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Nintendo working hard with Revolution [Rumors]


Queen of Denmark
Lisa Lashes said:
But how many copies did SM64 and Z:OoT sell respectively? Granted more N64 consoles were sold but using Mario and Link aren't the best examples IMO.
Well, as far as OoT goes, that's not a valid example -- it sold exceptionally well for a Zelda title (around 7-8 million WW IIRC). Most Zelda games sell around 4 million WW, and the Wind Waker will likely come to a stop right around that number when it's all said in done -- proof that the Zelda brand is as strong as normal.

I don't have the numbers offhand for the Mario series, so I'm not sure about that.


DaCocoBrova said:
The game is just good. The characters are a bonus. Even still, I bet you the majority of Zelda, SMS, Zelda, Metorid owners had those games on the NES.

Metroid Prime is an extremley good game, and yet Smash Bros outsells it like 4:1


Gold Member
Metagon! I heard also that Mario Tennis Wolrd Smash is coming and that World Smash will be a part of the names of the online games always [/Nintendo fanboy who ends up yet again disappointed when Nintendo releases a console with DS connectivity only]


Let's spin the Nintendo-Hypewheel once again - maybe this time it will not stop at the "disappointing outcome" area...


Gold Member
FriScho said:
Let's spin the Nintendo-Hypewheel once again - maybe this time it will not stop at the "disappointing outcome" area...

I'm starting to suspect that they removed all other areas.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Todd Mowatt has zero credibility.

He's the same dude who claimed almost 2 year's ago that Nintendo was giving up the console business b/c he knew freinds who were laid off from Nintendo's hardware department.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I think a way to link up to the internet (whether or not be broadband or wireless, pref. wireless) to download any game from the N64, to the portables to play on Revolution, plus backwards compatibility with the Gamecube, would be an amazing coup for Nintendo... Retro gaming is in, as Nintendo has seen with their NES classics series, something like that would get legions of gamers to stand up and take notice.

I'd like to see the following games, myself:

Mario Revolution - it's *GOT* to launch with a Mario game, even better if it's included with a system... I think this was one of the biggest fallacies with the Gamecube

Super Smash Mayhem - My friend came up with this name... But I'm a hardcore Melee player (our school had its own student association funded club for the game), and a new sequel would kick ass... with online support too, so I can play against my old college buddies on the other side of the state.

A big name RPG - Nintendo went from being THE RPG system (SNES) to having nearly none (N64). Most RPG fans play little else and will buy the system that has the most/biggest name RPGs for it.

A Zelda and Earthbound can come out later, but definitely promise them at launch... and don't radically change the style of the graphics... A lot of people were turned off on TWW...


Tell me Oxy, what have they gotten right? It would be interesting to know these guys track record.


All you have to do is talk about something that's already come to pass. If it's after the fact, it can't get anyone in trouble.


Lost Weekend said:
All you have to do is talk about something that's already come to pass. If it's after the fact, it can't get anyone in trouble.
all i can think of are things that haven't happened yet :\


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
element said:
I mostly dont talk about what they tell me.


Well I've been saying for a while that having a hardrive and ethernet connection would open up huge oppurtunities for Nintendo.

Think about it like this, how many people have modded their Xbox? A lot right? And that is difficult and somewhat costly. I think many would pay to play old school Nintendo games if priced correctly.

99 cents for every NES game - it would be like Nintendo's version of I-tunes. The playing with friends over the internet part is just adds to it. Now if they just came out with a portable device that could download games to it from Revolution... the gameboypod... I'd be all over it.


8bit said:
The machine will be able to wirelessly connect to Star Road(Nintendo's online service that was supposed to work with the cube), and download any Nintendo game for a nominal cost. This will also allow wireless online play for every Nintendo game that ever supported 2 players.

8bit +1.

Nintendo Revolution = Infinium Labs Phantom + Nintendo Franchises - PC games.

You heard it here first.



Lost Weekend said:
You know what I'm going to say now, right? :)

+10 points if you guessed 'How can they mostly never get anything wrong if nothing they have said has come to pass yet?'

I'm saying you guys don't need to work yourselves up into a frenzy over crazy rumors. Wasn't last E3 nice? No one got too carried away, and it was good. We were realistic, and we got a new handheld with innovative features that made sense both economicly and from a gameplay perspective. Don't pipe dream, people. It only bites you in the ass in the end.
SolidSnakex said:
"I am hearing that the system will have Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid and Star Fox games as well as a few other high-profile games ready to ship at launch."

There's no way this is going to happen. They'd hurt themself by doing this. If they have all those games ready for around launch (which is doubtful) it's much better to launch one every other month.

Exactly there is no why in hell that Nintendo would blow their load in one go, they want the console to last not burn out within a year


A lot of you rag on Nintendo fans for hyping crap up, but don't you think there are a number of fans (like myself) who are sick and tired of this as well? I love Nintendo enough to have a Charmander hanging on my rearview mirror, so it pains me to see these worthless rumors circulate which do nothing but cause disappointment.


Lost Weekend said:
+10 points if you guessed 'How can they mostly never get anything wrong if nothing they have said has come to pass yet?'

