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Ninja Gaiden 1.1?


Waaa!! Everything sounds nice, but I wonder how much the speed will be effected... I mean, to make the present Ninja Gaiden slow in comparision, it would have to be horribly fast.

Aahhh... Not even 2 months away.


Unconfirmed Member

For the record, this may be the coolest gaming news I've heard since it became known during E3 that Katamari Damacy may be seeing US release.


Tecmo +100000000000

How can people say this is a "patch" - the game was near perfect, whats to patch?

Anyway - this game just kicks so much ass, and it just got better. Best part about all this is the game is actually faster! Sucks for people who suck at it, but for people who beat it, this is the best thing the could have done (the camera was fine IMO).

Can't wait


For a Finer World
2nd round of the Master Ninja Tournament

Everytime I hear the name of the tournament I'm reminded of the 1980s, when at primary school everyone was watching American Ninja, practicing "ninja kicks" and making shurikens at our compulsory handicrafts classes. And I still remember the incident of one guy making a copper shuriken and throwing it at the biggest guy in the class. The image of the throwing star, sticking out of a 10 year olds thigh is forever engraved in my brain. Traumatic.

Ninjas are cool. But not as cool as pirates. Though both are mammals.


Ninjas are cool. But not as cool as pirates. Though both are mammals

Seriously.... A Ninja would kick a Pirates ass anyday of the week. :p




Come on, seriously. :)


MetatronM said:

It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".


Are there going to be increased Boobies!? :) Just kidding, man this is awesome stuff from Tecmo/Team Ninja. New weapons, mobs, AI, improved (maybe) camera.

I didn't buy NG, yet because I don't generally pay $50 for anything that isn't a multiplayer (online) game, but with this kind of support I think I'll go out and pick it up. I can play through it now, and then play a significantly different game later!


pilonv1 said:
It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".

Haha, so true.


Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".

Yeah that's right; it needed to be repeated.


pilonv1 said:
It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".

Koei, Square, Konami, etc. do it as well. Tecmo has charged for minimal changes in the past for a game as well.

As per new colors, well MS, Nintendo, and Sony are all guilty.


pilonv1 said:
It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Wow! Impressive.

What I'm most impressed with, is the stunning and mind-blowing ability of deep Ninja Gaiden fans to consider a CORRECTED, FIXED, NO LONGER TOTAL-DOGSHIT CAMERA as some kind of "NEW CONTENT!!!". Woo!

The good news here is that, from this point forward, Xbox Gamers should be INCREDIBLY easy to please -- developers, if you ever screw up a game, just release some of this awesome, magical "NEW CONTENT" that the rest of the planet calls a bugfix, and your fans will lap it up like milk from the teet of Jesus.


"BLINX 1.1, it's so not a patch dude, it just has TOTALLY NEW CONTENT, the game now features a QUARTERBACK instead of a CAT, and TIME TRAVEL has been replaced with a REFEREE, in fact it's called NFL LIVE!!! Not fixing problems, it's just NEW CONTENT!!!"

Executive summary: it is definitely awesome that they have added new weapons and new enemies -- I am excited about both -- but please don't pretend bugfixes are content. Thank you, goodnight.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
A patch eh? Ha, I think not...

Considering that Ninja Gaiden is one of the most polished games released this gen (standing alongside Metroid Prime and MGS2), suggesting that it was "unfinished" is bullshit.

I thought Prime had GREAT controls, but what if there was an update that added dual analog controls, some new enemies, changed up a few segments, and added additional features. Many would be happy with this, but it wouldn't be a patch in the traditional sense as the game was already virtually flawless.


cabel said:
Wow! Impressive.

What I'm most impressed with, is the stunning and mind-blowing ability of deep Ninja Gaiden fans to consider a CORRECTED, FIXED, NO LONGER TOTAL-DOGSHIT CAMERA as some kind of "NEW CONTENT!!!". Woo!

The good news here is that, from this point forward, Xbox Gamers should be INCREDIBLY easy to please -- developers, if you ever screw up a game, just release some of this awesome, magical "NEW CONTENT" that the rest of the planet calls a bugfix, and your fans will lap it up like milk from the teet of Jesus.

Executive summary: it is definitely awesome that they have added new weapons and new enemies -- I am excited about both -- but please don't pretend bugfixes are content. Thank you, goodnight.


