We need a #NOMOREPIKMIN campaing going
The thing that gets me excited for it is that I don't have to start the game save everytime on Day 1 and I can put my game to sleep.
Watching primarily for WiiU I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Nothing new was announced.
Have Nintendo moved on already?
Watching primarily for WiiU I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Nothing new was announced.
Have Nintendo moved on already?
Watching primarily for WiiU I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Nothing new was announced.
Have Nintendo moved on already?
You didn't have to before. Just save at an Owl on any day.
Suprised by all the majoras mask excitement, surely people must have gotten bored of that game by now?
Looks like he lost a lot of weight since his surgery.
:lol Every time you think the Wii U couldn't possibly become worse, they manage to pull this shit off regardless... With these vague ass release dates and the abscence of most E3 content for a spring Direct, another year of droughts is basically confirmed. I expect silence on Mario Maker until it is reintroduced as the 2015 holiday title. And if it wasn't clear enough, there's no way something like Zelda is gonna come out before 2016.
So much for 1 game per month, lol. Not that I ever believed it, but it's still amusing.
They are not going to take a AAA Wii U game out of their ass, big announcements are mostly saved for E3
The time for Nintendo to save the Wii U never existed...
Splatoon and X looked cool.
We need a #NOMOREPIKMIN campaing going
You serious? I love Pikmin, and quite frankly, I want more of it! Granted, they are really late on making a demo for Pikmin 3. It's been like, what, 2 years now? The shorts look really cool, though! If I wasn't saving money for the DKC Trilogies on the Virtual Console (As an American, this could be a several year wait...), I'd happily buy them all.
Watching primarily for WiiU I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Nothing new was announced.
Have Nintendo moved on already?
I will eat my own head if they announce Majora's Mask 3d.
Get ready, because the Spring 3DS line-up is barren and MM3D would be perfect to fill it.
To top it off though, now 3DS lineup is looking very slim for the first 6 months, and we might not even be getting N3DS until the second half of 2015. Maybe even a holiday release. If this happens it would seem as if we won't get an actual new handheld until 2017, with Wii U being replaced before 3DS in 2016.
And BTW im not buying pikmin 3. Its not that i hate the pikmin series, its just that the timer makes me really nervous. I hate games with timers.
I also hate games in which you HAVE to be perfect, like Rhythm heaven
Oh I didn't think it was okay, they showed way more than I would have expected in this window. This was a great direct. I haven't read this thread, but there are actually people who are disappointed?
I'm pretty surprised they showed Xenoblade X, and shocked Splatoon is Q2 already.
Considering what they need to sell over the next two months, that was a lot of content next year to be showcasing.
To top it off though, now 3DS lineup is looking very slim for the first 6 months, and we might not even be getting N3DS until the second half of 2015. Maybe even a holiday release. If this happens it would seem as if we won't get an actual new handheld until 2017, with Wii U being replaced before 3DS in 2016.
The hell? Why there's no thread about the new Captain Toad Treasure Tracker trailer?? It looks insanely good! Huge ass levels shown there so they are not just gonna be small square-shaped levels. Also that music!
Not for nothing, but there isn't really a timer in Pikmin 3. It's just that if you spend several days doing absolutely nothing, you get a game over. It's not really unusual for games where you die if you perform poorly.
And you absolutely do not have to be perfect. It's just that the game keeps track of how many days you've been playing and how many Pikmin have died, so it's just an optional challenge.
GAf gonna GAF.As always lots of negativity from people expecting megaton after megaton after megaton. The direct was great and focused exactly on what it said, Spring, adding even info on other stuff coming later on. Besides we're probably getting a December or January direct with much more cool stuff, and probably a few surprises, like all years so far.
Wait, it isnt like the first Pikmin, like, you have to get everything done before the sun goes down each day?
I will eat my own head if they announce Majora's Mask 3d.
Nintendo why the fuck you refuse to get on that HD Remaster train, just fucking do it, this company man.
I rather they not cheapen the value of their software like their competitors.
But its just too much.
Remember every single direct before Pikmin 3 release. It was a Pikmin overload.
And then Pikmin 3 was released. Finally. But they never stopped talking about Pikmin 3
And today "Here´s a direct! Lets talk about new games and... OH NO WE WONT! HERES MORE PIKMIN3!"
And BTW im not buying pikmin 3. Its not that i hate the pikmin series, its just that the timer makes me really nervous. I hate games with timers.
I also hate games in which you HAVE to be perfect, like Rhythm heaven
In US Direct, but not in Japanese:
Ultimate NES Remix 3DS/ Theme
Buying on Nintendo.com
Duck Hunt Dog Trailer
Duck Hunt coming to Virtual Console
Indie Games/ Commander Video Trophy in Wii U? Awesome!
Persona Q themed 3DS XL (Looks pretty sweet)
Sonic Boom Puzzle
Monster Hunter Nintendo crossover (Japan got it previously I think)
In Japanese Direct, but not in American:
Etrian Odyssey 2 for 3DS
Derby Stallion Gold for 3DS
Final Fantasy Explorers for 3DS
Attack on Titan for 3DS
Devil Survivor 2: Break Record for 3DS
Badass Rumble 6 for 3DS
Acecombat 3D Cross Rumble+ with amiibo support to have planes with Nintendo themes
Lost Heroes 2 for 3DS
Atelier Rorona for 3DS
Monster Hunter 4G Episodic Content
Project S.T.E.A.M was narrated by Iwata, not Bill
More plates for New Nintendo 3DS
That's a lot of conclusion jumping.
Yoshi's Yarn and Mario Maker were still slated as first half of 2015 according to their investor report like a week ago.
The lineup shown today seemed quite random. Show of Xenoblade with a small amount of details, then say they 'hope' for 2015? They show off MonHun4 Mario/Luigi specials, still without a release date.
It seemed like they just wanted to tease a couple of 2015 games, in complete random order. This is the same company that didn't think to announce Starfox or Devil's Third during their e3 press video.
I wouldn't look too far into it.
My eyes are rolling so far into the back of my head that I can see my own eye sockets.
Starting the direct with Majora's Mask probably messed with expectations in a bad way but the content of this direct was still super solid. Lots of good footage and games![]()