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Ninja Gaiden is cool, but wtf is with the difficulty?


I remember reading all about how hard it was, but I just blazed through the first two chapters like nothing. Those horsemen, and that boss horeman...so easy. I'm hoping the difficulty really takes off, or I'll be sort of disappointed.


Oh noes! You're gonna get people posting in here, "WOW U SHUR MUST B HARDCOR ITZ NOT DIFFICULT FOR YOUZ!!111" Why'd you have to go and say it?

And, to be honest, I'm not seeing where the complaints about difficulty came from, either. Asshole camera, yes. Extreme difficulty, not yet.

Oh noes they'll say it to me, too!


It's all about the learning curve. The game aint that hard. Especially after you learn what moves to use and when. Alma is a bitch tho.


PhatSaqs said:
It's all about the learning curve. The game aint that hard. Especially after you learn what moves to use and when. Alma is a bitch tho.

there are lots of tricks to Ninja Gaiden one of them being is being able to find where the bats spawn over and over to get 99999 escence. I had the worst time with Chapter 12's boss and after 6 months i finally beat him. But then again i'm a dip shit and am playing on hard mode, and i hvent beaten the game yet once.

The trickiest thing is the timing of a attack. Cause if you let go of that block button and you think you can start up a combo, your wrong. Some of the enemy's are very agressive and just wont let up, while other will tend to back off gicing you time to either kill another enemy or get the fuck out of there.

Alma is the worst not cause she's a flying bitch boss, but a flying bitch boss thats fast as hell and way to agressive. But i thought it was memorable none the less.


rastex said:
Play it on Very Hard, or play Hurricane Pack Volume 2.



HP #2 is insanely hard.
HP #1 still has me somewhat stuck at one end boss (Chapter 11 I believe.)

The game on Normal difficulty isn't really that hard. It's all about learning the combat system and not button mashing.

If you got past the first 2 chapters with no problems, you should be perfectly fine for the rest of the game.


Gotta agree with Phatsaqs, it's not so much overall difficulty as it was brutal learning curve, at least for me. Gaiden felt like a figting game- it really paid off when I started to master the moveset.

Hint: upgrade the wooden practice sword, all the way :D

Edit: I am afraid of the Hurricane Packs. Weaksauce +1.


They're actually "off" by default. If you start the game the normal way, well, it's just the normal game. To access the Hurricane Packs, even after you've downloaded them, you have to go to the Master Ninja Tournament Section and start the game from there. Even after you've started a Hurricane Pack game, you can still start a regular game by going through the original menu. It doesn't overwrite anything, it just gives you the option to play it a different way.

And about HP1, in my first couple of playthroughs of NG I didn't upgrade to Unlimited Flawless, but I have for the HP1 (which sucked because it was so expensive >_<) Anyway, it's pretty crappy! Maybe it's better against the bigger/slower enemies like the big skeletons and stuff, but right now against the pink demon guys I'm better with the Flails (which rock btw).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Matlock said:
I remember reading all about how hard it was, but I just blazed through the first two chapters like nothing. Those horsemen, and that boss horeman...so easy. I'm hoping the difficulty really takes off, or I'll be sort of disappointed.

If you are playing on normal, I would agree, the game is not nearly as difficult as billed. It is a solid challenge (and ramps up later on), but it was never ever over-whelming in the least...

Now, if you crank up the difficulty, you will find that things are quite different. :) If you happen to have XBL, try out the first hurricane pack. Along with a host of improvements made to the game, the difficulty takes quite a leap. I doubt you could walk away from that claiming it to be easy. :p

I love the game, though. It is still my Game of the Year (though I KNOW that will change soon enough). Absolutely awesome game that lasts for a LONG time...


Matlock said:
I remember reading all about how hard it was, but I just blazed through the first two chapters like nothing. Those horsemen, and that boss horeman...so easy. I'm hoping the difficulty really takes off, or I'll be sort of disappointed.

that's pretty good considering the hourse boss can be a bitch if you donät know how to kill it.


Conquering the staircase of skeletons is my anti-drug. I know somebody had a picture of it; that is one of the most ridiculously awesome and head-shaking moments of the game. But my favorite area will always be the Tairon military sector. If surviving as a ninja -vs- an army of one.... battalion doesn't give you gaming gasms, then you have no soul and black viscous fluid roils through your hellraped heart.

It's a good place to be (military sector, not hell :p).
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