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Nintendo President Apologizes For Joy-Con Trouble and says it still believes Directs are ‘effective’ but it could adapt them in future


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Speaking in a new Japanese shareholder Q&A (translated by VGC), Nintendo president Furukawa reiterated the firm’s commitment to the Direct model. However, he said Nintendo would adapt its communication methods if better methods become available in the future.

“We feel Nintendo Directs are an incredibly effective way to present information directly to our customers in a very straight-forward way,” Furukawa said.

“Inversely, times change and so does the most effective way to promote products, so there is a chance that a new, better way to present this information comes about. So we always like to examine all of the possible ways to communicate this information to customers.”

The president confirmed that, due to the coronavirus, Nintendo has no immediate plans to hold its own physical events, such as one VGC understands was planned for Mario’s 35th anniversary.

“In normal years, we would show off the games presented at E3 to our shareholders. However, due to the Coronavirus, E3, as well as other large game events, have been cancelled for the time being and we have no plans to hold any events of that nature as well,” he said.

“Instead we are trying to be flexible in thinking of new ways to present information about our products, so please stay tuned.

“Recently we have announced a new fighter for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as well as announcing a new Pokémon-related game from The Pokémon Company.”

According to a recent VentureBeat report corroborated by VGC’s own sources, Nintendo may not hold another Direct until the end of the summer in late August or early September.

During a recent financial Q&A, Nintendo finally apologized for issues caused by Joy-Cons but will not comment further due to the current class-action lawsuit.

“Regarding the Joy-Con, we apologize for any trouble caused to our customers,” said Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa. “We are continuing to aim to improve our products, but as the Joy-Con is the subject of a class-action lawsuit in the United States and this is still a pending issue, we would it like to refrain from responding about any specific actions.”


I'm not buying a switch until the damn joy-cons are fixed. Also lol at no direct until the end of August.

Rat Rage

“Inversely, times change and so does the most effective way to promote products, so there is a chance that a new, better way to present this information comes about. So we always like to examine all of the possible ways to communicate this information to customers.”

How can there be a better way than a Nintendo Direct to present Nintendo Information? I can't think of any way that is more efficient.


Gold Member
How can there be a better way than a Nintendo Direct to present Nintendo Information? I can't think of any way that is more efficient.

A live presentation with actual in-stream gameplay in real time while they explain games? Something like that would sweet.


Gold Member


I like how Nintendo likes to portray being the family friendly game company when in reality, they are far more arrogant than either or MS.

I mean really, the production values of Breath of the Wild makes it a 25 dollar game that they sale for 60 bucks. And Nintendo is so cheap, they do boop boop noises and bubble messages instead of actual voices. Cheap and lazy and arrogant bastards.


I like how Nintendo likes to portray being the family friendly game company when in reality, they are far more arrogant than either or MS.

I mean really, the production values of Breath of the Wild makes it a 25 dollar game that they sale for 60 bucks. And Nintendo is so cheap, they do boop boop noises and bubble messages instead of actual voices. Cheap and lazy and arrogant bastards.



I like how Nintendo likes to portray being the family friendly game company when in reality, they are far more arrogant than either or MS.

I mean really, the production values of Breath of the Wild makes it a 25 dollar game that they sale for 60 bucks. And Nintendo is so cheap, they do boop boop noises and bubble messages instead of actual voices. Cheap and lazy and arrogant bastards.
Yeah, but tell us what you really think. I get the impression you're holding back.


Is this dude trying to destroy Iwata's legacy? The president of the company speaking directly to the players was the whole point of Direct, to show he cared and the company consists of humans, instead of just being a brand name.

This current president is camera shy and is trying to avoid Directs? Coward :messenger_pouting:
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