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Nintendo's software IP is the reason for their dominance


Looking at the list of best selling Switch games, it's easy to understand why Switch sales are tracking ahead of every competing gaming platform in history.

Nintendo basically needed one platform instead of two to dump all of their evergreens. They have this with the Switch and It's a first party selling monster.

This is why high specs that third parties demand are not all that important to Nintendo. They are completely self sustainable because of their massive back catalogue of priceless IP. They are masters of art style and can make these games look great even on weaker hardware. Anyone can run a subscription service. The IP on the other hand are irreplaceable and have a place in the fabric of society past and present.

Link, Mario, Kirby and Picachu are as iconic as Disney characters at this point, and they have a host of less notable IP but still incredibly loved IP like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Fzero, Splatoon, Punchout ect. that still have sizeable followings and can turn out a future hit when Nintendo decides to dig deeper into their IP roster. Especially with all of their strength being on one platfrom now.

This is why I think Nintendo has been and will be around a lot longer than everyone else.


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Of course.
But also the Switch being a Hybrid helped because the N64, Gamecube Or Wii U didnt sell notwhere close even though it had great software too.

The Wii U had alot of the same games the Switch had like Mario Kart but it did nowhere near the same numbers.

Even in Japan where people claim its Nintendo Land, they don’t care for the Nintendo consoles like people think. They love Nintendo Handhelds though
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List is super hard to read on mobile. Why are among us and Minecraft on a list of Nintendo IP? Or Monster Hunter?


This is why Nintendo will always have my respect before the others.

They can do this shit on their own. Sony absolutely needs the FIFA and COD crowd to survive.

I'll always have the most respect for the one that brought back gaming, arguably made it what it was, introduced some of the greatest leaps in the medium, are responsible for some of the greatest games and innovations ever made, are still doing their thing, are still putting out quality, and can do it without the help of the rest of the industry.

Nintendo is truly the king.

I still like Sony and MS but they just don't have that self made man thing the way Nintendo does. They're a fucking treasure in this world and thinking anything less is delusion/ignorance.

I will give Sony the most respect for the PS1 however. The PS1 was easily their best work.

I loved MS during the 360 and they've gained my respect again with the SX.

Sony feels kinda safe a lot of the time so I don't have the same respect for them. They're just kinda there. They do make pretty good first party stuff too but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. A lot of their first party feels designed by committee, following trends, etc.

Nintendo's loaded with some of the greatest talent the world's ever seen. Their influence is undeniable.
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Yeah we know. The “Disney of videogames” is an old meme
I mean, they have iconic character like's Disney, but are more like Universal Studio's appealing to a wider age demographic because they have games ranging from 1-2 Switch to Xenoblade and Metroid Dread. They try to give something to everyone. That is their M.O.
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Nintendo being the undisputed number 1 is something we haven't seen in a long time. It didn't seem obvious to people but a few years ago, actually the idea was laughed off, but getting back to my thead, the reason for this is they now have one home for all of their IP's.

This move made them grow in power to the point where they could take on everyone and hold their own with very little help from AAA third parties.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is why Nintendo will always have my respect before the others.

They can do this shit on their own. Sony absolutely needs the FIFA and COD crowd to survive.

I'll always have the most respect for the one that brought back gaming, arguably made it what it was, introduced some of the greatest leaps in the medium, are responsible for some of the greatest games and innovations ever made, are still doing their thing, are still putting out quality, and can do it without the help of the rest of the industry.

Nintendo is truly the king.

I still like Sony and MS but they just don't have that self made man thing the way Nintendo does. They're a fucking treasure in this world and thinking anything less is delusion/ignorance.

I will give Sony the most respect for the PS1 however. The PS1 was easily their best work.

I loved MS during the 360 and they've gained my respect again with the SX.

