
Shinies? Oh no! This year I spent over 100 hours looking for a shiny Ho-Oh in Omega Ruby, I don't want to think about how much I'd have to walk in order to find one in Go :(


You're right, but they probably already made back their 20 million investment already, if not, very soon.
Puzzles and Dragons was making 4.5 million a day at one point for reference.

The game's not even out in Japan yet. The game's also getting all the free press in the world right now. So...yeah, it'd be a wise investment to buy Niantic, or at least a share in them.


Niantic are getting a lot of heat, but has a MMO ever blown up this quickly before? Pleased to hear they're going to be adding new features on a regular basis. Can't wait for trades.


Shinies? Oh no! This year I spent over 100 hours looking for a shiny Ho-Oh in Omega Ruby, I don't want to think about how much I'd have to walk in order to find one in Go :(

my current vision is they're going to have one ho-oh and that fucker is gonna be at the summit of mt fuji


So Nintendo involvement was just licensing them the IP and giving some feedback.
That's a bit disappointing, honestly.

I don't think that's what the article says at all. Nintendo's development teams haven't had a lot of input, but why would they? It sounds like the key figures in The Pokemon Company and Game Freak have been heavily involved from the beginning. Also consider that together with Google, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo have invested $20 million in Niantic.


Miyamoto isn't the only employee at Nintendo. He isn't even the Nintendo Pokemon side producer. Nintendo is literally developing a companion app called Pokemon Plus Go. They are involved in the production and development, hence Nintendo logo in the unveil trailer.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I dont want ANY new features

I want server stability and patches to the app to make it run without freezes/hard locks.

Playing last night I had to force close and restart like 15 times because it ALWAYS freezes during the pokeball catch animation

Fix that shit, then we can talk features


If I see a new feature and I still can't catch pokemon consistently I'm gonna be upset. Just today I've had to restart 5+ times.


Despite how huge of a hit this game is i havent actually tried using it outside yet and the stability truely is awful.

Oh and no gen 2 pokemon yet means its crap cause thats my favorite gen.
I honestly dont see why they can just have tradition pokemon battles

as long as its relatively fast

Also trainer vs trainer etc


Did you read the article? He is "aware of the game". How can you call that involvement?
Even John Hanke hesitates to say more than what actually is true about Nintendo's involvement because he knows they weren't contributing much in terms of the development.

Game Freaks, however, seem to be far more involved as Masuda gave a ton of feedback on a frequent basis.
"Yeah I gotta be here because im in charge and on some technological level this interests me. But Pokemon company basically runs itself and makes more money than we do at normal nintendo so odds are this is going to be fine.
Tbh i use these visits to your office as free vacations, where I go out in the streets and explain to be how they are playing star fox zero wrong.
Then i am promptly reminded no one knows what that game is, or what a wii u and feel sad."


No no, that doesn't fit the narrative that Nintendo has nothing to do with the success of Pokemon Go, therefore, they should go third party or something.

Finally getting my new phone today, I can't wait to play.

Maybe you should better buy a Nintendo console. It would be more fun than playing it on other consoles


Unconfirmed Member
my current vision is they're going to have one ho-oh and that fucker is gonna be at the summit of mt fuji
Awesome! I have an ice cream shop called Mt. Fuji 2 blocks away from home. If Ho-Oh is that close, this is gonna be easy.


Junior Member
I'll probably start playing this game when I get a new phone with an actual battery that can survive and afternoon of this game.

Nice to hear they know they have a long way to go, and bi-weekly updates sounds nice in theory.
No no, that doesn't fit the narrative that Nintendo has nothing to do with the success of Pokemon Go, therefore, they should go third party or something.

Finally getting my new phone today, I can't wait to play.
Did you even read the interview before trying to be smug? It actually seems this interview highlights Nintendo's lack of involvement.

Most if not all praise should be directed at Niantic for getting this deal and doing all the leg work.


So Nintendo didn't come up with the concept, had to be approached with the idea by the studio, and was not responsible for its development. This despite several Nintendo key figures playing and loving Ingress.

People suggesting Nintendo has the vision to create a successful NX should think about that. They have had no vision at all with Pokemon Go, beyond putting up some capital and allowing permission to use the IP.

In a funny way, this could be a HUGE wake up call to the way the company approaches mobile and its development process in general.
So Nintendo didn't come up with the concept, had to be approached with the idea by the studio, and was not responsible for its development. This despite several Nintendo key figures playing and loving Ingress.

People suggesting Nintendo has the vision to create a successful NX should think about that. They have had no vision at all with Pokemon Go, beyond putting up some capital and allowing permission to use the IP.

In a funny way, this could be a HUGE wake up call to the way the company approaches mobile and its development process in general.
Which key Nintendo figures played and loved Ingress? The interview only mentioned a few people at The Pokemon Company as being fans of the game, nobody at Nintendo.


Did you even read the interview before trying to be smug? It actually seems this interview highlights Nintendo's lack of involvement.

Most if not all praise should be directed at Niantic for getting this deal and doing all the leg work.

So Nintendo didn't come up with the concept, had to be approached with the idea by the studio, and was not responsible for its development. This despite several Nintendo key figures playing and loving Ingress.

People suggesting Nintendo has the vision to create a successful NX should think about that. They have had no vision at all with Pokemon Go, beyond putting up some capital and allowing permission to use the IP.

In a funny way, this could be a HUGE wake up call to the way the company approaches mobile and its development process in general.

Which key Nintendo figures played and loved Ingress? The interview only mentioned a few people at The Pokemon Company as being fans of the game, nobody at Nintendo.

