9S really went nutso there. Poor Pascal

I'm starting to dislike how the story just dangles something nice in front of you just long enough for you to grow a little attached just to pull the rug from beneath you. Glad things were cleared up with Devola and Popola. Not sure if any of that was explained or hinted at in old Nier, since I pretty much don't remember any of that. So the human genome on the moon is just Replicant genome, meaning humans really are dead dead. Then again, Replicants were going to be the human bodies of the human souls, so maybe that doesn't change anything.
Anyways, so if I understood correctly, the robots from the aliens created a network of consciences that after killing the aliens, were able to hack Yorha, but secretly chose to let them continue to help them evolve? And I guess they created Adam and Eve to help that? And this network created the 2B models to kill any android that learned of this?
There are still stuff I'm wondering about, like A2's past, or how some of the robots in Pascal's village got infected (I thought they were out of the network, or was that just some of them?).