Nintendo Insider Leaks Remake Of Xenoblade Chronicles X As Potential Switch 2 Title

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The game is awesome and so is the OST. I'm not even into that weeb shit either, just one of those things where the weirdness of it all elevates it to something great. So haters can get wreckt. 😎

The game is massive too, I've put like 80 hours into it and have uncovered like 20% of the map.

The story plays out like some kind of anime sitcom. Really cool game.

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Astral Dog

Zippo IS NOT reliable. He has been a banned source from r/gamingleaksandrumors for a while.
Still, its a fairly safe prediction

They can release Xenoblade X on Switch 2 without much trouble, the original Switch is still a little limited to run Xenoblade X without any compromise (look at the resolution in portable mode for Xeno2 and 3),also it would make sense to upgrade the character models since they were hideous, that would have been impossible on Switch.

Xenoblade X with improved character models, resolution, lightning ,framerate would be a good early gen Switch 2 exclusive without taking too much resources

The game itself was decent but had flaws ,specially in the storytelling and main campaing,i can only take so many Tatsu food jokes


Almost 10 years on, I can say comfortably XCX is my favorite JRPG of all time....maybe Chrono Trigger? But I'd rather play XCX again than CT for the tenth time. Reupping the player base for the online mode is really the only excuse I need to double-dip. Hope it's true, and people see how great this game was and we can have demand for XCX2 and and a hiatus for the "weeb" style.


I actually thought we would've gotten a sequel by now. Did it not do well? I feel like releasing on the Wii U did it no favors.


It doesn't need a remake, it's already HD, & only 8 years old. It does need a lot of QoL improvements and other changes, though. It was out-dated in many ways the moment it came out.
It's just trapped on hardware few people have and fewer people use, plus WiiUs are self-destructing in closets around the globe -- I'm not going to complain about a remake. Also, how was XCX outdated? I think it was ahead of it's time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If I would be Nintendo I'd release instead other launch games that way more people care about, like the next Mario 3D game and Mario Kart 9.

I'd stop with the rehashed stuff having BC.
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I generally agree but I'm okay with this one since it's the last thing trapped on the Wii U. I own it in the Wii U so don't need the port/remaster/remake/whatever but would absolutely support it if it meant a sequel.
With the end of Future Redeemed, I believe they'll continue Xenoblade X

I'm down for it. Have Saito do a full redesign of the character models. The combat system also needs a drastic overhaul.
Xenoblade X characters were designed by Kunihiko Tanaka, the designer for Xenogears and Xenosaga. KOS-MOS in Xenoblade 2 is still designed by him. The problem with Xenoblade X was the 3D model.


Mister Wolf

With the end of Future Redeemed, I believe they'll continue Xenoblade X

Xenoblade X characters were designed by Kunihiko Tanaka, the designer for Xenogears and Xenosaga. KOS-MOS in Xenoblade 2 is still designed by him. The problem with Xenoblade X was the 3D model.


Tanaka had a good run but he isn't needed anymore. Saito has already shown with XB2, Torna, XB3, and Future Redeemed that he is superior.


What time is it?
Seems like a title better suited to take advantage of the massive userbase of the Switch rather than the successor or, depending on backwards compatibility, a cross generation title.


World’s Biggest Weeb
While they’re at it I hope they add a few new tracks to play in New LA. XCX’s soundtrack is a masterpiece but you spend like a third of your 100+ hours listening to those same two tracks.



Black Widow Avengers GIF
That would be awesome. I really liked the potential of the game, but unfortunately the whole affinity system and the story progression is just so lame. Wish they would have just leaned more into the world and gameplay instead of shoehorning in a D grade story.

F31 Leopard

I could never get the battle system to work like that for me. While I had fun with the game I never understood the combo system.
I watched YouTube tutorials and tons of practice. I have 386 hours on my save file grinding Yggralith Zero.


This characters design is giving me nightmares, but I never played it on Wii U back then, so I hope is true.
Nobody's remaking this weird but wonderful black sheep of a game. If it's getting anything, it's getting a port/remaster while the main monolift muscle is busy doing something else
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Almost 10 years on, I can say comfortably XCX is my favorite JRPG of all time....maybe Chrono Trigger? But I'd rather play XCX again than CT for the tenth time. Reupping the player base for the online mode is really the only excuse I need to double-dip. Hope it's true, and people see how great this game was and we can have demand for XCX2 and and a hiatus for the "weeb" style.

The game is awesome and so is the OST. I'm not even into that weeb shit either, just one of those things where the weirdness of it all elevates it to something great. So haters can get wreckt. 😎

The game is massive too, I've put like 80 hours into it and have uncovered like 20% of the map.

The story plays out like some kind of anime sitcom. Really cool game.

