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Nishigaki dead (creator of Blue Stinger, Illbleed)

miyuru said:
Haha I'm not a med student. I'm just saying, maybe around 95% of MI patients are smokers, or were, and anyone getting a fatal MI at 42, I'd assume to be overweight. It's only logical, but I'm not saying there aren't exceptions! :)

Well, YOU ASSUME WRONG, OKAY?! He was not overweight! But I guess your armchair diagnosis overrides all the people here who met and knew him. :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
The man has my undying respect for Landstalker alone.

Heart attack at 42. That is a tragedy. Shalom...


Dark Savior is an awesome game. I'm getting old enough to be really shaken by the thought of dying at 42 (my daughter would not even be out of high school by then). His games may have all been flawed, but they were all interesting and stretched their genres a little. He will be missed.


Dang, I forgot he did Landstalker. I break out my Genesis every few years just for that game. :( (and Phantasy Star 2, Sword of Vermillion and Shining in the Darkness - I love a good dungeon crawl)


When it comes to stupid generalizations there is no power greater than I

what's funny is that he had this tag before this thread.

on point, the first major work I did for a magazine - aside from mapping out the entirety of super mario bros. - was a blue stinger walkthrough for DCM (unofficial bi-monthly ziff dreamcast mag, I guess the spiritual precursor to XBN. oddly enough, it was assigned to me by che...who now works on XBN...anyways)

I had a total love/hate thing going on with that game, because it alternated between painfully cheesy and awesomely cheesy. plus it was the only game I, the lousy intern, got to play EVERY DAY. but it had its charm, and at times looked pretty damn good. now I have the urge to track down a copy.



JackFrost2012 said:
Well, YOU ASSUME WRONG, OKAY?! He was not overweight! But I guess your armchair diagnosis overrides all the people here who met and knew him. :p

It was just a guess, I never said I was right or anything. Poor guy :( Just when I see fatal MI's, I find it interesting as well.


Was Illbleed the game in which there was a heart rate monitor that told you if the character was under too much stress (and if they were under extreme stress they could have a heart attack)? If so I wonder if that system was based on him.

btw- sad to see him pass on.


LandStalker was the pinnacle of 16 bit gaming... while Dark Savior was a flat out embarrassment (putting it nicely). Blue Stinger was dumb fun though, too bad.


Man, I wish I had the chance to play Landstalker. A friend and I bought it used, and the battery was dead. Perhaps I'll fire up the emu in respect. Godspeed Iso creator.


SolidSnakex said:
Did it turn out as well as the PSone GiTS?
judging from the final import.... no. but bandai was saying they might make some improvements. it seems like a decent but not particularly stellar game. should appeal to fans of the anime.
That sucks. I really loved Landstalker, Blue Stinger, and Dark Savior. Didn't care for Illbleed, but, clearly, this guy had a unique view games design.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)


blue stinger was really really awesome (in a kick ass, action packed, cheesey as fuck, b-movie way). awesome graphics for that time as well, quite a bit more impressive then nearly everything back then (all IMO of course).


I remember seeing him when I got to see the shooting of the Illbleed TV ad (and this was when Crazy Games was still called Climax Graphics). He was a nice guy, even asked us if we wanted to interview the chick in the ad.

They should now release the long-awaited Illbleed for the Xbox as a memorial. May he rest in peace.


Can't say I played any of these games but it is truly sad when someone in the industry dies.

heart attack at 42, so young. Being in the biomedical field myself, thats kind of mind boggling, but I suppose anything is possible.


This is really sad that such a terrific creator of games has passed. RIP

And about that tasteless poster: If he didn't post it first, then MAF would have. I am still pissed about his post in the thread about the FAQ writer passing.


"Nishigaki entered the field of game production when he joined Climax Entertainment and became a producer and planner of Landstalker for the Sega Genesis"

Nishigaki will be missed, he's my hero just on his work on landstalker alone.


BTW, I wonder if this had anything to do with them literally overworking him to death? I wouldn't be surprised at all...
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case...
Do you remmber the Ken stage on SFZ2 ? Strider is launching a bear. That was a homage to the lead programmer (or director) of Strider for the PC-Engine. He was pushed very hard to make a game better than the Genesis one...And he ended in a mental hospital.


ourumov said:
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case...
Do you remmber the Ken stage on SFZ2 ? Strider is launching a bear. That was a homage to the lead programmer (or director) of Strider for the PC-Engine. He was pushed very hard to make a game better than the Genesis one...And he ended in a mental hospital.

Well that's kinda disturbing.


The Main reason I still hold onto my Dreamcast- " Blue Stinger"

Fun, Fun, Fun- I have Illbleed as well, still got to play it though
Shinya Nishigaki was a close friend and a wonderful person to know. We worked on the US/EUR versions of Blue Stinger together back in 1999 and developed a number of game concepts that unfortunately never reached the development stage.

When Crazy Games (Climax Graphics) folded and became an internal Cavia team, we started work on a new Nishigaki game called Code Ninja. Nishigaki described it as "crazy ninja action".

The game later became Tenchu Eternal, a project which unfortunately never made it past the protoype stage on PS2/XBOX but was briefly and somewhat mistakenly announced at E3 2003.

At the time of his death, Nishigaki was working on two new projects which are thus far unannounced.

He was a rare person in this industry and someone I will always miss.



Unconfirmed Member
john tv said:
BTW, I wonder if this had anything to do with them literally overworking him to death? I wouldn't be surprised at all...
Probably a pretty good chance of that. Apparently many, MANY people die each year from overwork, to the point that there is a whole category of lawyers and attorneys who deal only with those types of cases.


I never played any of his games, had little interest to, but somehow I'm still sad about this. We're still such a young industry that it's always a shock to hear that a video game producer has died.


DJ_Tet said:
Man, I wish I had the chance to play Landstalker. A friend and I bought it used, and the battery was dead. Perhaps I'll fire up the emu in respect. Godspeed Iso creator.
You can find a working copy easily enough. It's worth it.

Respects to Nishigaki. LS was amazingly good.


He's given the world so much. This is so sad. I will always have a place in my heart for Nishigaki. I think I will play some Blue Stinger now to honor his memory.
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