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Nintendo eShop to effectively shut down in Russia


Gold Member
Let's act like there's nothing called minsk agreement and NATO barbarically didn't honor the agreement.

clown GIF by Team Coco

Don't forget all the gay nazi jews and biolabs they have in Ukraine so Putin was forced to start his 3 days special operation to save russians in Donbas


Gold Member
Let's act like there's nothing called minsk agreement and NATO barbarically didn't honor the agreement.

But hey the state own media propagandist say Russia is bad and so the NPC will follow

Russian fans don't deserve this

NATO was not a part in the Minsk agreements.
So your argument is complete nonsense.

Seems like you are just a Russian bot trying to spread misinformation on this forum .


I'm fine with this. As long as the leaders of the country are acting barbaric and, honestly, evil, it doesn't seem right to keep going business as usual.

Sucks for innocent citizens, but I don't see the better alternative.

What do Americans have to say for Iraq's ruin though? Just saying.


You might want to remember that the first invasion of Iraq was done with a mandate on the UN, where Russia voted for the invasion.

Alot of countries did infact. But the whataboutism redacts from the inherent ideology that one's war is legal while your enemy is filth. It was all mandated on a lie; Iraq has WMD's.

Not defending the Russians in any way, but scathing statements dehumanizing others not involved doesn't make it any more correct.


Gold Member
Alot of countries did infact. But the whataboutism redacts from the inherent ideology that one's war is legal while your enemy is filth. It was all mandated on a lie; Iraq has WMD's.

Not defending the Russians in any way, but scathing statements dehumanizing others not involved doesn't make it any more correct.

Let's start with obvious. Nintendo is a Japanese company. Not American. And Japan has it's own international agenda.

Now regarding the US invasion of 2003, we should remember that a wrong of one, does not justify another wrong. The invasion of Iraq does not justify the 8 invasions of it's neighbors, that Russia has committed since 1992.
The excuse of WMDs in Iraq, was very poor and proved to be false. But had the second invasion been justified with the genocide of several minorities by the regime of Saddam Hussein, and chances are most countries would be for it.
Let's remember that his regime was not a benevolent one. It was highly oppressive, committed constant crime against humanity, and was a constant threat to other countries in the region.

If there is a country that has been constantly dehumanizing the people from another country, it has been Russia against Ukraine.
Not only Ukraine was invaded several times by Russia throughout it's history, but it also has been a target to cultural and ethnic cleansing.
For example, Alexandre II of Russia, tried to eradicate the Ukrainian language. Or the Holodomor, when Russia forced a massive hunger on Ukraine, killing millions of people.
Or when Stalin deported the Tartar's from Crimea, sending them to Siberia, where most died of hunger.
But more recently, we had Putin saying things like "Ukraine is not a real country". Very similar to what Hitler did to justify the invasion of Poland.
Or we should remember Putin spreading lies about Ukraine being ruled by Nazis. When in reality, Putin is constantly quoting the fascist iodeology of Ivan Ilyin.

And about the Russian people, remember that Putin still has an approval rating above 70%. It's not like Russians are innocent in this matter.


And about the Russian people, remember that Putin still has an approval rating above 70%. It's not like Russians are innocent in this matter.
Remember that in a totalitarian country like Russia (or China) nobody is going to answer truthfully in these polls.

It also depends who you ask. A lot (maybe even majority) of Urban population is against the war, especially folks in their 40s and younger.

Nobody will outright come out and say that though (with exception of some brave souls still protesting) as that buys you hard jail time and/or possibly one way ticket to Ukraine front.


Gold Member
Remember that in a totalitarian country like Russia (or China) nobody is going to answer truthfully in these polls.

It also depends who you ask. A lot (maybe even majority) of Urban population is against the war, especially folks in their 40s and younger.

Nobody will outright come out and say that though (with exception of some brave souls still protesting) as that buys you hard jail time and/or possibly one way ticket to Ukraine front.

Even in Europe, Russians will protest against the west giving weapons to Ukraine. Very few Russians side with Ukraine.


Let's start with obvious. Nintendo is a Japanese company. Not American. And Japan has it's own international agenda.

Agena setting after WW2 by propping money into Japan and it becoming a satellite state.

Now regarding the US invasion of 2003, we should remember that a wrong of one, does not justify another wrong. The invasion of Iraq does not justify the 8 invasions of it's neighbors, that Russia has committed since 1992.

Btw, I am a Canadian/US citizen with Pakistani heritage... whoops, forgetting the rest of the atrocities in the last 50 years aren't we from destabalizing governments to installing puppet regimes and even going to different battlefields. Let's just focus on the narrative of invasion over proxy wars and coups in others that bring destabalization.

