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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Died three times in survival due to this harsh, cold, winter Planet I'm on.

No minerals anywhere, ship 9minutes away.

I like to stand and just look from my door since it's warm there.

Edit holy shit shit that quick menu! Replenishing is so smooth!
I'm in the UK and Steam had just then queued the download when i checked a few minutes ago, it's now downloaded and i'll be going back in after more coffee and mice pies :)
I'll check out my save on Normal and then give Creative mode a whirl. Neat.
It looks a hell of a lot nicer that's for sure. I just loaded up my old save after updating and the LOD is much better with much less fading in, charge times and weapon colours have changed too i think. My retirement fund planet has been regenerated and is much more meagre so i may as well warp to another system and chase the Warp achievement before starting on Creative.

Warning; If you have stacks of 100 in your inventory then use them up or sell 95 of them before updating as i have lost shitloads of resources now my stacks are capped to 5 :(


Game looks so clean now with the TAA.

Lost the planet I was on though with the universe regeneration. Now it's all red and rocky :(


Looks great! I was not super bothered by the original game, my expectations were tempered and I didn't follow much of the game prior to launch. But I love just going around exploring. It's a very relaxing game. This update adds all sorts of cool stuff, so I'm more than happy to dive back in. :)

If your home planet is a hostile one, make sure you have plenty of Iron and Platinum for shields and Carbon and Plutonium for life support.

I've just spent an hour trapped in a death loop. Get out of crashed ship...die. Loaded back to the ship with no health...die. I had to run with the 30 seconds I had to find Plutonium and Carbon, send it back to the ship, die and then create Power Gel. I've just about got away with it.

For some, it's game over on a loop forever to the point where it's better just to start a new game save. So if you're reading this HG, sort it and sort it now, before the pitchforks come out again.

It's an incredible update though...if I ever get off this planet...and that's a real fear :D
So are the three modes completely separate? That's kinda stupid?

I can understand creative mode w/o resource pressure but survival stuff should just kick in by virtue of having planets with differently harsh environments.

Don't want to split up progression on 3 saves in this game...


So are the three modes completely separate? That's kinda stupid?

I can understand creative mode w/o resource pressure but survival stuff should just kick in by virtue of having planets with differently harsh environments.

Don't want to split up progression on 3 saves in this game...
They're effectively difficulty modes now, right? I'd imagine some planets on normal mode will still have harsh status effects, it's just they'll be harsher and more frequent on survival mode.

Edit: I'm good to continue from where I stopped playing a month or so back, yeah? No need to restart the game or anything with this update? Everything is still compatible?


Okay as far as I can tell there is no way to upgrade owned freighters with more slots. And since there isn't a way to farm for better freighters like there is with crashed ships, the only way is to buy the better ones.

13 slots are 7 million
15 slots are 10 million
Okay as far as I can tell there is no way to upgrade owned freighters with more slots. And since there isn't a way to farm for better freighters like there is with crashed ships, the only way is to buy the better ones.

13 slots are 7 million
15 slots are 10 million

Thanks for this i was just about to ask about Freighters as i've just found a neat Gek one that looks like a flattened Lego Star Destroyer and all the others look like cubes. How much does each cargo slot hold do you know?

I was a bit miffed about losing my stash and the seemingly slower regen/quicker depletion of my jetpack but i'm placated by the prospect of buying a big ship :)


Anyone know how to get this working on PC?

Can't load my old save, can't start a new Survival, can't start a new Creative.

All CTD. Sometimes it's only nearby zipping stars then CTD, sometimes only galaxy center, one point I got the title card, but all just result in CTD. Seems it can't load everything or something.

cross post. I want to see if grass still rotates!!!!


I loaded it up for a few minutes after the update. Already loving the freighters. I can't afford one but I went on board on to check it out. Much larger than expected and it's a little thing but I love seeing multiple NPCs in one place.

I was going to leave this update until after I get my fill of Skyrim PS4 and Titanfall 2 but I may end up checking out the new stuff sooner than later.
They're effectively difficulty modes now, right? I'd imagine some planets on normal mode will still have harsh status effects, it's just they'll be harsher and more frequent on survival mode.