A occasionally poor camera isn't a "bug", and I'd be pretty damn happy if all developers would improve their games post-release.


Redbeard said:
A occasionally poor camera isn't a "bug", and I'd be pretty damn happy if all developers would improve their games post-release.

I wouldn't say "occasional poor camera", but more often than not poor camera. And yes, I would like more developers to improve their games post-release for free, even if it fixes original poor atributes.


In the world of PC gaming, any improvement/addition to a game after release is generally in the form of a patch, which changes the version number from oh, say, 1.0 to 1.1, even if it just adds things.

Do things work differently in Xbox land? Well, kinda.

The "no patches" policy was really meant to say "We won't let developers ship games with fatal flaws, only to fix them with a patch six months later."

This doesn't equate to: "We won't let them fix a glaring bug that drives users insane," (MM3 Soundtrack glitch) OR "We won't let them add new levels and features."

Is Ninja Gaiden 1.1 a patch? Technically, yes, since it modifies the game code and changes the version number. Does it really matter one way or the other? No, because it's further improving one of the year's most enjoyable titles.


Wow! Impressive.

What I'm most impressed with, is the stunning and mind-blowing ability of deep Ninja Gaiden fans to consider a CORRECTED, FIXED, NO LONGER TOTAL-DOGSHIT CAMERA as some kind of "NEW CONTENT!!!". Woo!

The good news here is that, from this point forward, Xbox Gamers should be INCREDIBLY easy to please -- developers, if you ever screw up a game, just release some of this awesome, magical "NEW CONTENT" that the rest of the planet calls a bugfix, and your fans will lap it up like milk from the teet of Jesus.


"BLINX 1.1, it's so not a patch dude, it just has TOTALLY NEW CONTENT, the game now features a QUARTERBACK instead of a CAT, and TIME TRAVEL has been replaced with a REFEREE, in fact it's called NFL LIVE!!! Not fixing problems, it's just NEW CONTENT!!!"

Executive summary: it is definitely awesome that they have added new weapons and new enemies -- I am excited about both -- but please don't pretend bugfixes are content. Thank you, goodnight.


Again - what BUGS? Have you even played the game? The camera wasn't PERFECT, but it's a hell of a lot better then most cameras in games. The main difference in 1.1's camera is that it gives you more CONTROL. Thats not a "bug fix" - it's (say it with me) MORE CONTROL.

I've been on these boards for a long time, but it never ceases to amaze me that some of you people NEED to bitch about something... un-fucking-real.


I've been on these boards for a long time, but it never ceases to amaze me that some of you people NEED to bitch about something... un-fucking-real.

No. That is the intended nature of message boards. Bitch. Hype. Bitch. Hype. Damage control. Bitch. Hype. Obladi Oblada, Life goes on...


bheemer said:
to those that thought ngs camera was bad i have only one thing to say:

super mario sunshine

Disagree, SMS camera easier than NG. Sonic Adventure, now THAT is one UGLY camera.
pilonv1 said:
It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".
oooh... ooh... Kaz Hirai says broadband costs too much so sony cant make money charging for content... people say "GO KAZ! GO KAZ!"


gunstarhero said:
Again - what BUGS? Have you even played the game? The camera wasn't PERFECT, but it's a hell of a lot better then most cameras in games. The main difference in 1.1's camera is that it gives you more CONTROL. Thats not a "bug fix" - it's (say it with me) MORE CONTROL.

I understand what you're saying, but it's all a matter of spin.

I own the game, yes, and to be honest I haven't gone very far because every time I would play the camera would focus on a railing or tree or a tse tse fly at the precice moment the action heats up. Admittedly, my bad computer-controlled-camera skin is thin, and I need to give it more time. Additionally, I fully intend to revisit it -- ONCE I GET THE PATCH THAT FIXES THE CAMERA.

You spin it as: the camera gives you more control! It's just a "improvement".

I spin it as: the camera will now hopefully finally allow me to play the game! It's just a "patch!"

Why'd they fix it if it wasn't a problem for many players? If it wasn't a problem, no one would be asking for your "improvements". To pretend that problems don't exist, and the fixes part of this "NEW CONTENT", is exactly the point of my post.

gunstarhero said:
I've been on these boards for a long time, but it never ceases to amaze me that some of you people NEED to bitch about something... un-fucking-real.

