Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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I think people forget Console launches.
Switch is one of the best with those ports and Zelda. Well unless you already own the Wii U and those original games.

The last time I had a good launch window was GameCube because of Luigi Mansion and Melee.


I see too great symbol (for me) in that leak.

Bomberman at launch, it's been a while...
Disgaea 5 >> It represents the kind of Vita/PS4 games that Nintendo has to steal to conquer japan fully. Not huge sale wise but it represent a demographic that is not specially on Nintendo console. An older group liking Nipon Ichi but also falcom games for exemple.

I think that being the only handheld on the market will probably bring those games in itself. Disgaea is probably happening regardless.


Can somebody clarify something for me? I've seen it posted before that with the Switch's docking mechanism, it will no longer be possible to have a different screen on the gamepad vs what's show on the tv, a la Nintendoland. Is this true? That kind of multiplayer was one of my favorite parts of the Wii U, so I'll be disappointed if it's removed.

If nobody knows yet, I guess I can wait till tonight to find out.

Well, thinking about how the system works, if it's in the dock, you obviously don't have a screen in your hand, and if it's in your hand, it doesn't have any way to transmit its image to the TV. So... I don't believe this is possible in any capacity.
Another thing to keep in mind. This is a Japan event. It's possible they are focusing more on the Japan-centric titles (Disgaea 5, SF, Bomberman, etc.) for this presentation, and have news about Western-third party stuff during the Treehouse or even later on.

Not saying that's definitely the case, but it's a possibility to consider.


This is Nintendo.
Set expectations accordingly.

It will be 40% as good as you want it to be.

It will launch with Nintendo's most ambitious video game ever and Nintendo's freshest new IP in forever. Unless Zelda disappoints this should be an amazing launch.
There apparently was a leak about MHXX for Switch from a Capcom US rep on /mhg/ about a week ago.

It was...
*Generations X is the Western name.
*Japanese Switch XX should be announced at the same time.
*Launch window release date for both Switch / 3DS versions
*MHG 3DS game data transferable to Switch via wifi
*Local and online cross play between both versions
*Nintendo Switch shaped Switch Axe as a bonus
*Switch gets exclusive subspecies or variant monsters (recolours was the word used). 3DS version can hunt them with Switch players locally.
*Bonus content (assuming the person meant DLC quests) includes Hatsune Miku, Tekken and Dark Souls (Solaris armour, Palico stuff)

I guess we'll find out soon.


Wii U had none of those at launch?

Nintendo killed the Wii U early and seems to be releasing games that could have been just on the last leg of the Wii U. I get why people would be upset about that.

Since I personally skipped the Wii U, this is more than enough for me. But if this leak is correct, from a software perspective, it seems very similar to the Wii U.
I think people forget Console launches.
Switch is one of the best with those ports and Zelda. Well unless you already own the Wii U and those original games.

The last time I had a good launch window was GameCube because of Luigi Mansion and Melee.

I own a Wii U but not many games for it. Zelda BOTW and some great updated Wii U games and one or two legitimate Switch games would be a pretty solid launch window lineup

Between Rogue Leader and Melee, I was pretty satisfied with the GC's launch window
That just proves the 4chan guy can hunt around the internet for obscure info, something we already knew thanks to the frozenbyte patent, id also imagine nintendo have a tonne of supermario************.com domains registered

Very true! And they do. Interesting that it was updated today along with but, like you said, he could have found that it was owned by CSC and reported it. Then we are falling directly into his trap lol.


"a bunch of late ports and yet another Mario and Zelda rehash"



Does not even mean they are launch games.

People really acting like they have no clue about this industry at all.

It's highly unlikely we'll get many third party games at launch. Dev kits weren't out for too long so it's not likely. I imagine we'll get a lot of third party games, just announced for towards the end of the year

Most third party games on launch of new platforms are ports anyway and we don't want late ports do we?


Junior Member
People are fucking crazy, I tell ya.

Please, can you name any console release with 3 huge IPs attached to it?
I will be waiting.

I can't that's a given but you shouldn't get worked up over my shitty comment if anything.