Iwata was one of the major heads behind this project. Its strange that this interview didn't ask about it and instead focused on Miyamoto, but that hardly changes the reality of it. He may have passed and they may have avoided talking about him so near the anniversary of his death but he was a key figure in this game coming together at all.

The second of the quotes is especially funny in this context.


So Nintendo didn't come up with the concept, had to be approached with the idea by the studio, and was not responsible for its development. This despite several Nintendo key figures playing and loving Ingress.

People suggesting Nintendo has the vision to create a successful NX should think about that. They have had no vision at all with Pokemon Go, beyond putting up some capital and allowing permission to use the IP.

In a funny way, this could be a HUGE wake up call to the way the company approaches mobile and its development process in general.

I hope that you understand that the one who approved the project is Nintendo since they own the trademark ?

On the 2nd line, the following is mentioned - Pokémon, Pokémon character names, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Wii, and Wiiware are trademarks of Nintendo.

Which means Niantics would've never been able to put the Pokemon name on their game without Nintendo approuval. That mean at some point they met Iwata but the interviewer totaly skipped that question. Please use Google next time to get some culture.


Junior Member
Iwata was one of the major heads behind this project. Its strange that this interview didn't ask about it and instead focused on Miyamoto, but that hardly changes the reality of it. He may have passed and they may have avoided talking about him so near the anniversary of his death but he was a key figure in this game coming together at all.

The second of the quotes is especially funny in this context.
Oh yea, I've heard of Iwata's involvement in the past, and seems like a super missed opportunity by the interviewer to get details about. But maybe it is because of anniversary of his passing.

I just enjoy calling people out who clearly don't read.


I was about to start a new thread topic, but figured it might be in bad taste... so I'll just put it here. Discuss if desired: Edit: I see it was already discussed above in length. Sorry

Originally posted here:

Interview source:

Game Informer: How did Pokémon Go come about? Did The Pokémon Company come to you? Or did you bring a pitch to them and show them Ingress as a possible template?

Yeah, we went out and talked to them. So, we launched Ingress in 2012 – November 2012. Yeah, we’re growing that product and seeing it be a hit worldwide. And then in 2014 – I believe if that’s the right date – that year just keeps getting mixed up in my head, Google and The Pokémon Company did an April Fool’s joke around Google Maps, where Pokémon spontaneously appeared in Google Maps, which ended up being tremendously successful; it went viral. There’s a video about it that got umpteen million views. And so, within the Niantic team, we were thinking about, we built the game, it’s our intent to build a platform, what would be the next step towards growing the platform? And Pokémon was the idea that seemed incredibly obvious to us, given just the structure of the game, given the fact that it’s about chasing Pokémon and capturing Pokémon out in the real world seemed to be super natural to just substitute a mobile phone for the Pokémon and Pokédex. So we actually surfaced the idea with The Pokémon Company, there was interest, they were actually playing Ingress, and Mr. Ishihara, the CEO of the Pokémon company – I met him maybe a month later, and he was like a level 11 Ingress player, so he compulsively played. And his wife was a – and I guess they are still playing – his wife was a high-level Ingress agent as well. So, they’ve been playing together, then a lot of people in The Pokémon Company were Ingress players, so when we pitched this idea of a Pokémon-like game built on the concept that we’d built with Ingress it was very well-received. I mean, we both brought ideas, being the very obvious thing. And yeah, we started the project, and here we are.

I feel this gets swept under the rug, and a lot of people are congratulating Nintendo for doing this. But they didn't... Niantic did.

Some may feel this isn't really important to point out... but I feel it is important to at least discuss that one of Nintendo's potentially biggest success stories, and one which may directly reshape their future plans, came from the efforts of a 3rd party. That it was a vision which was not originally their own, and that it's not really a sign of Nintendo "getting with the times" as many are likely commenting even as I type this.

Discussed elsewhere, I'm sure, but this must be leading to a shakeup in Nintendo. Investors see what is happening, and I can't see how this can't directly affect plans for the NX. Why release a new piece of expensive hardware that can't play Pokemon Go? What would investors think of that? How would they allow it? etc.


Junior Member
I was about to start a new thread topic, but figured it might be in bad taste... so I'll just put it here. Discuss if desired: Edit: I see it was already discussed above in length. Sorry

Originally posted here:

Interview source:


I feel this gets swept under the rug, and a lot of people are congratulating Nintendo for doing this. But they didn't... Niantic did.

Some may feel this isn't really important to point out... but I feel it is important to at least discuss that one of Nintendo's potentially biggest success stories, and one which may directly reshape their future plans, came from the efforts of a 3rd party. That it was a vision which was not originally their own, and that it's not really a sign of Nintendo "getting with the times" as many are likely commenting even as I type this.

Discussed elsewhere, I'm sure, but this must be leading to a shakeup in Nintendo. Investors see what is happening, and I can't see how this can't directly affect plans for the NX. Why release a new piece of expensive hardware that can't play Pokemon Go? What would investors think of that? How would they allow it? etc.
Pokémon GO relies on being on a portable device. Hard to do that with a home console (& we still have those siesta quotes going against the single-device hybrid theory). Plus it's too late in the game to make any radical changes to the NX.


Nintendo creates concept
Builds it into a Global brand
Video Games - Movies - Tv Shows - Mobile Games - Spinoffs - Toys
Embeds itself permanently into popular culture
Partners with other Global brands to extend reach and raise profiles

3rd Party takes their idea and presents a mobile game to them intertwined with their own ideas which, instead of blasting them for doing so, they absolutely love and approve and fund.

Nintendo deserves credit for allowing this game to see the light of day.

Just remember that next time you're in a thread about Nintendo shutting down someone's project for using a pixel from one of their games.
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