The excuse of WMDs in Iraq, was very poor and proved to be false. But had the second invasion been justified with the genocide of several minorities by the regime of Saddam Hussein, and chances are most countries would be for it.
Let's remember that his regime was not a benevolent one. It was highly oppressive, committed constant crime against humanity, and was a constant threat to other countries in the region.

Oh jee, regurgitating narratives must be quite fun on what is fed to people's minds. Why isn't Saudi treated with the same equivalence? Or any of the Petro Dollar ME nations?

If there is a country that has been constantly dehumanizing the people from another country, it has been Russia against Ukraine.
Not only Ukraine was invaded several times by Russia throughout it's history, but it also has been a target to cultural and ethnic cleansing.
For example, Alexandre II of Russia, tried to eradicate the Ukrainian language. Or the Holodomor, when Russia forced a massive hunger on Ukraine, killing millions of people.
Or when Stalin deported the Tartar's from Crimea, sending them to Siberia, where most died of hunger.
But more recently, we had Putin saying things like "Ukraine is not a real country". Very similar to what Hitler did to justify the invasion of Poland.
Or we should remember Putin spreading lies about Ukraine being ruled by Nazis. When in reality, Putin is constantly quoting the fascist iodeology of Ivan Ilyin.

Unless you're from that region, this wouldn't really concern you. Its just the point made that one power is benevolent while another who wants a piece of the power instantly demonized. And USA would give a shit about Ukraine unless there was vested interest within the region. Its how powers keep each other in check eg. South China Sea as well.

All the stuff you said is basically warranting a check on history and facts. Transgressions are usually tribal and ancient and seep in to the modern world. Also, Russia is not the only country who did this. Might I remind you of the Native Lands and Genocide here as well. Pot calling the kettle black.

And about the Russian people, remember that Putin still has an approval rating above 70%. It's not like Russians are innocent in this matter.

Play into the propaganda, he is the ultimate dictator of the country, he can sway polls however which way he wants even if he is despised. Im just surprised how many people reprise themselves in a mind cage and don't think openly about what war is actually being waged; the one on mindshare.

I remember Bush having absolute support from 70+ countries and gaining popularity polls when he went to war. The only reprecussions we have later in the west is a slap on the wrist and saying sorry while looking all coy without anyone being taken in by warcrimes while others pay with their lives in the millions.


You might want to remember that the first invasion of Iraq was done with a mandate on the UN, where Russia voted for the invasion.

You know full well the poster wasn't referring to the Gulf War. Yes, that war began after Iraq invaded Kuwait. However, the 2nd invasion was a travesty built on lies(bogus weapons of mass destruction). Saddam was largely contained for years by no fly zones and strict sanctions following the Gulf War. His ability to attack other countries was near zero. Saddam was a bad guy and ruthless towards many in his country. However, so are many rulers across the world.

I don't mention all this as a way to excuse Putin. Dude is a piece of shit. The amount of lives being lost is horrific.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I like how the thread has taken a dark turn into a History channel level style of geo-politics. What the fuck does all this have to do with Nintendo in Russia?
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But ultimately the common folk can stop it if they really really wanted to. Many countries have been overthrown by disgruntled citizens. Remember Soldiers are citizens as well.

It’s a propaganda fight for the citizens mindshare and Putin has had open reign. Stopping outside goods is a “ why is this happening if we are the good guys? “ move that he can’t control.
That was before the surveillance tech they have now. Look what happened to protesters in Canada, getting their banks frozen and funds stolen. Wait till central bank digital currencies become a thing, everyone will be slaves.


Gold Member
Agena setting after WW2 by propping money into Japan and it becoming a satellite state.

Japan is not a satellite state of the US. If anything, it has become one of the most free, peaceful and prosperous countries in the world. And the same for Germany.
In fact, both have been going against the US in ramping up their military. If it hasn't been for Russian war in Europe and Chinese aggression in South Asia, both would still be ignoring the US.

Btw, I am a Canadian/US citizen with Pakistani heritage... whoops, forgetting the rest of the atrocities in the last 50 years aren't we from destabalizing governments to installing puppet regimes and even going to different battlefields. Let's just focus on the narrative of invasion over proxy wars and coups in others that bring destabalization.

Yes, during the Cold War, both the USA and the Soviet Union were propping up regimes one against the other.
You might remember that Truman was not interested in a Cold War, but the Soviet Union was so aggressive, it gave no other choice to the USA but to participate.
In fact, the Soviet Union was so aggressive, even Communist China joined in, on the side of the USA in a few conflicts. For example, in the Angolan civil war.
But after the fall of the Soviet Union, these kind of tactics fell by the way side. Except that Russia continued to invade it's neighbors, and all of these invasions were to conquer territory. None were to remove a dictator.

Here is a nice comparison. After WW2, western Europe had zero conflicts, became prosperous and democratic.
Eastern Europe continues to have conflicts, and almost all countries have problems with extreme corruption, poverty and dictatorships.

