Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Nintendo killed the Wii U early and seems to be releasing games that could have been just on the last leg of the Wii U. I get why people would be upset about that.

Since I personally skipped the Wii U, this is more than enough for me. But if this leak is correct, from a software perspective, it seems very similar to the Wii U.

yeah you're gonna have to go ahead and qualify that statement because the Switch launch line up in no way feels similar to the Wii U's

please indulge me


This thread has gone to a weird place...

If you gorge yourself on leaks, Don't be surprised if there is a lack of "surprises" at the event. For everyone else, everything is a surprise.


Rumored launch lineup is AMAZING compared to what the Wii U and the 3DS got. Do you guys have no memories of those early days?

"a bunch of late ports and yet another Mario and Zelda rehash"


I don't know why only Nintendo franchises are accused of being rehashes most of the time. A new 3D mario is just as exciting to me as a new Bioware rpg.


Junior Member
The leaked list is not the full list of the reveal, it's only the game playable at ONE specific European event

We'll have way more during the press conference, and maybe even some more playable in the american or japanese event. Maybe it's not even the full list for the specific European event.

All we know is that these games seems to exist and will likely be shown.

Ah ok then disregard my comment.


It's pretty obvious most people don't remember the WiiU launch by reading this thread lol

This is light years beyond WiiU's launch and if we get the rumor's at launch it's one of the better launch line ups in a long time.


There apparently was a leak about MHXX for Switch from a Capcom US rep on /mhg/ about a week ago.

It was...
*Generations X is the Western name.
*Japanese Switch XX should be announced at the same time.
*Launch window release date for both Switch / 3DS versions
*MHG 3DS game data transferable to Switch via wifi
*Local and online cross play between both versions
*Nintendo Switch shaped Switch Axe as a bonus
*Switch gets exclusive subspecies or variant monsters (recolours was the word used). 3DS version can hunt them with Switch players locally.
*Bonus content (assuming the person meant DLC quests) includes Hatsune Miku, Tekken and Dark Souls (Solaris armour, Palico stuff)

I guess we'll find out soon.

If there's MH at launch, I'll be very hyped.


There apparently was a leak about MHXX for Switch from a Capcom US rep on /mhg/ about a week ago.

It was...
*Generations X is the Western name.
*Japanese Switch XX should be announced at the same time.
*Launch window release date for both Switch / 3DS versions
*MHG 3DS game data transferable to Switch via wifi
*Local and online cross play between both versions
*Nintendo Switch shaped Switch Axe as a bonus
*Switch gets exclusive subspecies or variant monsters (recolours was the word used). 3DS version can hunt them with Switch players locally.
*Bonus content (assuming the person meant DLC quests) includes Hatsune Miku, Tekken and Dark Souls (Solaris armour, Palico stuff)

I guess we'll find out soon.
The first few points are totally believable and what will eventually be in a MHXX Switch version but
Switch Axe, exclusive subs and DaS collab
? Yeah nah.


Man I can barely keep up with the pages. I skip every 2 pages so I can stay on top.

If this console comes out to be how I expect it at the moment... I will freak out. Like I will go to Tokyo and bang on Nintendo's HQ door until they fucking sell me a Switch.


It seems fitting that our final hours is spent debating between TeamReal and TeamFake.

Brings back good memories of the infamous oval controller lol


Well, thinking about how the system works, if it's in the dock, you obviously don't have a screen in your hand, and if it's in your hand, it doesn't have any way to transmit its image to the TV. So... I don't believe this is possible in any capacity.

Darn, I guess that's expected, but still disappointing to me. Seems like a step back as far as multiplayer goes.


This thread has gone to a weird place...

If you gorge yourself on leaks, Don't be surprised if there is a lack of "surprises" at the event. For everyone else, everything is a surprise.

This too, for people in the blind Splatoon 2 and a new 3D Mario should be very hype.


Could someone enlighten me on Street Fighter naming conventions and what that implies for "Ultra Street Fighter 2?"
New version of, I assume, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. They'd be adding characters to this game for the first time since Akuma came to be, that's honestly nuts. No idea if they'd redo the art, I personally doubt it.


I don't know, if that leaked list is the launch line-up, I think that looks great. You can't overcrowd the launch and then leave the year empty. They will have things peppered out... well, at least one would hope.