I'm saying you guys don't need to work yourselves up into a frenzy over crazy rumors. Wasn't last E3 nice? No one got too carried away, and it was good. We were realistic, and we got a new handheld with innovative features that made sense both economicly and from a gameplay perspective. Don't pipe dream, people. It only bites you in the ass in the end.

yeah we should be realistic prior to e3, but the mere fact that more than likely all 3 consoles will be revealed there makes it a nigh impossible proposition.


I know Todd. And one thing I can definitely tell you is that he's no Nintendo fan. However, another thing I can tell you is that he has published many a false rumor before. Good guy, but he tends to publish just about anything he hears from just about anyone.
Slo said:
Did online gaming just become important to the people on this forum?

I think im one of the few that really doesnt care about online gaming, but im probably the minority. As for the revolution...doubt ill get one.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Did online gaming just become important to the people on this forum?"

I can't speak for all, but I've been playing online games since 1997.


Running off of Custom Firmware
First post in thread = stupidest dumb-fuck thing I've ever read. (Article quote, not user's post.)


Nintendo is planning a full online strategy that will be announced as part of its next generation console unveiling which we are hearing will take place sooner rather than later!


Look, I love Nintendo just as much as the next guy. Sure, not at the levels of, say, Oli, but it's a healthy respect that they honestly deserve. That said, I'd like to simply reply with:

"If I had a nickel for everytime this little nugget has popped up, I'd have an XBox."


I saw a few replies saying it'd be funny to see Nintendo "blowing its wad at launch," but you know what... If Nintendo wants to take the next gen, they need to come out swinging. It doesn't matter what game Sony or MS have at launch; If there's Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Metroid at launch, Game-Set-Match.

We all know Halo 3 (I pick that 'cuz it's the Xbox's only "killer app"/cash cow) wouldn't be ready in time, given how many delays 2 has seen. And Rockstar pretty much takes their sweet ass time working on and releasing new GTA games.

I'd love to see it, and I'd have a system preordered.


Gold Member
8bit said:
I think downright lies are more likely.


Nintendo will reveal details of "the 4th pillar" aka revolution during the space jam sessions in Japan in late September.

The machine will be able to wirelessly connect to Star Road(Nintendo's online service that was supposed to work with the cube), and download any Nintendo game for a nominal cost. This will also allow wireless online play for every Nintendo game that ever supported 2 players.

The thing that makes me doubt that is that Star Road was something Daily Radar pulled out of their collective ass back when everyone in the industry was saying IGN made up "GameCube" just to get hits and that they were completely wrong as Nintendo had named the system StarCube.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Metroid Prime is an extremley good game, and yet Smash Bros outsells it like 4:1

I'd imagine accessability and genre play quite a role in that...


hyperbolically metafictive
"working hard on the revolution," eh? cos my confidential sources say they're half-assing it.


drohne said:
"working hard on the revolution," eh? cos my confidential sources say they're half-assing it.


Anyway, this is not even new, its just the old article recycled.

If you ask me, Metroid, Mario and Mario Kart are definetly a posibility for launch. But Zelda? Don´t think so specially since mature zelda is coming next year.

I have a Q. If Xenon has 3 PowerPC processors at a faster clockrate than the 2 PowerPC processors Revolution is going to have(according to rumors), how can revolution have the power advantage even if Xenon launches next year? Xenon has better specs.


alejob said:

Anyway, this is not even new, its just the old article recycled.

If you ask me, Metroid, Mario and Mario Kart are definetly a posibility for launch. But Zelda? Don´t think so specially since mature zelda is coming next year.

I have a Q. If Xenon has 3 PowerPC processors at a faster clockrate than the 2 PowerPC processors Revolution is going to have(according to rumors), how can revolution have the power advantage even if Xenon launches next year? Xenon has better specs.

Because the clock speed of the CPU is only one factor in a very large equation.
alejob said:

Anyway, this is not even new, its just the old article recycled.

If you ask me, Metroid, Mario and Mario Kart are definetly a posibility for launch. But Zelda? Don´t think so specially since mature zelda is coming next year.

I have a Q. If Xenon has 3 PowerPC processors at a faster clockrate than the 2 PowerPC processors Revolution is going to have(according to rumors), how can revolution have the power advantage even if Xenon launches next year? Xenon has better specs.

Well they talked about a 800 mhz gpu, how fast was the xenon one?i guess you can boost one thing or the other to compensate....


xsarien said:
Because the clock speed of the CPU is only one factor in a very large equation.

I know but 3 more powerful CPUs against 2 less powerful ones seems to be a huge gap, I don´t think the GPU could make up for it.
Wario64 said:
I sooooooooo wished I asked one of the mods to archive the "who cares about online gaming" thread pre-NEO Gaf
After all the bitching about online gaming and whatnot I have XB Live, and damn if I haven't touched it in over six months. And before that it was like a year.


Gahiggidy said:
Todd Mowatt has zero credibility.

He's the same dude who claimed almost 2 year's ago that Nintendo was giving up the console business b/c he knew freinds who were laid off from Nintendo's hardware department.

Those friends were fired for snorting too many rails of coke and missing days at work.


Yeah yeah yeah, Whatever.

I'll make my own rumour in afew days and let you guys know about the future before anyone else :)


Deg said:
Yeah yeah yeah, Whatever.

I'll make my own rumour in afew days and let you guys know about the future before anyone else :)

My sources tell me that most of your future rumors are true.
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