BTW, why did you go to one of the countries on the planet, that is under the most USA influence? Maybe democracy and prosperity aren't so bad.

Oh jee, regurgitating narratives must be quite fun on what is fed to people's minds. Why isn't Saudi treated with the same equivalence? Or any of the Petro Dollar ME nations?

The first Iraq war was done under those presets. And had a support of most of the UN Nations. So, no this is not just some type of narrative.
For all the problems with Saudi Arabia, it was never as bad as Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Truth be told, the problems with Saudi Arabia, are not that different than Pakistan.
Both have terrible records in human rights. Both have problems when dealing with minorities. And both have active conflicts in their borders.

Was the second invasion of Iraq an error? Yes it was.
But one invasion from the USA does not validate other invasions from Russia. And that is the problem we have seen with Russian propaganda.
The second war on Iraq does not justify the invasion of Ukraine. Neither the invasion of Georgia. neither the invasion of Crimea.

Unless you're from that region, this wouldn't really concern you. Its just the point made that one power is benevolent while another who wants a piece of the power instantly demonized. And USA would give a shit about Ukraine unless there was vested interest within the region. Its how powers keep each other in check eg. South China Sea as well.

I'm from Europe, so this affects us. The invasion of Ukraine is the biggest war in Europe since WW2, so it's a big deal.
If Russian invasion are not stopped now, several European countries will be next. Such as Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Checoslováquia and Finland.
And if we go by Lavrov's words, even Eastern Germany is on the table.
There is a reason why so many countries are begging to enter NATO, and that reason is Russian aggression towards it's neighbors.

All the stuff you said is basically warranting a check on history and facts. Transgressions are usually tribal and ancient and seep in to the modern world. Also, Russia is not the only country who did this. Might I remind you of the Native Lands and Genocide here as well. Pot calling the kettle black.

All the stuff I said ahs been verified by historians. You might remember that the Soviet records were open for a few years, after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Gorbachev even admitted to the Holodomor, in public. So don't even try to obfuscate facts with current Russian propaganda.

There is a big diference in regards to the genocide the USA did against the Natives, and the genocides Russia. And that diference is that Russia continues to perpetrate them.
Almost every country has a dark side to their history, but some have learned from it. Others are still repeating it.
In case you didn't notice, lot's of eastern Europeans countries are seeking NATO protection, from Russia, as not to become the next victims.

Play into the propaganda, he is the ultimate dictator of the country, he can sway polls however which way he wants even if he is despised. Im just surprised how many people reprise themselves in a mind cage and don't think openly about what war is actually being waged; the one on mindshare.

Yes, Putin is a dictator and has power over the people. So did Tsar Nicolai II, but soon he was lying in a ditch, his bullet riddled with bullets.
The Russian people still have agency. They can still choose to revolt, like they did in 1917. But the fact remains that they choose not to.
We even have Russians in free European countries protesting in favor of Putin and Russia. Some even attack Ukrainian refugees.

I remember Bush having absolute support from 70+ countries and gaining popularity polls when he went to war. The only reprecussions we have later in the west is a slap on the wrist and saying sorry while looking all coy without anyone being taken in by warcrimes while others pay with their lives in the millions.

You are correct. But again, the second invasion of Iraq does not justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Two wrongs does not make one right.
And for all the mistakes the USA has made, supporting Ukraine in defending it self and it's people, against a Russian invasion is the right thing.
The Ukrainian people have the right to be free, they have the right to peace and to prosperity.


I like how the thread has taken a dark turn into a History channel level style of geo-politics. What the fuck does all this have to do with Nintendo in Russia?

People can’t resist the urge to remind us of America’s foreign policy mistakes, and love to equate them to the situation in Ukraine… which anyone with half a brain and no implicit bias against the west doesn’t do, because it’s grossly inaccurate.
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Let's start with obvious. Nintendo is a Japanese company. Not American. And Japan has it's own international agenda.

Now regarding the US invasion of 2003, we should remember that a wrong of one, does not justify another wrong. The invasion of Iraq does not justify the 8 invasions of it's neighbors, that Russia has committed since 1992.
The excuse of WMDs in Iraq, was very poor and proved to be false. But had the second invasion been justified with the genocide of several minorities by the regime of Saddam Hussein, and chances are most countries would be for it.
Let's remember that his regime was not a benevolent one. It was highly oppressive, committed constant crime against humanity, and was a constant threat to other countries in the region.

If there is a country that has been constantly dehumanizing the people from another country, it has been Russia against Ukraine.
Not only Ukraine was invaded several times by Russia throughout it's history, but it also has been a target to cultural and ethnic cleansing.
For example, Alexandre II of Russia, tried to eradicate the Ukrainian language. Or the Holodomor, when Russia forced a massive hunger on Ukraine, killing millions of people.
Or when Stalin deported the Tartar's from Crimea, sending them to Siberia, where most died of hunger.
But more recently, we had Putin saying things like "Ukraine is not a real country". Very similar to what Hitler did to justify the invasion of Poland.
Or we should remember Putin spreading lies about Ukraine being ruled by Nazis. When in reality, Putin is constantly quoting the fascist iodeology of Ivan Ilyin.

