Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition – The year is 2054… (Nintendo Switch)

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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Why don't announce this game simultaneously with Switch 2 announcement?

The Switch 1 version occasionally doesn't look good.
Becuase it will be overshadowed by the Switch 2 announcement, and the game comes out on March.

Herr Edgy

Question, is X lighter on narrative and character focus than the main series?
Basically none of that
Silent protagonist, most antagonists show up and die without being relevant to the plot
You can choose a 4th character to accompany you from the side characters but they just stand around and do nothing in conversation scenes and aren't part of the story cut scenes
Completely unresolved story/character lines (they might fix things up a little here though)
The story is not good, not at all
A couple side quests are pretty cool
Play this for the grind and cool looking robots and for nothing else, I don't even see it as a Xenoblade game, it's a tech experiment gone wrong due to implementing a really bad online mode instead of an actual protagonist as originally intended
I've never played this game before but watching the trailer, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The seriousness of the story, the silliness of the voice acting, the music selection. Very funny trailer, top tier comedy....

Same ol G

I'm not expecting much but i hope they finish the story proper this time.
This game was awesome i put a few hundred hours in it but the story felt like there would be a XCX2
If they give us a satisfying end this will end up one of the best rpg's i ever played


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Oh dang, this game is gonna be so much easier to play now that I can read the text!

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
What does that have to do with anything I've said? They could've released a higher quality video. I haven't said anything about S2.
Compression and bit rate aren't a big concern for most Xenoblade fans, who care more about gameplay and world-building than presentation. The trailer's purpose is likely to offer a quick preview, not showcase peak visual quality, especially with the Switch 2 announcement coming soon.


Gold Member
Compression and bit rate aren't a big concern for most Xenoblade fans, who care more about gameplay and world-building than presentation. The trailer's purpose is likely to offer a quick preview, not showcase peak visual quality, especially with the Switch 2 announcement coming soon.
What the hell are you talking about man? XB fans don't want trailers in good quality? What about news fans eh? If you present a product to sell, you need to present it in the best way possible.


World’s Biggest Weeb
All I hope for now is that 1) this game is enhanced for Switch 2 and 2) I don’t have to wait too long to play it on Switch 2.


These franchises really need releasing from the Nintendo hardware. This will probably be a Switch 2 launch title too (upscaled).
John Candy No GIF by Laff


Kinda, you're not the main character of the story, your background is unknown but you're some kind of super soldier, it's really Elma's story.

You have to explore % of the map to unlock certain story missions.

There's like 20+ recruitable party members in the game and like 8 matter to the story at most but they're barely developed and the story is mid as fuck. Don't go in thinking you're getting some epic story. Also you have to play for like 40+ hours before you get the mechs.

Yes. They changed direction mid-development and switched to player avatar instead of a character like Shulk. The story is good but it’s more emphasis on exploration.

Basically none of that
Silent protagonist, most antagonists show up and die without being relevant to the plot
You can choose a 4th character to accompany you from the side characters but they just stand around and do nothing in conversation scenes and aren't part of the story cut scenes
Completely unresolved story/character lines (they might fix things up a little here though)
The story is not good, not at all
A couple side quests are pretty cool
Play this for the grind and cool looking robots and for nothing else, I don't even see it as a Xenoblade game, it's a tech experiment gone wrong due to implementing a really bad online mode instead of an actual protagonist as originally intended

Thanks all.

The Chronicles series are always day 1 games for me but I think I'll hold off this one until there's a quite period. I'm sure the world exploration and music is going to be excellent, but I need the hook of narrative and characters in a game to glue me into the experience.
Question, is X lighter on narrative and character focus than the main series?

There's like 20+ recruitable party members in the game and like 8 matter to the story at most but they're barely developed and the story is mid as fuck. Don't go in thinking you're getting some epic story. Also you have to play for like 40+ hours before you get the mechs.
Its only light on story if you skip the character specific quests and plow through with the main quests. You gotta do the character quests to really get dialed into the story. The side quests gave me a Tenchi Muyo vibe. It's like an Anime sitcom at its core. #TeamTatsu

The game is massive and confusing as hell at first. The menus are a thing of beauty and absolute frustration, lol. Most people truly have no clue what they are in for with this game. It's easily the biggest console game I've ever played. I put close to 100 hours into it and I still have like 70% of the map to explore and the other Mech license to unlock.
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Gold Member
Or just be ready to play this on the new Switch and keep your current one dusted.
Hmm. From this sentence, I can only surmise that a "dusted switch" can not only be a Switch where it's dust has been removed, but a Switch where it's dust has not been removed.

