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Nintendo DS memory company revealed?


Nice story. Yeah, Matrix memory is supposed to be about as cheap as disc based memory. You've got the same advantages as disc too (quick turnaround, and the ability to press any number of wafers you need so as to eliminate excess inventory) and of course it's got the advantages of a cart medium (such as no access time, and it's sturdiness)

It truely seems like the best of both worlds. Looks like Nintendo bought em, too (they've been investing in them for quite a while now)


For a Finer World
Perhaps Revolution dumps disc-based media... I'd love that! Well, for BC reasons they might want to hang on to antique technology...

If the speculation is correct, this is great news.


Nice to see confirmation of them going to ship this in large quantities, I was starting to get worried about this delaying the DS release. Darn, there were some good threads about this technology on the old board :\ .

I'd love for Matrix/Nintendo to get this to work and use it in revolution also. The benefits of disc media without the disadvantages of that intrinsically 19th century tech.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I see planetgamecube speculating on the possibility of this memory being used for internal storage in revolution, but how feasible would it be to use it as its primary medium? How large are the DS carts? How much would multiple gigabytes of this stuff in one cart cost?


apujanata said:
3D memory might be cheaper, but I doubt that it will be as cheap as UMD's, which is allegedly cost around 250 yen per disk.

Anyone know the cost of GBA Cart ?
$3 is the presumed, by those analysts, price for an 8MB/64Mbit GBA cartridge to the 3rd parties. So while the unit price is quite comparable the amount of storage isn't. I'd like to know if the 250 Yen price for UMD Sony mentioned was for a 1.8GB dual layered unit or for a 900MB single layer. I'd be surprised if many UMD games initially use the full capacity, there are very few dual layer PS2 games.

gofreak said:
I see planetgamecube speculating on the possibility of this memory being used for internal storage in revolution, but how feasible would it be to use it as its primary medium? How large are the DS carts? How much would multiple gigabytes of this stuff in one cart cost?
Nintendo have stated 128MB/1Gigabit in the spec sheets but at E3 said the storage capacity could be more (it was Reggie mind and he was hyperbolic on playing across time-zones during the same spiel). Should be enough to compete with UMD, N64 games were compressed at 4:1 on the cartridge so you're up to 512MB already.

Nintendo would probably be too frightened of the possible piracy possibilities for PGCs idea of a large amount of rewritable storage in Revolution. The DS looks like being the first, mass-produced, implementation of the write-once matrix technology so it may take too long for the technology to mature for revolution. As a read only media though it could work.


Deg said:
You still get more space with optical storage.

I think we all know that, but how much does one need in practice? Video and sound are still the big memory eaters, for general game content I doubt that the DS is going to be at a huge disadvantage. Have people forgotten what could be done with the N64, whose cartridges had a mere fraction of the capacity of CDs?
Deg said:
You still get more space with optical storage.

True. But given the technical specs and the fact Nintendo discourages long-winded interactive movies by wanna-be film-makers, that's not really an issue.


they call me "Man Gravy".
So if this is standard memory, will we also get the power savings associated with using cart-based rather than disc-based memory? I think everyone forgets how important that can be in a handheld.


Nerevar said:
So if this is standard memory, will we also get the power savings associated with using cart-based rather than disc-based memory? I think everyone forgets how important that can be in a handheld.

But of course. You'll still have the power savings of a cart based medium. You don't need a power hungry drive or anything like that. The medium still goes in a cart (or card) slot.


The report linked to CNET also proves that chips are shipping to Japan as we speak, and the American rollout is still ready for the end of the year. Just a little something to put those with delay in their mind at ease :)


apujanata said:
Does this mean that the 16MB/128Mbit GBA cartridge cost $6 ?
Probably not due to scale. 16MB carts are probably in higher production than 8MB carts now anyway, GBA games are starting to use 32MB carts even..
jarrod said:
Probably not due to scale. 16MB carts are probably in higher production than 8MB carts now anyway, GBA games are starting to use 32MB carts even..