And about the Russian people, remember that Putin still has an approval rating above 70%. It's not like Russians are innocent in this matter.

Holy cow friggin based. Actual intelligent discourse instead of the usual bile filled, propagandized nonsense. Kudos.

That sentence is the bold is so simply snd yet so many don't understand it.
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Holy cow friggin based. Actual intelligent discourse instead of the usual bile filled, propagandized nonsense. Kudos.

That sentence is the bold is so simply snd yet so many don't understand it.

That guy was just bashing on the illusion of high moral ground. To be honest, I don't see how installing a pro-west regime in Ukraine and bringing the world to the edge of ww3 and nuclear anihilation is the right thing to do. If Ukranians want to negotiate peace, they should be able to do it, having other nations pushing them to fight to the last man standing is genocide.
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Gold Member
That guy was just bashing on the illusion of high moral ground. To be honest, I don't see how installing a pro-west regime in Ukraine and bringing the world to the edge of ww3 and nuclear anihilation is the right thing to do. If Ukranians want to negotiate peace, they should be able to do it, having other nations pushing them to fight to the last man standing is genocide.

Don't be a liar.
It's Ukraine that wants to continue to fight. When Russia invaded, the west offered to evacuate the Ukrainian president and other officials. They refused and decided to stand and fight.
Their president and military already said they want to take back all Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia. And for that, Ukraine is constantly requesting more and more western assistance.
It's has been the fear of escalation in the west, that has prevented Ukraine from receiving more advanced and decisive weaponry. Although this is now changing, because the world has seen Ukraine resolve, strength and capability.
Might I remind you that in percentage of GDP, the countries that have helped Ukraine the most is Poland and the Baltic states. Because they know what it's like to be under Russian rule, and they fear that if Ukraine falls, they will be the next target.
Russian always deals in bad faith. And every concession made to Russia, only incentivizes the next invasion.
Regarding nuclear war, the Russian official policy is that it is only to be use in a threat to Russian sovereignty. It does not state anything about using nukes to invade other countries.
NATO is not a threat to Russian sovereignty. NATO is a threat to Russian expansion. Because the more countries join NATO's protection, the fewer countries Russia can invade.
After being scammed by a romance scam from a Russian girl, robbed of a lot of money and being hurt emotionally, I don't care anymore what restrictions and sanctions they get.

If they can't sort out their own thieves stealing money from hard working men in the west (and I filed multiple complaints at their agencies with no result) then they don't deserve products and services from the same west.


Gold Member
You never heard any Ukranian officials saying that they were fighting US's war?

That is Russian propaganda.

Poland president recently said that Ukraine was getting crushed.

Did he, where?

Who abandoned the Open skies treaty first?

Was it? As far as I know it was Russia who forbade the US from flying parts of Georgia.
You know, that other country invaded recently by Russia.
And how many treaties has Russian broken?

And NATO is not a threat to the sovereignty of non aligned countries?. Really?, which planet to you live on?.

NATO has never conquered any country. And any member can leave if they want to, like France did a few decades ago.
NATO is above all a defensive alliance and it has been extremely successful in protecting it's members.
It's only a threat to countries that want to invade their neighbors.

And that term on non-aligned term is very cliché for a Russian bot stuck in the Cold era mentality.
The whole point of sanctions or actions like these is to put internal pressure on the people to make a change. Keeping the status quo this long hasn't earned them that much sympathy.
The first Iraq war was done under those presets. And had a support of most of the UN Nations. So, no this is not just some type of narrative.
For all the problems with Saudi Arabia, it was never as bad as Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Truth be told, the problems with Saudi Arabia, are not that different than Pakistan.
Both have terrible records in human rights. Both have problems when dealing with minorities. And both have active conflicts in their borders.

Was the second invasion of Iraq an error? Yes it was.
But one invasion from the USA does not validate other invasions from Russia. And that is the problem we have seen with Russian propaganda.
The second war on Iraq does not justify the invasion of Ukraine. Neither the invasion of Georgia. neither the invasion of Crimea.

The aftermath of the first Iraq war was a catastrophe for civilians. The use of sanctions along with the depleted uranium fallout killed hundreds of thousands.


Gold Member
The aftermath of the first Iraq war was a catastrophe for civilians. The use of sanctions along with the depleted uranium fallout killed hundreds of thousands.

And doing nothing would have been much worse for the whole region.
Might I remind you that it wasn't only the USA involved. Most countries in the UN voted for it. And countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, were also fighting in the war against Iraq.
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