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Nintendo ops out of EVO for the first time since 2007.


Gold Member
Thought this was significant.

Nintendo's choice to not be part of EVO follows Sony's purchase of the fighting game tournament in 2021. At the time of the acquisition announcement, Nintendo said that it wishes the show's organizers the best and that it will continue to assess EVO in the future. That decision, at least for now, appears to have been made.

This move also could be due to Nintendo partnering with Panda Global for the first officially licensed series of Super Smash Bros. eSports tournaments in North America.

"Nintendo has enjoyed engaging with fans at past Evo tournaments and wish the show organizers the best with their new venture. We will continue to assess Evo, and other opportunities, as we plan for future online and offline Super Smash Bros. tournament activity.” A spokesperson for Nintendo said in March 2021.

EVO 2022 is currently set to take place from August 5-7 in Las Vegas.

It's not like Nintendo needs EVO for Smash to be a success. Still, surprising move. EVO is pretty important in the fighting game world.


How does Nintendo have the right to pull a game out of a tournament? Copywrite law?

Is Smash still the biggest game at EVO? I know it was in 2019.


Not surprising. Evo and the rest of the FGC pretty much nuked themselves in 2020 with the double whammy of COVID and the sex scandals, forcing Sony to step in and clean up the mess. With Nintendo partnering with Panda Global, and Evo's reputation in shambles, this should've been a surprise to nobody.

Moreover, I think 2020's events kind of forced Nintendo to reconsider its previous hands-off approach to the Smash competitive scene. We've seen the potential risks that leaving everything up to community brought, and if Panda's any indication, they'll likely want more influence over the scene.
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Why can't it be Netherrealm that is the asshole? that way we would be spared the embarrassment that is competitive Mortal Kombat lol
some of the smash champions are sex offenders...
But do they have B.O? JP, pretty sure they have the most of it anyways. Personally, EVO shouldn't be owned by any of the console owners. This just means less competitors overall, aka, not as fun or interesting to watch. Bring back street fighter to all platforms. Doesn't make sense how I can't play with the same guys I trained in SFIV, in SFV. Pathetic


How does Nintendo have the right to pull a game out of a tournament? Copywrite law?

Is Smash still the biggest game at EVO? I know it was in 2019.
For official tournaments like EVO to feature games, they need to have a license to run the game granted to them by the publisher. This is actually the reason why Melee was initially blocked from the event in 2013 after the charity, EVO didn't have the license from Nintendo yet. Companies can also refuse a license to tournament organizers if they wish to. Bandai Namco did this with Dragon Ball FighterZ one time.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Don't tease me bro. Power Stone is a wet dream to most people who have played the first 2.
Time for Power Stone Ultimate!

Sony is going to have to buy a fighting studio if some other big names drop out.
I maintain that buying Capcom and doing a Power Stone take on PSABR would prove pretty popular. Most of the team from Power Stone 2 seem to still be there, but the original creator has left capcom.
I maintain that buying Capcom and doing a Power Stone take on PSABR would prove pretty popular. Most of the team from Power Stone 2 seem to still be there, but the original creator has left capcom.
Fuck no, don't make it a shitty game. Let it be available to all consoles, PC, Xbox, Nintendo. Include all the roster of the main cast. License it. Make it happen! But it would be shitty to only be on PlayStation, as it wouldn't sell no where as much, and with a small player base.


How does Nintendo have the right to pull a game out of a tournament? Copywrite law?
Yes, with copyright law they can avoid tournament organizers earning money with their IP. I assume this is why they blocked in the past presence in other tournaments or avoided to support the Smash scene tournaments. Some eSport devs like Riot have a big control over the tournaments of their games, and seems Capcom will start controlling the SF ones (doesn't mean they will block EVO).

Is Smash still the biggest game at EVO? I know it was in 2019.
Yes, it climbed positions until it broke the EVO viewship record in 2019 (the last EVO) if combining all streams.
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Marlboro: Other M
Well, it's not like the fgc was really welcoming of smash in the first place. I remember a lot of people complaining about how big the time slot for smash was at the finals, and how common was for fgc members to just use it as a coffee break. I'm sure Evo will lament, but the community will hardly care.
With Nintendo's prior history I wouldn't be surprised if they just spend the rest of their days doing takedowns on fan-made Smash tournaments so that there is never a Smash Tournament ever again.
I just don't give a damn. The smash community has always been shit.
The thing is:

1) It could be argued that the Smash community being shit is precisely because Nintendo constantly does dumb crap like this to begin with, rather than actually curating it's tournament base properly the way other eSports franchises do.