Edit: I'm good to continue from where I stopped playing a month or so back, yeah? No need to restart the game or anything with this update? Everything is still compatible?

They are different difficulties I guess, but considering there are so many planets you could easily make some of them survival/hard difficulty (and have the new resources as reward only there). Kinda goes with their original plan of making the universe harder in the center.

Motion blur looks great. Had to tone it down a bit though as it goes overboard when turning your view IMO. Temporal AA looks better on the planets, on the stations it kinda looks worse now as everything is more blurry than before.
Speaking of graphics, I experience WAY more (close range) pop in on PS4 than before...


"Products can be stacked up to five times per inventory slot, resulting in increased starship, base container and freighter storage capacity"

So how do you do this? Tried all sorts of button combos.
"Products can be stacked up to five times per inventory slot, resulting in increased starship, base container and freighter storage capacity"

So how do you do this? Tried all sorts of button combos.

Does the item you're trying to stack say "1 of 5"? I just transfer stuff into my inventory and if it can stack it does otherwise it just transfers across and takes up another slot.


Can some help me out: I have two atlas stones in my ship inventory because it seemed like I should save them all, but I get attacked every time I fly between planets and I'm way too weak to defend myself.

What should I do? Sell them?


Does the item you're trying to stack say "1 of 5"? I just transfer stuff into my inventory and if it can stack it does otherwise it just transfers across and takes up another slot.

Yep I see it now, just stacked some Atlas Stones. Thought it was for all items including resources.
Can some help me out: I have two atlas stones in my ship inventory because it seemed like I should save them all, but I get attacked every time I fly between planets and I'm way too weak to defend myself.

What should I do? Sell them?

Do you want tips on how to turn Pirate fights into easier mode? Read on...

When you are told Hostile Scan, Enemy Ships approaching etc just slam the reverse thrusters but stay pointing forward. After a few seconds the pirates will warp in front of you and you can blast them more easily as they group up to chase you.

I found it helps with ambushes but not with dogfights defending freighters.
So are the three modes completely separate? That's kinda stupid?

I can understand creative mode w/o resource pressure but survival stuff should just kick in by virtue of having planets with differently harsh environments.

Don't want to split up progression on 3 saves in this game...

How do you suggest they put 'Normal', 'Survival' and 'creative' into one mode? What an odd complaint.


Can some help me out: I have two atlas stones in my ship inventory because it seemed like I should save them all, but I get attacked every time I fly between planets and I'm way too weak to defend myself.

What should I do? Sell them?
Pirates spawn even if your inventory is empty. Also atlas stones are key items, and significantly harder to come by than other rare commodities.


God damn it, for some reason the build menu is tied to the Z key which is also my Walk Forward key (azerty keyboard). So every time I press walk the menu pops up.


Edit : As i thought, it's an azerty issue. One step forward, two steps back lol


I'm about to come back to see the creative mode. I'm interested in traveling and I hope it'll be as fun as when I first started playing.


Okay as far as I can tell there is no way to upgrade owned freighters with more slots. And since there isn't a way to farm for better freighters like there is with crashed ships, the only way is to buy the better ones.

13 slots are 7 million
15 slots are 10 million

Perhaps my mind set is wrong, but having a normal sized ship with 10 slots, and having a freighter with 13-15 slots, seems off to me. Or am I not understanding it correctly?


Loaded up a previous save in Normal and after discovering a lush new planet, game crashed and that mode won't reload without crashing. PS4 version. Anyone else with that issue so far?
How do you suggest they put 'Normal', 'Survival' and 'creative' into one mode? What an odd complaint.

as I said, creative mode I can understand but I would have preferred making use of the virtually unlimited amount of planets and star systems to implement a scaling for difficulty/environmental hazards/enemy strength etc.
It was probably easier to implement a new ruleset though, especially when it comes to limiting resources.

