Why do book readers want to participate in this thread in the first place?
why to lick up the reactions from people during big show moments. it's like living vicariously through your guys eyes. it's more entertaining than the show itself!
Of course, the problem is the book people who are coming into this topic and "answering" questions and riddles posed by non-book readers, and thus solving their logical show questions with their actual book knowledge. And then trying to act like they're not doing that.
Non-book Reader: "Wow, that was unexpected. Given what I've seen in the show, I would have expected X. I wonder if that means Y is going to happen."
Book Reader: "What would make you think that? I am pretty sure the show has given no indication of that. I would expect rather that Z is going to happen."
Non-book Reader: "I didn't think of that. Makes perfect sense!"
Book Reader: *internally* 'lol'
With Y being the non-book readers guess (usually wrong), and Z being the actual book readers feigned ignorance response, which is the actual reality.