"My Switch is dusted."



all the UI improvement is great. didnt finish the first game due to awful UI and quest guide system.

im guess this is one of game that obviously has Switch 2 enhancement ready.

put away emulator controversy, im looking foward to see modders put raytracing mod in it like BoTW and see how it goes.

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They remastered a 10-year old game to make it look like... a 10-year-old game.
Yeah because games from that era are the last best games for most developers.
lol for a remaster? smh

This company is the definition of cash grab
The difference is Monolith has released 2 games and expansions since this game. The audience grew for the franchise.

I'll probably play this before I finish the rest of 2. Those screenshots look great. I'm ok with this gen of graphics. It gets the point across and doesn't require a lot of hardware. But also doeesn't stop the developer from making something massive. in XC1 the equipment alone was just a fun feature for me.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The difference is Monolith has released 2 games and expansions since this game. The audience grew for the franchise.
That just means more people to do the cash grab with, that doesn't justify this price.

I'm one of the few that even own a Wii U and own this original version and get that this game will likely move more units as a Switch game and I'm still saying this price is nuts as its still a remaster

Even GOTY versions with all content generally are not sold at full price. I'm not against the remaster, I think it 100% should exist, will grow the install base and fuck no am I replaying that Wii U version lol

Merely that I don't feel this should be full price and it feels like Nintendo is merely taken advantage of their install base

This is not a never for me, merely not a day 1 at this price.


Writes a lot, says very little
It’s a 300 hour game. There’s so many examples of lame cash grabs it’s so odd to pick this one to complain about. If any remaster is worth $60, it’s this one.
pick one? Lol I'm not fucking paying full price FOR ANY FUCKING REMASTER lol

I like the game and its easily the best Wii U game imho, that doesn't mean I'm fucking spending $60 on a remaster

I've never done that prior, I won't do that here either.

A full remake, yes, a whole ass collection (like all game, 100%)

JUST a remaster pay the exact same price? yea...I don't know about all that lol

A lot of great games released 10 years ago, I'm telling you sir...even a game I'd give game of the year 10 years ago, I'm not fucking spending FULL PRICE solely on a remaster, that is remake pricing right there lol This is no a judgement on the game, merely that no matter how much someone likes its, it still a remaster from 10 years ago in which a publisher is trying to force a full price on something most publishers sell below full price.


Writes a lot, says very little
I would say its up to you but for me its definitely worth the asking price......day one for me.

I would be shocked if you didn't lol

I think you like this series more then I like most series, I don't know if I like any IP enough to buy a remaster at full price...

Well...it really, really depends. Like a steelcase release or a old game that most didn't get to play or something rare

Like that 3D Hero Game that is basically on PS3 for life lol (semi OT good ass title and deserving of a remaster) I still have a copy of that game lol Like the rarest of games, Folkore, God Hand etc if they got remasters at full price, I would still not buy them at full price, but would buy them inevitably with a sale or something
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Huh, there's a new feature for quick recast. I wonder what the orange bar for.




Writes a lot, says very little
Huh, there's a new feature for quick recast. I wonder what the orange bar for.


Some of Square's remasters do something like this, like a feature to speed up something. Maybe this is like what FFIX has in the remaster to speed up the battles or something


pick one? Lol I'm not fucking paying full price FOR ANY FUCKING REMASTER lol

I like the game and its easily the best Wii U game imho, that doesn't mean I'm fucking spending $60 on a remaster

I've never done that prior, I won't do that here either.

A full remake, yes, a whole ass collection (like all game, 100%)

JUST a remaster pay the exact same price? yea...I don't know about all that lol

A lot of great games released 10 years ago, I'm telling you sir...even a game I'd give game of the year 10 years ago, I'm not fucking spending FULL PRICE solely on a remaster, that is remake pricing right there lol This is no a judgement on the game, merely that no matter how much someone likes its, it still a remaster from 10 years ago in which a publisher is trying to force a full price on something most publishers sell below full price.
weird take. Aren’t WiiUs dead after so many years?

Also how many WiiUs are even out there?

It’s completely different when the other companies release remasters every generation. When they had the best selling consoles.

This is a pretty unique scenario and I guess if you want to just lump it into no remasters that’s fine but to a lot of people that didn’t own a WiiU and have been into the Switch and the series this seems like a great thing.

The DE of XC1 was a big improvement and much needed. It wasn’t just the visual and performance enhancements.

This game looks to be a lot more playable and a much improved UI. Not to mention it is also now on a portable system.
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