Or give normal mode something tougher than the "extreme" worlds and keep survival mode as it is. I just dislike the idea of starting new as the only way to get difficult content (and none for my current progression). It also goes against the idea of the shared universe, that whatever you find would be experienced in the same way by another player. Speaking of which, are the new player messages mode-specific?

Anyway, just had my first space battle after the patch and it's much more intense due to motion blur + better effects. I also like how the freighter canons tear through the asteroids and that there are now actually other fighter ships attacking the pirates. Though aim-assist is now even more overkill thanks to targeting even passive targets (which was annoying before).
Freighter boarding is very neat as well. I noticed I can melee on the ship, I didn't dare to but can you kill/shoot the crew?!
Perhaps my mind set is wrong, but having a normal sized ship with 10 slots, and having a freighter with 13-15 slots, seems off to me. Or am I not understanding it correctly?

It depends on how many units of an item can stack in Freighter slots. If you can stack say 5,000 units per slot then it's a big inventory expansion otherwise it's just an extended storage container for stuff you don't need at the moment.

I've seen other ships docking at the freighters so i wonder if another update will let you designate cargo slots as saleable items so you can earn cash while on the planet exploring and gathering?


Are freighters still governed by the old pricing model? Base on your ship loadout?

Getting ready to fire this game back up. I've been across quite a few perfect homeworld systems, but would rather continue on and find a new one I guess. I hope I can load my old save without any trouble.


So loading creative mode starts you in a new save, new game. Clean slate.

No way to base build and continue in the normal game but create?

I had explored about 100 systems in my local group and carved out territory for an empire, but looks like I'll need to start from scratch?
So loading creative mode starts you in a new save, new game. Clean slate.

No way to base build and continue in the normal game but create?

I had explored about 100 systems in my local group and carved out territory for an empire, but looks like I'll need to start from scratch?

You can base build in normal mode. Well, i assume you can as there are NPCs at space stations offering their skills to your base if you meet their specific terminal requirements.

Be aware that all stacks in your inventory have been capped at 5 now and i've lost some stock so i advise you sell your stacks leaving 5 in each before you update if you can.

edit: oh you've already updated. If you load your normal save you will be place on the space station as all planets in the system have been regenerated and are marked as undiscovered. When you land you will rediscover them and there will be a duplicate entry in the logs but you will be placed on the record for your old planet so you can finish finding beasties etc.
So loading creative mode starts you in a new save, new game. Clean slate.

No way to base build and continue in the normal game but create?

I had explored about 100 systems in my local group and carved out territory for an empire, but looks like I'll need to start from scratch?

I think you can do all the basebuilding in normal mode just fine, if you have the resources.

Go down on a planet, build a search booster thingy (press up on dpad) and search for planet base or whatever it's called. Fly there and inside you can declare the planet your home planet. I didn't accept just yet but from the wording it seems you can switch to another planet any time, might even take resources from an old base with you as there was a resource-of-current-base button. There's also a portal inside, I wonder if the monoliths work now haha


This is all very impressive but I'll wait until they fix the azerty issue. Double tapping walk forward every god damn time is getting on my nerves. Also I ended up defending my freighter against pirates and I got a "Talk to the captain of the freighter" for what I assume was a reward, but the captain didn't tell me anything. More bugs heh.


Does the PS4 version benefit from TAA and the other graphic upgrades as well, or was all that talk in the patch notes just for PC?

PS. Someone post a goddamn photo from the PS4 photo mode. I'm dying here!
Does the PS4 version benefit from TAA and the other graphic upgrades as well, or was all that talk in the patch notes just for PC?

PS. Someone post a goddamn photo from the PS4 photo mode. I'm dying here!

Too late for me to post a screen but yes, both Motion blur, changed effects (weapons etc.) and TAA are in the PS4 version.


This update is what ive been waiting for tbh before buying the game. If I want to do the base building stuff do I need to play in the Creative mode or can it also be done in Survival?

Has anyone been playing with the Base Building here yet? Is it similar to Fallout 4's mechanics?

Would you recommend the PS4 version or PC as the best platform for play?
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