2) Most of the loudest voices dunking on the Smash community are people who are salty that Smash gets EVO more popular than their chosen eSport game. While in most other contexts this is a bit of a "sure, whatever", when it comes to Nintendo mistreating it's tournament base it feels really repugnant to derive any sort of pleasure from that when Nintendo's actions can have serious consequences for the eSports scene as a whole. Imagine if Capcom just decided that Super Turbo or Third Strike needs to die and stay buried and took every effort to kill any unofficial tournaments while not having any of their own; how would you feel then?


With Nintendo's prior history I wouldn't be surprised if they just spend the rest of their days doing takedowns on fan-made Smash tournaments so that there is never a Smash Tournament ever again.
The thing is:

1) It could be argued that the Smash community being shit is precisely because Nintendo constantly does dumb crap like this to begin with, rather than actually curating it's tournament base properly the way other eSports franchises do.

2) Most of the loudest voices dunking on the Smash community are people who are salty that Smash gets EVO more popular than their chosen eSport game. While in most other contexts this is a bit of a "sure, whatever", when it comes to Nintendo mistreating it's tournament base it feels really repugnant to derive any sort of pleasure from that when Nintendo's actions can have serious consequences for the eSports scene as a whole. Imagine if Capcom just decided that Super Turbo or Third Strike needs to die and stay buried and took every effort to kill any unofficial tournaments while not having any of their own; how would you feel then?
They're partnering with Panda Global for their own tournaments. Nintendo's never had a problem with Smash being played at tourney's before, they've even sponsored many of them. They just chose not to license the game to EVO this time (plus as I said, Melee's initial C&D in 2013 was due to EVO not officially having the rights to run the game yet).
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They're partnering with Panda Global for their own tournaments. Nintendo's never had a problem with Smash being played at tourney's before, they've even sponsored many of them. They just chose not to license the game to EVO this time (plus as I said, Melee's initial C&D in 2013 was due to EVO not officially having the rights to run the game yet).
Dropping support for what was the biggest concentration of fighting game tournaments in the world (Which may make sense now due to controversy, but they did it so fast it's clear they were looking for a reason long beforehand) in favor of a company who recently needed to run a KickStarter for their own branded controllers?
Let me call that like it is: They are temporarily partnering with a small company on thin margins so they can have tight control over the brand. They will drop support for Panda the second that they can't influence Panda, either if Panda grows too large independently from Nintendo or if Panda ever dare say "no" to forcing something like "gimmicky motion controls only' rulesets on the next theoretical tournament. This is probably the preferred solution for Panda, because otherwise Nintendo's control over the tournaments will stunt the organic growth of Smash as eSports, if not outright kill it - which for all I know, may very well be Nintendo's endgame. They sure don't seem concerned about pushing ARMS as eSports anymore, after all.
There is already historical precedent for this in regard to Nintendo's prior moves regarding tournaments as well as other social media personalities. It does not bode well for the future of Smash tournaments.


Dropping support for what was the biggest concentration of fighting game tournaments in the world (Which may make sense now due to controversy, but they did it so fast it's clear they were looking for a reason long beforehand) in favor of a company who recently needed to run a KickStarter for their own branded controllers?
Nobody cares about EVO anymore, after the Sony acquisition, it was clear the event would become one big marketing vehicle for PlayStation.
Let me call that like it is: They are temporarily partnering with a small company on thin margins so they can have tight control over the brand. They will drop support for Panda the second that they can't influence Panda, either if Panda grows too large independently from Nintendo or if Panda ever dare say "no" to forcing something like "gimmicky motion controls only' rulesets on the next theoretical tournament. This is probably the preferred solution for Panda, because otherwise Nintendo's control over the tournaments will stunt the organic growth of Smash as eSports, if not outright kill it - which for all I know, may very well be Nintendo's endgame. They sure don't seem concerned about pushing ARMS as eSports anymore, after all.
Now you're just playing conspiracy theorist. It's too early to tell what Nintendo's partnership with Panda will result in.
There is already historical precedent for this in regard to Nintendo's prior moves regarding tournaments as well as other social media personalities. It does not bode well for the future of Smash tournaments.
Nintendo's prior moves were due to the Smash community acting out of hand. I'm not saying their approach to the scene didn't have flaws, but let's not absolve the community of any fault.
Now you're just playing conspiracy theorist. It's too early to tell what Nintendo's partnership with Panda will result in.
"Knowing Nintendo's prior established history with the tournament scene and their own attempts to control their games as eSports brands" is conspiracy theorist?
Dude, I was at the ARMS tournament Nintendo held at E3 and it was ruined by forced motion controls rulesets. I'd argue that's half the reason ARMS did not really take off as an eSport, since otherwise I thought it had potential.
To argue I'm somehow "crazy" for expecting Nintendo to be Nintendo is ridiculous.


If you're Nintendo and you see the horrific state EVO was in and then being bought by Sony?

Yeah, only makes sense to do your own thing which is a Nintendo specialty.
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