Dayum, I still actively USE my 3DS and regularly buy games! What about purchased games I want to redownload? Gah
Anything we should buy before it all goes?
I would say Atlus games.Anything we should buy before it all goes?
Yeah Nintendo shutting down the Wii shop was such a jerk move. They wanted to resell each VC game to people on each system (and now its sub based).Nintendo purposely ended Virtual Console so that your purchases do not transfer over. They locked everything behind a sub to Switch Online, where you can’t buy/download any of the games, just rentals.
Games media have a hard time giving Xbox a W on anything, despite their many pro-consumer moves, Xbox BC truly becomes untouchable at this point. “Buy once, yours forever” is something Phil Spencer said and should be the default. If some Nintendo zealots didn’t fawn over everything they do, and games media put more criticism on Nintendo, perhaps anti-consumer things like this would stop.
They're giving everybody over 12 months of a head's up. That's plenty of time for everyone looking to buy new software on those systems to get what they're going to get, then it's all physical, baby.We'll see if this sparks outrage. I sold my 3DS and Wii U a few years ago so I don't personally care about this. I knew Nintendo has kept finding excuses to conveniently forget your purchases on older systems. In the past they might have gotten away with it due to claims of archaic online accounts and systems, but now that we're paying for it they better not pull the same stunt again.
On wii u, fire emblem gba, and metroid gba games. Some games like star fox zero and paper mario color splash might never get ported.Anything we should buy before it all goes?
Got roughly 600$ worth of stuff left to grab so I appreciate the heads-up.
I was going through my stuff for a move and saw I had 2 copies of devils third… I was like wtf. Still haven’t played it, but it looked like it’s so bad it’s good kinda game lol.So I have a finish line for my WATA rated copy of Devil's Third and it's worth.
Anything we should buy before it all goes?
Access isn't going away. Even the original Wii shop is still running. You just can't purchase stuff anymore. Considering the Switch and 3DS support MicroSD cards, you can download everything you have a license for and store it longer than these devices survive.This is the bright, perfect, flawless digital only future! Access will never go away!
No more virtual console? Sad. Maybe they will change their mind just like Playstation had to with PS3/Vita stores recently
If we're talking exclusive 3DS games:Anything we should buy before it all goes?
Definitely a shame. Glad my systems are modded.