Would this messageboard -- nay, would global discussions as a whole -- even exist if everyone in the world agreed? :)

I don't bitch because I feel some kneejerk need. In fact, I rarely post here! I bitch because that camera drove me insane. Totally fucking real, 100% yo.

And now, I eagerly await 1.1, the camera fixing patch with bonus content!



This is insane. I understand that people don't want games to be released as total crap and then patched, but Ninja Gaiden was considered one of the most impressive action games this generation.

What they are introducing is new weapons, and for the sake of the online Tournament they are upping the speed of play, and increasing enemy AI (both of which will make the game more difficult). It's quite possible they already had this ability at the time of release.

As a side note, they decided to tweak the camera based on additional customer feedback. Well FUCK them! THAT"S A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF WHAT WAS A CRPAPY GAME~!!! OMGZ. It's one change that afterwards they felt could have been done better. Geez.

Now, if a game like Driv3r came back in a few months with a "patch" that fixed tons of issues, and gameplay bug/problems then I would understand the complaining.


they call me "Man Gravy".
I'm comparing this "patch" to numerous "patches" that companies like Blizzard releases. It's virtually the same - some new content, maybe a new unit or two, and lots of rebalancing. And they do it all for free, you don't even need an active internet connection really (just know someone / somewhere that does have one). I expect it to be free. If they release it on XBL, and then maybe a month later on an OXM disc, I'm fine with that. Maybe it's unfair to hold console makers up to the standards of great PC developers like Blizzard, who actually care about their customers, but I see no reason to regard this any differently.
P90 said:
I wouldn't say "occasional poor camera", but more often than not poor camera. And yes, I would like more developers to improve their games post-release for free, even if it fixes original poor atributes.

I disagree. It depends on the person. I and other people rarely had problems with the camera, while some did, especially with the second boss, apparently. Everyone plays these games slightly differently, and obviously the camera accomodates some peoples playing styles, but doesn't with others...I mean shit, I found the same thing with Sonic Adventure. Practically everyone whinged about it, but I only had a a few occurrences in which I died because of it, and only a few more when it caused inconvenience, I guess I was lucky in that I didn't try and play the game in a way that compromised the way the camera was programmed to work. So please, don't make sweeping statements like the one above, because there are plenty of people who had hardly any problem with the 3d camera.


Society said:
Where is the Kotor patches/fixes?

KOTOR's DLC protocol has made it exceptionally hard for Bioware to actually fix the bugs within the game - they did their best with what they could, but it was mostly meant to provide new items. That's actually why OXM can't include the KOTOR content on a disc, technical issues make it either neccesary for the game to be running or Xbox Live to be installed, I don't know which. Regardless, MS and their policies have nothing to do with that, it's all on Bioware's end


Optimistic said:
So please, don't make sweeping statements like the one above, because there are plenty of people who had hardly any problem with the 3d camera.

Since when is "I" making a sweeping statement? Last time I checked "I" is not equivalent to "everyone", "most people", "simple majority", or even "significant minority".

A reading comprehension winner is not you. ;P


Nerevar said:
And they do it all for free, you don't even need an active internet connection really (just know someone / somewhere that does have one). I expect it to be free.

Let's ignore the fact that Tecmo was nice enough to throw in some new weapons, and try to tweak a camera that bothered some people....

What you have is an update via Xbox Live, that is designed to increase the difficulty of the game for use in the 2nd round of the Master Tournament, which you need Xbox Live to be a part of.

How does that seem unfair, or not make sense? As was said earlier, it clearly stated on the box that the game would support Xbox Live features and functionality. Obviously, these benefits will not be available to non-Live members.


they call me "Man Gravy".
SyNapSe said:
How does that seem unfair, or not make sense? As was said earlier, it clearly stated on the box that the game would support Xbox Live features and functionality. Obviously, these benefits will not be available to non-Live members.

Did you just not read my post? I told you, I was comparing this to things that PC companies such as Blizzard do. They rebalance the game and oftentimes add new units / functionality into the game (look at their most recent Warcraft 3 patches - they've even added a new hero to the game). And they release them for free. Maybe it's not fair for me to compare Tecmo to Blizzard, but that's what I'm going to do. And I'm not going to be happy if MS limits this sort of thing to xbl subscribers only, becuase I'm a PC user who's used to getting these things for free.


Nerevar said:
Did you just not read my post? I told you, I was comparing this to things that PC companies such as Blizzard do. They rebalance the game and oftentimes add new units / functionality into the game (look at their most recent Warcraft 3 patches - they've even added a new hero to the game). And they release them for free.