But a new Mario, a new Zelda and either a Splatoon sequel or an enhanced version. That alone is fantastic. I personally won't be picking one up till summer (spring is too crazy with other games and the backlog), but those three alone makes the launch pretty damn cool for me.


LMAO meltdowns already starting with that leak. Just calm down! How can you say this is going to be the worst launch lineup ever?? What console has launched with three of their biggest IPs before?? No one. This is going to be a first. 3D Mario (I like the Odissey name, reminds me of 2001: A Space Odissey), A huge ass Zelda game and Splatoon 2, the sequel of one of the must fun and addicting games of the last 5 years or so. Besides, this are only PLAYABLE GAMES, it's obvious Nintendo will announce more stuff at the presentation but will not be playable.
man if we get zelda , mario and splatoon for launch thats great even if they dont come out the same day but this years is a great line up


exactly people need to go look at launch lineups

Now if they wanna say meh 3rd party games but come on now

If you like Mario and Zelda, then I suppose this would be awesome for you. If you don't, then I can see why folks would be underwhelmed. My thought is that you can always expect Nintendo games on Nintendo systems, it's the other games that are the most interesting.


LMAO meltdowns already starting with that leak. Just calm down! How can you say this is going to be the worst launch lineup ever?? What console has launched with three of their biggest IPs before?? No one. This is going to be a first. 3D Mario (I like the Odissey name, reminds me of 2001: A Space Odissey), A huge ass Zelda game and Splatoon 2, the sequel of one of the must fun and addicting games of the last 5 years or so. Besides, this are only PLAYABLE GAMES, it's obvious Nintendo will announce more stuff at the presentation but will not be playable.

Didn't Gamecube just launch with 3 games? That's the worst launch lineup ever. They were good games, but not the best.

People are so ridiculous


This thread has gone to a weird place...

If you gorge yourself on leaks, Don't be surprised if there is a lack of "surprises" at the event. For everyone else, everything is a surprise.

Dude. If things leak, Nintendo should adjust and come up with more surprises


Zelda, Mario and Splatoon in launch window would be acceptable.

I mean, they are not Ryse or Knack, I know, but still...


Rumored launch lineup is AMAZING compared to what the Wii U and the 3DS got. Do you guys have no memories of those early days?

I don't know why only Nintendo franchises are accused of being rehashes most of the time. A new 3D mario is just as exciting to me as a new Bioware rpg.

Especially considering BotW appears to be a huge departure from previous entries.
Nintendo also has a bunch of domains registered so that people don't take them and use them for naughties.

Believe what you will.

I believe in the full potential of Nintendo's IP. Mario curb stopping Luigi. Peach fighting her Yoshis in an underground Yoshi-fighting betting ring. Toadette planting evidence on an unsuspecting Shy-guy during a drug bust... ENDLESS POTENTIAL.
If you like Mario and Zelda, then I suppose this would be awesome for you. If you don't, then I can see why folks would be underwhelmed. My thought is that you can always expect Nintendo games on Nintendo systems, it's the other games that are the most interesting.

If you don't like Mario and Zelda, I'm not sure why you'd be interested in a Switch
This is so ridiculous, Nintendo. Today should be a day of anticipation and excitement for your biggest fans, and instead you take that goodwill and essentially flush it down the toilet with the stress of potentially not being able to secure a preorder.


No thread for the LEGO City announcement trailer yet?

There's a thread already....

If you don't like Mario and Zelda, I'm not sure why you'd be interested in a Switch

I like interesting control methods more than I like Nintendo's games. So that's why I'd be interested in an NS. I don't know why people have to like their games to be interested in their platforms. They're the only company that really does anything with controls so we don't have to be stuck with the boring dual analog.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Bloody hell, a brand new Mario and BotW is not enough at launch for some people?
Thats insane. I think some of you are expecting way too much. You may even get it too as -
The leaked list is not the full list of the reveal, it's only the game playable at ONE specific European event

We'll have way more during the press conference, and maybe even some more playable in the american or japanese event. Maybe it's not even the full list for the specific European event.

All we know is that these games seems to exist and will likely be shown.

Can this be posted on the top of every page?
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