my god, the point is garbage though. art has
always been premodomantiely liberal.
always has been, always will be. If you can't accept this little fact, and if that is reason for you to go on a ridiculous rant about how the "five pillars of the west" have been corrupted, then you're being disingenuous...
and yet, ignoring the conservative presence in art, and more importantly, the media would be disingenuous as well, because it definitely exists and proved itself to be a successful audience for years.
Fox News is bigger than some of those other channels COMBINED. They're are legit one of the biggest around. Not to mention, the internet with social media is bigger than
ever before, so you'll naturally find plenty of conservative and republican channels, shows, news etc. all over the web on YT, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc.
Google is your friend. I could even find a conservative encyclopedia, although it has to be satire (apparently it isn't, but that's just way too funny,
holy shit).
In a poll there probably would be a lot that would name known successful conservative movies as well. Again, most art is and has been liberal, so you obviously will find more of that, but there definitely are movies tailored towards a conservative audience that have been very successful. Most Christmas movies or Adam Sandler movies I'd consider full of conservative values. There are successful christian movies. Batman is more on the conservative side of affairs. Several children movies as well, although they definitely work beyond those boundaries, and they have to be,
because they want to be movies attracting big audiences. It wouldn't be smart to ignore a big audience when making a movie whose goal is to be a hit, isn't it?
Dax isn't an old-timer, if that's what you wanted to say. Is Thomas what the youth is listening? Maybe a few, but his demographic will be likely to to be around 25-45. Teens aren't listening to him, unless they wanna cringe. Thats not his audience.
With music it's exactly like with movies. Most has always been liberal, but you have to differentiate: country, southern rock, that's predominately conservative, rap is predominately liberal, rock is mixed (
even going so far that RATM is getting played at a trump rally), pop is tailored towards attracting the biggest crowd, because it usually thrives to be a hit that resonates with people.
As for gaming, there aren't a lot, as games have been demonized by republican figures for years. Also possibly because a story driven by conservative values isn't exactly something that works in a video game. Big video games need a big audience, so that's why they deliberately tell stories that catches the biggest audience, and that's not necessarily conservative stories. If you want more conservative video games, you have to look for niche games, like Crusader Kings. I guess Call of Duty fits the shoe among the big games.
Bottom line is though, there are plenty republicans and republican owned companies and organizations. There is conservative media. A lot. You have to take crazy pills, if you think they are not part of the establishment and are somehow the underdog. lol
Calling Tom McDonald the most important rapper alive is like calling fucking Applebees the most important food, because they share the same beliefs as you are.