<flashes back to 3 years ago>

Press Release: Microsoft intends to charge a fee for users to have access to their Broadband only online gaming network service - Xbox Live. Part of this service will be extra content downloads for Xbox Live compatible games (free and extra charge)

GAF h8terz: Boo! Online sucks! Sony is teh free, OMG M$ is teh devil.

GAF-Cockles: Give in to the dark side!

<flashes forward to present>

GAF-Nerever: OMG, teh charging for content is stupidz! PC g4m1ng is fr33 @nd 1337!!1

The point is, deal with it.. christ it's been 3 years. MS gave everyone full warning of what there plans we're, and Ninja Gaiden was clearly marked and promoted as a game that would support these features. Tons of other games have received "patches".. new levels for lots of multiplayer and Splinter Cell had a few you had to pay for I believe.

It's either worth it to you or it's not. It's not like they snuck this in at the last moment, and you had no idea when you bought your Xbox, and the game Ninja Gaiden that you would be missing out on possible extra content by not having Xbox Live.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Optimistic said:
I disagree. It depends on the person. I and other people rarely had problems with the camera, while some did, especially with the second boss, apparently. Everyone plays these games slightly differently, and obviously the camera accomodates some peoples playing styles, but doesn't with others...I mean shit, I found the same thing with Sonic Adventure. Practically everyone whinged about it, but I only had a a few occurrences in which I died because of it, and only a few more when it caused inconvenience, I guess I was lucky in that I didn't try and play the game in a way that compromised the way the camera was programmed to work. So please, don't make sweeping statements like the one above, because there are plenty of people who had hardly any problem with the 3d camera.

Yep, couldn't agree more. I simply laugh when I hear people complain about cameras these days. I've played the games people bitch about and have had little trouble handling ALL of them.

There is only one game that is truly ruined by the camera system (though not unplayable) and that is Dino Crisis 3.
Nerevar said:
Did you just not read my post? I told you, I was comparing this to things that PC companies such as Blizzard do. They rebalance the game and oftentimes add new units / functionality into the game (look at their most recent Warcraft 3 patches - they've even added a new hero to the game). And they release them for free. Maybe it's not fair for me to compare Tecmo to Blizzard, but that's what I'm going to do. And I'm not going to be happy if MS limits this sort of thing to xbl subscribers only, becuase I'm a PC user who's used to getting these things for free.
you seem to be ignoring the whole tournamen aspect, which makes the comparison about as valid as people complaining that only some cereal boxes come with a random prize inside...


they call me "Man Gravy".
The Faceless Master said:
you seem to be ignoring the whole tournamen aspect, which makes the comparison about as valid as people complaining that only some cereal boxes come with a random prize inside...

Blizzard has battle.net, a constant online service (also offered for free, no less), which is the driving force for their patch updates. That doesn't mean that people who play offline can't get it and enjoy it. I fail to see how the Ninja tournament changes the comparison at all.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Nerevar said:
Blizzard has battle.net, a constant online service (also offered for free, no less), which is the driving force for their patch updates. That doesn't mean that people who play offline can't get it and enjoy it. I fail to see how the Ninja tournament changes the comparison at all.

Battle.net is a free service though, is it not? It is also very easy to distribute content to a PC via any internet based website.


And Nerevar I really hope you hold every single other company than Tecmo to that Blizzard standard as well. If there are aspects of a game for any system that you find flawed that the company doesn't release a FREE fix for in some way or another, I expect to see you're bitching present.

For all the people who aren't mildly retarded here's where the spectrum stands

Improvements for Free >>>>>> Improvements for Cost >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No Improvements at All

Sure Improvements for cost aren't as nice as they would be for free, but they're still a hell of a lot better than no improvements AT ALL. Friggin hell people.
Nerevar said:
Blizzard has battle.net, a constant online service (also offered for free, no less), which is the driving force for their patch updates. That doesn't mean that people who play offline can't get it and enjoy it. I fail to see how the Ninja tournament changes the comparison at all.
even before the game was released, the tournament was highly publicized
it was mentioned that it was an XBOX LIVE tournament, meaning, you need xbox xlive to participate
it was mentioned that not everyone would get to compete in the second round, this 1.1 is the second round
them releasing it on live for non-competitors (people who didnt qualify for round two) is a courtesy


pilonv1 said:
It all depends on the company.