Probably $5 for 16MB. That number doesn't include S-RAM or EEPROM though, which can easily add another 1-2 bucks depending on size and speed.

The cost also doesn't include licensing fees.


ge-man said:
Have people forgotten what could be done with the N64, whose cartridges had a mere fraction of the capacity of CDs?

Yes. Less than what a CD did.

*cringes at the memory of the compressed RE for N64 along with the "tinny" voices*
You realise that the voices were actually incredible considering the compression ratio, and that it was the best looking version bar none of RE2? The FMV was blurry (and not even that bad, I've compared), oh teh nos. The actual gameplay-graphics were phenomenal. The backgrounds (as long as you had the RAM pak) were actually higher res than the PSX counterparts.

So don't even bring Angel's Miracle into the conversation.


ge-man said:
I think we all know that, but how much does one need in practice? Video and sound are still the big memory eaters, for general game content I doubt that the DS is going to be at a huge disadvantage. Have people forgotten what could be done with the N64, whose cartridges had a mere fraction of the capacity of CDs?

At the price of losing a lot of things...many times texture detail, others it was music quality...
Anyways seeing the purpose of the DS, carts will be fine. Plus they are a warranty for durability.


Dragona Akehi said:
You realise that the voices were actually incredible considering the compression ratio, and that it was the best looking version bar none of RE2? The FMV was blurry (and not even that bad, I've compared), oh teh nos. The actual gameplay-graphics were phenomenal. The backgrounds (as long as you had the RAM pak) were actually higher res than the PSX counterparts.

So don't even bring Angel's Miracle into the conversation.

Wasn't the N64 supposed to be more "powerful" than the PSX? Wouldn't that help with the backgrounds or the "best looking version" as you say? And the RAM pack...please. The FMV was lame as were the tinny voices that you are passing off as "incredible".
Oh yes the N64 was much more powerful than the PSX, which is why everything looked so much better. The models, remember? The game also runs slightly faster than its PSX counterpart. The RAM pack was merely for the decompression program that was running constantly, so there would be no loadtimes with the unpacking of the JPG files into the N64 RAM.

And yes, the voices ARE incredible, I forget exactly what the number is, but I do remember, that at that ratio the voices should be static. No more, no less.

I've played every version of RE2, and sadly enough, the "tinny" "blurry FMV" edition on the N64 is simply the best.

The fact it was made on a cartridge over twenty times smaller than the original CDs, just makes it that much more amazing.

Best compression job ever? I think so.


See but to me the blurry FMVs and tinny voices automatically makes it inferior to the PS1 version.

We'll agree to disagree. ;)
Oh it's understandable, but the quality isn't that much worse. Which is why I'm questioning you in the first place. :p

But hey, your life. Just don't bring in RE2 for a "bad example" for what can be done in terms of compression. I'm sure if it was done today, there'd be even less to complain about.


Dragona Akehi said:
I've played every version of RE2, and sadly enough, the "tinny" "blurry FMV" edition on the N64 is simply the best.

I won't argue with your compression point but the N64 RE2 pales in comparison to the Dreamcast and GameCube editions.
I disagree CVX. JPG backgrounds, faster framerate (DC was slow slow slow) and the Analog option make me pick RE2 64. :p

Oh, and I haven't played the GC version. I actually forgot about that one. But I've played all of the other ones.


Dragona Akehi said:
I disagree CVX. JPG backgrounds, faster framerate (DC was slow slow slow) and the Analog option make me pick RE2 64. :p

That's cool. I like the port a lot, but for me, the Dreamcast's extras like the movie viewer and full screen, uncompressed FMV plus the GC's skippable cut-scenes make those versions a plus for me. I bet we can agree that all three shit all over the PSone game though. :p

aoi tsuki

Only one caveat i see thus far: this memory is WORM (write once, read many). i remember reading about this tech a year or so ago, thinking it would be great for use in an upcoming portable, but that's an issue i'd like to see resolved. i'd really like to get away from battery backup, with non-volatile RAM being as prevalent as it is. Using a GBA cart with a Flash RAM chip is a solution, especially if it'd allow you to save GBA games (like the ones you download in PSO) to it, but i doubt that'll happen.
Skippable cutscenes? Hrm... Perhaps if I find it ultra cheap I'll indulge. Maybe RE3 too, so I can have them all on GC. I'm also a RE whore.