If the leak isn't the actually launch lineup then fine, I was just expecting more ports from third parties(Japanese) to be on there.
If the launch is Zelda + Splatoon, yeah, I could see some people being a bit disappointed in that.

If it's those two + Mario and you're disappointed.....why are you interested in the Switch at launch. That's the dream scenario for Nintendo fans, based on what little evidence we had. If your dream scenario included Metroid and F-Zero, well, you were dreaming too much.
Exactly that's why I find nothing ground breaking for wii U buyers.

That was the launch line up of the Gamecube in Europe.

Luigi Mansion is loved now, but a meh title when "what, mario is not a release game?!"
Rogue Squadron was the huge game there.
Wave Race was good, but not one of its big IP, in fact, wopuld be a bigger more pleasent surprise if released now, because of nostalgia.

The rest is filler, and you know it. Nobody has money to buy so many games on release, having 3 huge IPs it already enough.


Come on guys, PS4 launched with Killzone Shadowfall AND Knack. Xbox One had Dead Rising 4 and Ryse! Ya'll are insane if you think Mario, Zelda, and Splatoon make up a better launch.

exactly people need to go look at launch lineups

Now if they wanna say meh 3rd party games but come on now
People should calm down about that leak. If it comes to be trueno it only shows the games that Will be playable on the event NOT all the announcements.


There apparently was a leak about MHXX for Switch from a Capcom US rep on /mhg/ about a week ago.

It was...
*Generations X is the Western name.
*Launch window release date for both Switch / 3DS versions
*MHG 3DS game data transferable to Switch via wifi
*Local and online cross play between both versions
*Nintendo Switch shaped Switch Axe as a bonus
*Switch gets exclusive subspecies or variant monsters (recolours was the word used). 3DS version can hunt them with Switch players locally.
*Bonus content (assuming the person meant DLC quests) includes Hatsune Miku, Tekken and Dark Souls (Solaris armour, Palico stuff)

I guess we'll find out soon.

Leads credence to the even older 4chan leak on MH5 vs. MHP that called out MHXX reveal name.


The leaked list is not the full list of the reveal, it's only the game playable at ONE specific European event

We'll have way more during the press conference, and maybe even some more playable in the american or japanese event. Maybe it's not even the full list for the specific European event.

All we know is that these games seems to exist and will likely be shown.
But if this leak is correct, from a software perspective, it seems very similar to the Wii U.

I got a Wii U at launch and you could NOT be more wrong. New Zelda at launch immediately trumps the 4th NEW SMB game and fucking NintendoLand. GAF is already becoming insufferable with these posts
Another thing to keep in mind. This is a Japan event. It's possible they are focusing more on the Japan-centric titles (Disgaea 5, SF, Bomberman, etc.) for this presentation, and have news about Western-third party stuff during the Treehouse or even later on.

Not saying that's definitely the case, but it's a possibility to consider.

These are the rumoured playable titles in the *Europe* event. I would be surprised if every country gets exactly the same thing tbh.


I'm really curious what they'll show. I equaly expect an amazing show or a total disaster. Regretfuly Zelda as a launch title means there won't be any big new RPG on Day-1 :( Shame.
Super Mario Odyssey is a strange name. It could work though, of course. I'm just hoping it's a proper 3D Mario.

Any of my EU GAF crowd pulling an all-nighter? I was going to sleep early but I'm way too hyped to do so now. lol

I'll stay up all night.2 cans of coffee, yoshis wooly world, devils third and star trek the next gen will keep me up and busy. fuck work tomorrow


The leaked list is not the full list of the reveal, it's only the game playables at ONE specific European event

We'll have way more during the press conference, and maybe even some more playable in the american or japanese event.

Ssh no logic allowed. This is GAF
The leaked list is not the full list of the reveal, it's only the game playables at ONE specific European event

We'll have way more during the press conference, and maybe even some more playable in the american or japanese event.
Thanks for clearing this up. A lot of people are missing this.


I got a Wii U at launch and you could NOT be more wrong. New Zelda at launch immediately trumps the 4th NEW SMB game and fucking NintendoLand. GAF is already becoming insufferable with these posts

Just wait until after the reveal and all day Friday. NeoGAF mods gonna have to be paid overtime to keep the meltdowns in check.
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