Sony feels kinda safe a lot of the time so I don't have the same respect for them. They're just kinda there. They do make pretty good first party stuff too but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. A lot of their first party feels designed by committee, following trends, etc.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
No one has ever said Nintendo didn’t have the greatest IP in the business. They may not have the hw at times, but they always have the SW.
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This is why Nintendo will always have my respect before the others.

They can do this shit on their own. Sony absolutely needs the FIFA and COD crowd to survive.

I'll always have the most respect for the one that brought back gaming, arguably made it what it was, introduced some of the greatest leaps in the medium, are responsible for some of the greatest games and innovations ever made, are still doing their thing, are still putting out quality, and can do it without the help of the rest of the industry.

Nintendo is truly the king.

I still like Sony and MS but they just don't have that self made man thing the way Nintendo does. They're a fucking treasure in this world and thinking anything less is delusion/ignorance.

I will give Sony the most respect for the PS1 however. The PS1 was easily their best work.

I loved MS during the 360 and they've gained my respect again with the SX.

Sony feels kinda safe a lot of the time so I don't have the same respect for them. They're just kinda there. They do make pretty good first party stuff too but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. A lot of their first party feels designed by committee, following trends, etc.
What the fuck was all this shit?


Look at the list of best selling Switch games and it's easy to understand why Switch is tracking ahead of every competitor in history in sales.

Nintendo basically needed one platform instead of two to dump all of their evergreens. They have this with the Switch and It's a first party selling monster.

This is why high specs that third parties demand are not all that important to Nintendo. They are completely self sustainable because of their massive back catalogue of priceless IP. They are masters of art style and can make these games look great even on weaker hardware. Anyone can run a subscription service. The IP on the other hand are irreplaceable and have a place in the fabric of society past and present.

Link, Mario, Kirby and Picachu are as iconic as Disney characters at this point, and they have a host of less notable IP but still incredibly loved IP like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Fzero, Splatoon, Punchout ect. that still have sizeable followings and can turn out a future hit when Nintendo decides to dig deeper into their IP roster.

This is why I think Nintendo has been and will be around a lot longer than everyone else.




No one has ever said Nintendo didn’t have the greatest IP in the business. They may not have the hw at times, but they always have the SW.
Right now the software and hardware appeal is at an all time high in terms of sustainability.

It's a good time to be Nintendo. It looks like they've found their place on top of the market for a good long while.



Look at Astral Chain up there with a million. Congrats!
I think that has to be one of the best selling Platinum exclusives ever. If not in their top echelon.

Monster Hunter Rise also broke exclusive sales records on Switch.

Third parties are having huge successes but they (for the most part) are not stepping up to the plate.
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I mean, being over 18 is not considered kids, and that is the vast majority of their playing userbase.


That was released when the device came out innitionally. It has no relevance to the actual demograph today. The core base of older people will always adopt a more expensive newer product first. This is hwy they focus on that base also with software at the start. Also people that make accounts or fill in that data are probably adults even if they buy ti for there kids.

The reality is, most people buy the hardware now because its 199 and its nintendo its safe for there kids. Nobody wants there kids on league of legends / call of duty etc until they get older and hit the edgy stage where they will stay all the way up utnil they are close to there 30's which again comes into the kid stage and so are all there major sellers with well known ip's.

I have no data, but i can see this happening because that's how i will look at it and yes i do own 2 switches. Because here it comes, i grow up with it when i was a kid.

I bet your preferred platform is way the fuck safer, kid.

Sorry that u get upset by reality mate. Most people i know that have it buy it because they like the games first of all themselves but also because they can feed it towards there kids because its a safe environment that isn't dominated by toxic culture of main stream games

If i had a kid and needed to buy him something to game on it will be 100% nintendo and nothing else.

199 = super cheap with loads of kid friendly content = juggernaut for kids and parents alike.

Nintendo prevents games that have players that tells your kid he fucked your mom 24/7 or abby that gets railed in the ass because reasons good story telling 10/10. Parents don't want to deal with that shit and don't follow the market enough to care for that shit. they buy mario and know its a harmless mushroom jumper.