I agree I'm also on team "let's eat Tatsu so he'll shut up"

I love X but Tatsu is the worst nopon ever dude c'mon
If this is happening, it would need a lot* of work to port over, as well as it would need some serious work done to make it more player-friendly. XCX is an extremely overly-complicated game. lol. Great game, but not for the faint of heart. It takes 20-30 hours of playing just to unlock the ability to be able to spend in-game currency, to purchase your first mech, for starters.
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The game probably doesn't need a full remake but definitely needs a lot of quality of life. The UI/UX is awful and you need YouTube to explain how to competently fight. Additionally they need to fix the affinity system which makes it very difficult to see much of the many party members quests and the game could use balancing. Quirky, innovative, and ultimately great game but it is a great candidate for an update.
The game probably doesn't need a full remake but definitely needs a lot of quality of life. The UI/UX is awful and you need YouTube to explain how to competently fight. Additionally they need to fix the affinity system which makes it very difficult to see much of the many party members quests and the game could use balancing. Quirky, innovative, and ultimately great game but it is a great candidate for an update.
Prior to playing the game, I watched the Nintendo pre-release hype/tutorial videos. It was cool. Kind of like my own condensed hype train experience.


Gold Member
I'm yet to see an "insider" leaking some weird title nobody would expect (like a new IP), they're always "leaking" the safest bets lol

Mister Wolf

I've been playing XC 3, and it feels like the first time the mildly obtuse combat system has clicked with me.

Monolith Soft is continuously getting better at their craft. You're going to like the combat in its XB3's expansion Future Redeemed even more than XB3.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Still the best teaser out there

This scene is the moment I'm sold on the game


Even if it's a remaster, they need to improve a lot of things. The text in Xenoblade X was too small. Overdrive was not explained well, etc. With too many improvements, it's better to do it like Xenoblade DE

This trailer sold me on the Wii U and the remake will sell me a Switch 2.

They better not fuck with the OST

And finally getting your mech is STILL the most game changing moment in gaming for me.
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Gold Member
So the key question about this is, will it include the boob slider this time?

Also since it was censored in the last version in US and EU, I think we deserve twice as much this time, so maximum should be double the old max and with enhanced physics.

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I really liked the game and spent a fair amount of time on it. My one goal was a skell. Once I got it, I just kinda wandered around.

These days I dont have the same amount of free time, so it would definitely need to be more life friendly for me to play it now.


If this is happening, it would need a lot* of work to port over, as well as it would need some serious work done to make it more player-friendly. XCX is an extremely overly-complicated game. lol. Great game, but not for the faint of heart. It takes 20-30 hours of playing just to unlock the ability to be able to spend in-game currency, to purchase your first mech, for starters.
I hate to admit it, but I'd love an optional baby mode combat system that turns it into a button-mashy action RPG/TPS. I love Monolith Soft's worlds, but the gameplay I could take or leave. There's certainly worse combat systems out there, but there's something about piloting a mech that makes me want to just rocket around while holding down on the trigger until stuff explodes. Lol
I've been playing XC 3, and it feels like the first time the mildly obtuse combat system has clicked with me.
You're gonna hate XBX, lol. Unless they change it, the battle system doesn't have any healing spells and heal items are rare special items. The way it works is that there's different colors for attacks, and they will flash on your UI as you're fighting. Basically have to do attacks that correspond to what your team is doing and then a timed pop up comes up and you hit B at the right time, gives everyone some health.

It's confusing and convoluted but it's pretty easy once you come to terms with it. Most enemies are trash mobs but it's easy to stumble into an enemy that will one-hit you.

It's a hard game to describe and most people don't realize how massive it is. It's really impressive and it's a top shelf game all day but it's definitely not for everyone.

Mister Wolf

You're gonna hate XBX, lol. Unless they change it, the battle system doesn't have any healing spells and heal items are rare special items. The way it works is that there's different colors for attacks, and they will flash on your UI as you're fighting. Basically have to do attacks that correspond to what your team is doing and then a timed pop up comes up and you hit B at the right time, gives everyone some health.

It's confusing and convoluted but it's pretty easy once you come to terms with it. Most enemies are trash mobs but it's easy to stumble into an enemy that will one-hit you.

It's a hard game to describe and most people don't realize how massive it is. It's really impressive and it's a top shelf game all day but it's definitely not for everyone.

That only combat system by Monolith Soft that's worse is Xenosaga 2.


I hate to admit it, but I'd love an optional baby mode combat system that turns it into a button-mashy action RPG/TPS. I love Monolith Soft's worlds, but the gameplay I could take or leave. There's certainly worse combat systems out there, but there's something about piloting a mech that makes me want to just rocket around while holding down on the trigger until stuff explodes. Lol

For what it's worth, the mecha combat is pretty much like that. Once you get your party a couple of Ares 70's and Ares 90's, you can literally oneshot almost everything except for a few world bosses.

And those aren't even the strongest mechs.
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