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Nintendo to bundle Mario Kart DD with Gamecube starting in November.


JC10001 said:
Inaccurate? So the Gamecube isn't underperforming? Their software sales are as stong as the N64 days?

While their totals may be lower than last gen, Nintendo titles tend to stick around the GameCube Top 10 selling 20k months if not years longer than pretty well all over titles, other than other large franchises.
The gamecube is getting beaten because it deserves to IMO. It is definately going to end in third place if they don't do something drastic. However, the idea that the machine is coming to a halt or is doomed is something I don't agree with and I'll address that shortly.

Hardware / Software sales have been lower than their competitors in recent times but pretty consistent with year on year performance.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
radioheadrule83 said:
The gamecube is getting beaten because it deserves to IMO.
lol.. what a completely asinine statement with not even an explanation to boot...

gaffer of the day.


JC10001 said:
Inaccurate? So the Gamecube isn't underperforming? Their software sales are as stong as the N64 days?

Uhh, I never said that software was selling as well as the N64 days. The fact of the matter is that NOTHING they could do would change that so even bringing it up is entirely unnecessary and clearly out of context in this discussion. You claimed Nintendo's GameCube software sales were no longer strong and that is entirely inaccurate.

They are still strong -- are they as high as last generation? Of course not, neither is hardware. Is their average sales per title being around 400-500k or so impressive compared to other companies, regardless of platform? Yes.
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