Okay, so I wanted to wait for more context, but since we're now getting google translated threads, we'll attempt to have a decent thread on one sentence.
1.) This quote is translated from Japanese by DualShocker's Japanese translator, but I also checked this article by a Japanese speaking mod. Edit 2: I checked this with two more people.
2.) There is no additional context to this quote in the non-account holding version of the article.
3.) stump tried registering for an account, but he couldn't get an e-mail verification reply in order for us to get more context.
Iwata's comment:
Original Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG1Y41JNG1YPLFA004.html?ref=rss
Full Article via Tenki:
So to help lead us off, here's a starting question. Obviously you can talk about other things instead, but please try and not just drive by with a one liner unless you want potentially want your post deleted or (if you're trolling/being hostile/etc) a ban.
Question: Do you agree with Iwata that Nintendo could do more for the children's market?
-If yes, share an idea of what they could do.
-If no, explain why and/or what you think is a significantly bigger problem instead (and explain why that is a bigger problem).
1.) This quote is translated from Japanese by DualShocker's Japanese translator, but I also checked this article by a Japanese speaking mod. Edit 2: I checked this with two more people.
2.) There is no additional context to this quote in the non-account holding version of the article.
3.) stump tried registering for an account, but he couldn't get an e-mail verification reply in order for us to get more context.
Iwata's comment:
Article Writer:"We haven’t been targeting children enough."
I also checked with Shouta:"We haven't been targeting kids enough"
"targeting kids is not enough"
are both correct grammatically. But while the first sentence stands on its own, while the second implies a "only" that isn't there, and isn't even realistic.
While Nintendo has been targeting kids, they haven't been targeting ONLY kids. As a matter of fact, they have been targeting adults more this generation compared to the past one, even more so in Japan.
On the other hand they've lost a lot of ground on the children segment to the smartphone market, which is why they feel that their marketing with children hasn't been enough. Iwata is recognizing that problem and meaning to solve it.
It's worth mentoning that in marketing terms targeting a segment more/more effectively doesn't implies targeting other segment (IE: core gamers/adult) less.
For the sake of full disclosure, I'm the one that wrote the article on DualShockers, and checked the translation with three other Japanese speakers.
And StreetsAhead agreeing with Shouta:5:38 PM <Shouta> "Our approach to targeting children has been inadequate" on first glance
And Zefah:Yes, I would agree with this translation (living in Japan/working as a translator).
This is seriously getting ridiculous. You have it right.
I'm a J<->E translator by trade. I've done tons of translations here on GAF. I don't know what to tell you, but anyone who is trying to interpret it otherwise has an insufficient knowledge of Japanese to be doing any sort of translation work.
Source: http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/01/29/nintendo-we-havent-been-targeting-children-enough/Had it right in the meaning that "we did not do enough to attract children" and not "our strategy of appealing to children was not enough."
Original Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG1Y41JNG1YPLFA004.html?ref=rss
Full Article via Tenki:
Tenki said:任天堂、社長報酬を5カ月間半減 3期連続赤字で
 いまの任天堂ゲーム機の苦戦は、年間の半分の商いがある年末商戦を終えた13年4~12月期決算でも明らかだ。新型据え置き型「Wii U」の4~12月の世界販売は241万台。発売時期の一昨年10~12月に売った306万台にも届かなかった。携帯型「ニンテンドー3DS」も、米国で廉価版「2DS」を投入して巻き返しを図ったが、全体では前年の1271万台に届かなかった。
So to help lead us off, here's a starting question. Obviously you can talk about other things instead, but please try and not just drive by with a one liner unless you want potentially want your post deleted or (if you're trolling/being hostile/etc) a ban.
Question: Do you agree with Iwata that Nintendo could do more for the children's market?
-If yes, share an idea of what they could do.
-If no, explain why and/or what you think is a significantly bigger problem instead (and explain why that is a bigger problem).