Tecmo releases FREE content for Ninja Gaiden for XBL subscribers - "THIS IS THE WORST NEWS EVER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR STUFF YOU GET FOR FREE ON PC OH NOS I HATE MS. New content is the worst"

Nintendo releases 20 year old NES games for $20 - "Wow Nintendo is THE BEST COMPANY EVER. I never get tired of playing the same games over again. New GBA colour? YES PLEASE. SHES WEARING A HAT".

Free content from Tecmo is terrific. Being required to subscribe to Microsoft's very-much-non-free online service to get that free content is bullshit. There's no real reason devs couldn't include net code on the disc that would enable you to download updates from them directly, like some Dreamcast games did. The only thing that stops companies from doing that is MS' insistence that everything be handled through their network. They're adamant about controlling the distribution channels, which is terrific... for Microsoft.

Why should I like that, though? How is it good for me, as a consumer? Microsoft isn't some football team. I don't turn up at shareholders' meetings to wave a little Windows flag and cheer them on. If their annual profits are up, I don't feel like I've won something, the way some of you here do. My only concern is how their actions affect consumers. I don't like the fact that they've found a way to make money off of something that's been free on the PC by establishing themselves as a middleman between my ISP and the company providing the content (in this case, Tecmo). I definitely don't like the fact that if MS turns a big enough profit this way, it'll establish a precedent, and other companies will follow their lead. Not good.

As far as Nintendo goes, I've argued that they've milked their old properties to the point of absurdity in the threads where that's come up, so that hardly applies to me. They haven't made me subscribe to Nintendo Live to upgrade F-Zero GX to version 1.1 yet, though, so that's a point in their favor. :p

dark10x said:
A patch eh? Ha, I think not...

Considering that Ninja Gaiden is one of the most polished games released this gen (standing alongside Metroid Prime and MGS2), suggesting that it was "unfinished" is bullshit..

Just for the record, calling this download a 'patch' and saying the game was somehow unfinished are two totally different things. A patch is a download that makes changes to the code, which this one does (A.I. tweaks, camera fix, yadda yadda yadda). If it was only added models/maps/weapons/other game assets that don't involve code changes, it'd be considered 'downloadable content', but the 1.1 patch is more than that. That doesn't mean the game was broken, bugged, or somehow incomplete--if you were under the impression I was implying that, then you're mistaken.
You guys are right, this is bullshit. I can't believe MS is charging people to use their Xbox Live service. And on top of that they are adding enticing downloads to taunt non Live subcribers. This is criminal in my book, and is most definitaly going to be a class action lawsuit if I get my way.


Tellaerin said:
There's no real reason devs couldn't include net code on the disc that would enable you to download updates from them directly, like some Dreamcast games did. The only thing that stops companies from doing that is MS' insistence that everything be handled through their network. They're adamant about controlling the distribution channels, which is terrific... for Microsoft.

I guess I'm missing all the new PS2 games implementing these new features for free, and downloaded from their site? I wonder why.. all it takes is..

1. Spending more time programming on a game that was already 'completed'
2. Hosting a website with the updates permanently.
3. The bandwidth to support it.
4. More employees for Customer support of issues dealing with updating their game with new weapons, camera views, etc.

MS takes care of 2-4 for any content a publisher feels like adding, and in cases like this.. I would assume they helped fund, or gave some kind of bonus to Tecmo to spend their time to create this tournament, and the extra difficulty modes for it.


they call me "Man Gravy".
SyNapSe said:
I guess I'm missing all the new PS2 games implementing these new features for free, and downloaded from their site? I wonder why.. all it takes is..

1. Spending more time programming on a game that was already 'completed'
2. Hosting a website with the updates permanently.
3. The bandwidth to support it.
4. More employees for Customer support of issues dealing with updating their game with new weapons, camera views, etc.

MS takes care of 2-4 for any content a publisher feels like adding, and in cases like this.. I would assume they helped fund, or gave some kind of bonus to Tecmo to spend their time to create this tournament, and the extra difficulty modes for it.

Actually, the major component (and why this isn't a PS2 thing) is a standard hard drive. I guarantee you'd see content upgrades in popular PS2 games if there was a large enough customer base with a HDD to support it. Without the HDD, there isn't enough memory to store the updates, thus they are pointless.
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