Everytime I read someone say 2A or B2 my blood boils
Letters and numbers are hard.Everytime I read someone say 2A or B2 my blood boils
Just put 2B in ALL THE GAMES.
I just finished E ending.
I didn't know you guys... I just didn't know!
Is there a support group for recovering NieR players around here? I'm feeling dizzy after all those gut and head punches.
Come join us in the spoiler thread. And get prepared to get punched some more.
Cool, a question I can ask without the use of spoiler tags!
Why is it that when I start the game up there's 3 save slots? And for whatever reason, using two. One is super early on in the game, and the other is always what my quick saves add to. Am I even able to change where the game quick saves?
Quick save uses whatever slot you manually loaded or saved in last. Manual saves can be performed by opening up the (settings?) menu tab when in range of a save point - the only difference between that and a quick save is being able to choose what slot you use.
(Given that there's no autosaving, 'manual save' probably wasn't the best choice of words, but you get what I mean.)
Having finished with Route A I fear I had enough of this game already. I don't know I'm a big fan of the first entry but there's something here that is not clicking with me. Maybe it's because everything feels a bit forced and a rehash of ideas and themes already seen in Nier 1, as if Yoko Taro run out of ideas before even starting. Now this would be easier to say for annual videogame series releases, it's a shock though that I had to wait 7 yrs for it and still feel as if this series didn't need another entry after all is said and done.
Don't forget you can always change the difficulty with no repercussions. Things get a lot fairer after the prologue, so if you really want to be sure you won't have to repeat it, consider going down to Easy for any sections you think might kill you, then switch it back once you're done.
Just started playing this, really love the presentation and story so far but DAMN, the fact that I have to replay first hour or less (took me 40 minutes on Normal) because that first boss sucker punched me is the worst decision ever. No, I don't want a Dark Souls experience from the get-go and yes, I value my time and want to play this for the story first time around. My blood boils so much from that decision that I'll have to wait until tomorrow to attempt the prologue that has no save point, not even a quick save!
Edit: Any tips and tricks, spam R1?
Route C is pretty neat.A2 has some fun animations going, although beast mode is kind of eeeehhhhhh.
Question what is the name of the song that plays when you're (route a spoiler)?storming the castle in the forest kingdom
IfI buy those expansions to add more chips, do they automatically open up more slots? I just bought an 8+ but it doesnt look like i have more slots to add more chips
Having finished with Route A I fear I had enough of this game already. I don't know, I consider myself a big fan of the first entry but there's something here that is not clicking with me. Maybe it's because everything feels a bit forced and a rehash of ideas and themes already seen in Nier 1, as if Yoko Taro run out of ideas before even starting to work on it. Now this would be easier to say for annual videogame series releases, it's a shock though that I had to wait 7 yrs for it and feeling absolutely the same with just a second entry in this franchise.
Yes, it automatically gives you more slots.
Yeah, I'll give that a go. Also, the song I was looking for was apparentlyB-Mode is great, just use chips that heal you when you attack/kill machines,
as well as Auto-Heal, and you're good to go.
And the song is literally called Forest Kingdom lmao
Not a fan of important plot exposition during chaotic battles.The aliens created these two anime guys for what purpose, and what happened to them? I was too busy dodging high kicks.
Not a fan of important plot exposition during chaotic battles.The aliens created these two anime guys for what purpose, and what happened to them? I was too busy dodging high kicks.
Should I sell Machine Cores and generally anything that says they are exchangeable for money?
Just buy everything right? Thinking of prioritizing Chip unit sockets or whatever theyre called
Should I sell Machine Cores and generally anything that says they are exchangeable for money?
\o/!NieR made the March NPD Top 10
And maybe I'm the only one, but was anyone else's favorite part of the game the brief storybook-esque interstitials? The writing in those segments was just so powerful.
I want to hear your best weapon set combos and any dope moves that come with them, I'm going through the entire thing for a second time, and I'm half way through route C, I can pretty much blow straight through this thing with minimal side quests to distract me, so give me some good sets to blow through the rest of this thing.
Austin walker, patrick klepek and alex navarro is gonna do a spoilercast soon. Can't wait. If there's someone in this industry who can analyse games in an articulate and deeply thoughtful manner it's Austin walker.
And maybe I'm the only one, but was anyone else's favorite part of the game the brief storybook-esque interstitials? The writing in those segments was just so powerful.