And yes, we can very well agree that they shit on the PSX version. :p


I was disappointed in the RE3 port on the GC. The Dreamcast version had higher res backgrounds and extra costumes, and the minigame from the beginning but Capcom opted for porting the PSone game instead which was L-A-M-E. Don't pay more than $20 for RE3 on GC. RE2's fine pickings since it's $30 these days. :p

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
CVX: give it a minute. I am sure wellbe able to find $15 prices for both games soon.


olubode said:
CVX: give it a minute. I am sure wellbe able to find $15 prices for both games soon.

:D At those prices then the GC ports, even RE3, are worth it. CVX is also worth it if it were $20 or so.


I've asked elsewhere. 16MB stands for 2MBYTES ??

It seems there is a big confusion ?? It is hardly possible GBa uses/needs more storage than SNES games.


aoi tsuki said:
Only one caveat i see thus far: this memory is WORM (write once, read many). i remember reading about this tech a year or so ago, thinking it would be great for use in an upcoming portable, but that's an issue i'd like to see resolved. i'd really like to get away from battery backup, with non-volatile RAM being as prevalent as it is. Using a GBA cart with a Flash RAM chip is a solution, especially if it'd allow you to save GBA games (like the ones you download in PSO) to it, but i doubt that'll happen.

Afaik, nothing's used battery backup ram since the n64, if not late snes. EEPROM is the standard now. It's pretty unlikely your save is going to spontaneously go away any time soon.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
maharg said:
Afaik, nothing's used battery backup ram since the n64, if not late snes. EEPROM is the standard now. It's pretty unlikely your save is going to spontaneously go away any time soon.

I think your right about the EEPROM
What kinda hold life do they have anyway?
wazoo said:
I've asked elsewhere. 16MB stands for 2MBYTES ??

It seems there is a big confusion ?? It is hardly possible GBa uses/needs more storage than SNES games.

aoi tsuki has it right.

Current GBA game sizes:

32/64/128/256 mbit = 4/8/16/32 MBYTES

SNES game sizes:

4/8/16/24/32/48/64 mbit = 0.5/1/2/3/4/6/8 MBYTES

N64 game sizes:

32/64/96/128/256/320/512 mbit = 4/8/12/16/32/40/64 MBYTES
maharg said:
Afaik, nothing's used battery backup ram since the n64, if not late snes. EEPROM is the standard now. It's pretty unlikely your save is going to spontaneously go away any time soon.

Past a certain size limit, it's SRAM, actually. EEPROM is great but I don't think it goes past 64kilobit right now.

I imagine the only problem that would possibly happen with EEPROM is the same as flash - at some point the chip is going to fail - although given the size it probably still has battery back up beat.


Crazymoogle said:
aoi tsuki has it right.

Current GBA game sizes:

32/64/128/256 mbit = 4/8/16/32 MBYTES

N64 game sizes:

32/64/96/128/256/320/512 mbit = 4/8/12/16/32/40/64 MBYTES

Which GBA games use the 32 MB (256Mb) cartridge ?
Which N64 games use the 64 MB (512Mb) cartridge ?


apujanata said:
Which GBA games use the 32 MB (256Mb) cartridge ?
Which N64 games use the 64 MB (512Mb) cartridge ?
I think the only N64 games to use the 64 MB cartridges were RE2 and Conker.


apujanata said:
Which GBA games use the 32 MB (256Mb) cartridge ?
So far a few JP Konami games (Prince of Tennis, Mermaid Melody and something else) as well as every GBA Video release.
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