This is why all the top games from nintendo that always sell are completely harmless ip's.

I would love to see a updated picture of what there demography looks like right now but its probably impossible to see in because parents most likely will answer the quetions if you surveyed it.
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This thread needs more lists to argue over.



Gold Member
How about all time classic franchises that need to come to Switch since all of it's games are selling so well and they are even bringing back niche franchises like 2D metroid?

I would be there day 1 for this

2D Metroid is not niche
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Great Hair

Give Mario, Luigi, those weird animal pets and Link a break FFS! Stop making the same game NOENTIENDA and also Mario Kart 8 has been released on like 26 different Nintendo platforms ... :p

reMASTERs of old IPs
Bored Gorilla GIF by BBC Earth
Ryan Reynolds Smile GIF


Look at the list of best selling Switch games and it's easy to understand why Switch is tracking ahead of every competitor in history in sales.

Nintendo basically needed one platform instead of two to dump all of their evergreens. They have this with the Switch and It's a first party selling monster.

This is why high specs that third parties demand are not all that important to Nintendo. They are completely self sustainable because of their massive back catalogue of priceless IP. They are masters of art style and can make these games look great even on weaker hardware. Anyone can run a subscription service. The IP on the other hand are irreplaceable and have a place in the fabric of society past and present.

Link, Mario, Kirby and Picachu are as iconic as Disney characters at this point, and they have a host of less notable IP but still incredibly loved IP like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Fzero, Splatoon, Punchout ect. that still have sizeable followings and can turn out a future hit when Nintendo decides to dig deeper into their IP roster. Especially with all of their strength being on one platfrom now.

This is why I think Nintendo has been and will be around a lot longer than everyone else.


Or maybe they realized that 90% of the people are kids in an adult body and not necesarly want to butcher and kill eveything.


Biggest Trails Stan
This is why Nintendo will always have my respect before the others.

They can do this shit on their own. Sony absolutely needs the FIFA and COD crowd to survive.

I'll always have the most respect for the one that brought back gaming, arguably made it what it was, introduced some of the greatest leaps in the medium, are responsible for some of the greatest games and innovations ever made, are still doing their thing, are still putting out quality, and can do it without the help of the rest of the industry.

Nintendo is truly the king.

I still like Sony and MS but they just don't have that self made man thing the way Nintendo does. They're a fucking treasure in this world and thinking anything less is delusion/ignorance.

I will give Sony the most respect for the PS1 however. The PS1 was easily their best work.

I loved MS during the 360 and they've gained my respect again with the SX.

Sony feels kinda safe a lot of the time so I don't have the same respect for them. They're just kinda there. They do make pretty good first party stuff too but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. A lot of their first party feels designed by committee, following trends, etc.

Nintendo's loaded with some of the greatest talent the world's ever seen. Their influence is undeniable.


Biggest Trails Stan

Nintendo being the undisputed number 1 is something we haven't seen in a long time. It didn't seem obvious to people but a few years ago, actually the idea was laughed off, but getting back to my thead, the reason for this is they now have one home for all of their IP's.

This move made them grow in power to the point where they could take on everyone and hold their own with very little help from AAA third parties.
Yep not to mention the great Japanese Third Party support
Software QUALITY > All

Not software quantity. Not software price. Which consoles have the games people most want to play?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Nintendo aren't what I'd call "dominant" despite their tremendous success.

They do a great job of being Nintendo, an identity based on their blue-chip IP, and they truly "own" their space in the market but... I just don't see them as being that influential.

Switch has done great, but the reality is that its creation was them reacting defensively to pressure from MS and Sony on the home console front, and Google and Apple on the mobile side. Tremendously smart move on their part, but they went from two successful product ecosystems to just one. That's a step back.
Tremendously smart move on their part, but they went from two successful product ecosystems to just one.
Not really. N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U. I'd only consider one of their home consoles since the SNES very successful, while their handhelds have pretty much consistently been massive hits.
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