OP should make a general FAQ section to help prevent the same questions being asked over and over.
Good idea.
OP should make a general FAQ section to help prevent the same questions being asked over and over.
Half the questions have been about the title, which is already answered in the OP.
This is more for when things go full steam once the JP version launches.
Somebody please confirm (in spoilers) if there is a Rhythm Game boss
Somebody please confirm (in spoilers) if there is a Rhythm Game boss
Questions like?
I attempted to cover most of the questions (like game length, both true end and completionist, as well as "do I need to play the original" and stuff like that) that I should would be asked most in the OP.
What is NieR?
Sadly overlooked as one of the hidden gems of last generation, the original NieR was an action RPG released 7 years ago that told a story about a man trying to save his daughter from a seemingly incurable disease in a post-apocalyptic world nearing its end. Though it didn't release to critical acclaim, it resonated with many passionate fans who praise its story and music to this day. Directed by none other than Yoko Taro - yes, this guy - it shunned expectations and left a mark all its own, combining genres and shocking players with its raw storytelling. (Text Adventure Pun Intended)
What is NieR: Automata?
NieR: Automata is an Open World Action RPG that places a strong focus on storytelling. Though you don't need to have played it to enjoy the game, NieR Automata takes place thousands of years after Ending E of the original NieR. Unlike the original however, Yoko Taro & his crew are this time backed up by Platinum Games, known for their high quality action games like the Bayonetta Series & Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and they've been given almost complete creative freedom by publisher Square Enix.
In short, NieR: Automata is set to combine more of the deep, surprising storytelling of the original with a completely redone combat system created by some of the best action game developers in the business.
What if I want to play the original first?
If that's what you want to do, you should take a look at Amazon for your country, or a local game store to see if they have any used copies. Otherwise, you should be just fine catching up to speed with either - or both - of these:
What's with that OT Title?
How can I import the game?
Oddly enough the HK demo isn't available if you search for it on PSN via browser or on the PS4. Had to google it for a link and hit the download button so I could download on the PS4. Sony HK's own page links to purchasing the digital version of the game but that just takes you back to the demo page.Anyone tried the Honk Kong demo and selecting "order game"
"what game william be more forgiving in the end"Really excited for this one, although I don't believe it will be a day one purchase for me. I'll have to watch some Twitch streams before I think about settling down.
Game looks great, combat is fluid, and I was actually very impressed by the demo despite never playing any game in this series prior.
I just want to make sure this game is right for me. I have been torn against Nioh and this, and not sure what game william be more forgiving in the end. Not too big of a Dark Souls fan which is what Nioh seems to resemble.
There is just only so much time in a day...
Fuck that. Yoko Taro needs all the help we can get him to get the recognition he deserves. People still aren't realizing that for fans of his and in general, the fact that this game ever got made is still a miracle.It has and will always have its own merits - if people don't want the game they don't need to buy it.
It's simply no secret that its originally well-placed release date has now been severely threatened by much larger titles, and NieR: Automata deserves a chance if the person is interested.
Admittedly, it was left over from the 'Hype Thread.' If it's truly an issue it can be removed.
No one reads he OP!Half the questions have been about the title, which is already answered in the OP.
What I want to know is when are they going to release the OST for the game as gotta preorder that NOW lol
"what game william be more forgiving in the end"
Freudian slip, your destiny has been laid bare before your eyes. Nioh first it is.
Fuck that. Yoko Taro needs all the help we can get him to get the recognition he deserves. People still aren't realizing that for fans of his and in general, the fact that this game ever got made is still a miracle.
428 HKD
Well thats gonna annoy some people, someone was throwing around 420 in here earlier. Which can make a big difference when your ordering psn cards.
18 hours to go.
Guess I'll be listening to Amazarashi's single to get in the mood.
I wonder if they'll use this in the game somewhere.
You can already preorder it here on, release is March 29th.
The first print will come as exclusive 3 Disc set, later prints will only come in 1.
By the producer himself, yes. (Though Famitsu took 30 hours.)
Since once again thats pretty much a tiny FAQ as is so having one of those nifty banners you create would be great just to catch the readers eye better that this is the section with general Q&A
Is Nier having a sequel that miraculous?
I mean, Drakengard had 2 sequels after all lol
Can someone make me an avatar of 2B from this picture
i hope this links right, im on my phone
Done - thanks for the advice.
I'll keep an eye out for other questions that keep popping up, so that I can add answers to those as well.
Are there any reviews yet?
Are there any reviews yet?
NieR: Automata (PS4) – 10/10/9/10 [39/40]
2017 needs to chill out with all these games.
Is this import friendly? I heard it has English Subtitles, but was unclear on if the menus were translated.
EDIT: Yes I'm impatient! HNG!
Considering: Production costs exploding in the HD era, the decline in popularity of JRPG's in the west, the diminished state of the console market in Japan, and little in the way of critical approval or commmercial success internationally...
Yeah. Its miraculous alright.
Quick heads-up: There are evidently people out there with copies already, so be careful folks. I've already stumbled across footage (albeit potato-quality) of a short stretch of gameplay in a style that's not been shown up to now...