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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Perhaps my mind set is wrong, but having a normal sized ship with 10 slots, and having a freighter with 13-15 slots, seems off to me. Or am I not understanding it correctly?

No, you are understanding it correctly. It's kind of ridiculous that you can have a 48 slot ship and start out with a 13 slot freighter (at least that was the first one I've bought... after that every other freighter has been 15 slots so far, so it seems like it's always +2) At least they hold twice the amount, but it's still super strange having that huuuuuge ship and then being only able to carry so little cargo. IMO it would have been better to make the freighters modular. You start with 15 slots and a big space to build your agriculture stuff and you can buy additional storage containers with 5 slots up to 100 for money and ressources.

Thanks for this i was just about to ask about Freighters as i've just found a neat Gek one that looks like a flattened Lego Star Destroyer and all the others look like cubes. How much does each cargo slot hold do you know?

I was a bit miffed about losing my stash and the seemingly slower regen/quicker depletion of my jetpack but i'm placated by the prospect of buying a big ship :)

1 slot holds double the amount of your normal ship, which holds double the amount of your inventory. e.g. 250 -> 500 -> 1000. Stackable items can be stacked up to 5 in your ship and up to 10 in your freighter I think.
No, you are understanding it correctly. It's kind of ridiculous that you can have a 48 slot ship and start out with a 13 slot freighter (at least that was the first one I've bought... after that every other freighter has been 15 slots so far, so it seems like it's always +2) At least they hold twice the amount, but it's still super strange having that huuuuuge ship and then being only able to carry so little cargo. IMO it would have been better to make the freighters modular. You start with 15 slots and a big space to build your agriculture stuff and you can buy additional storage containers with 5 slots up to 100 for money and ressources.

1 slot holds double the amount of your normal ship, which holds double the amount of your inventory. e.g. 250 -> 500 -> 1000. Stackable items can be stacked up to 5 in your ship and up to 10 in your freighter I think.

They aren't done with the updates. I'm hoping they add more freighter customizations like you were suggesting.

Loving the update so far. Eat it haters!

Edit: Just read on the foundation update page on the nms website that you can add cargo expansion units to freighters. So it must already be in. Just have to unlock additional technologies to get there I guess...

Damn what an enormous content update this was...


I think you can do all the basebuilding in normal mode just fine, if you have the resources.

Go down on a planet, build a search booster thingy (press up on dpad) and search for planet base or whatever it's called. Fly there and inside you can declare the planet your home planet. I didn't accept just yet but from the wording it seems you can switch to another planet any time, might even take resources from an old base with you as there was a resource-of-current-base button. There's also a portal inside, I wonder if the monoliths work now haha

Just realized this! Much better.

Now to see how much my old places changed.


Anybody found the crafting recipe for glass? Would like to build some windows and stuff. Already have a lot of crafting recipes. Currently working on more plants. Would also like to get the automatic garage doors they showed in the trailers.


Does the PS4 version benefit from TAA and the other graphic upgrades as well, or was all that talk in the patch notes just for PC?

PS. Someone post a goddamn photo from the PS4 photo mode. I'm dying here!

Here's my first ever photo mode screenshot, of the first planet I found with a habitable base on it that wasn't an extreme environment nightmare. This is my homestead view!



Patch looks great but I just bought a bunch of new games for Black Friday. Hopefully this spring after I get through all of these there will be another patch or two by the time I get back to it. The game could be very different by the time I get back to it. It's fun to see people jumping back in, hopefully some new folks picked it up this week too. I want to see them continue to add to the game as long as they can.


To be honest, I was pretty skeptical about this update ever coming out. Reinstalling the game now. I'm glad to have been proven wrong.


So it looks like all species on planets have been reset. If you cataloged biomes, they're gone. Planets seem to be roughly the same, but terrain has been remixed quite a bit. The two places I wanted to be my bases are no longer as unique as they once were. One the lakes have dried up completely.


Ugh my download speeds are always so terrible (not just on PSN, my Internet is just rubbish)!

Can't wait to jump back in a build me a giant base! :D I think I've got over a 100 million credits saved up, so it'l be good to finally use them!
I don't know if it's just a Survival mode thing, but fuck launch thrusters depleting to 0% after each launch. I'm now stuck on a planet with hostile sentinels which I can't get away from because of this.


I am amazed at how much the visual fidelity has improved. Colors pop more, everything is super nice and crisp with TAA, and it feels like there is a greater variety in the color palette of a planet. All around, I'm pretty impressed!

One thing that was a bit of an annoyance is that you can't rebind zoom in to the right mouse button. Or in general, it seems like you can't rebind to a previously bound button (on PC).

I'm also getting a strange graphical flickering grass bug every now and then. Hope they'll smooth this out over the coming days/weeks.


Base building is really fun. The mini-quests you get (fetch a blueprint etc) from people you recruit provide a sense of direction and something to do. It's not exactly deep but it's addictive and kind of satisfying to see the base develop.

Also I love the feeling of sheltering in my base while there's a storm raging outside 😊


Base building is really fun. The mini-quests you get (fetch a blueprint etc) from people you recruit provide a sense of direction and something to do. It's not exactly deep but it's addictive and kind of satisfying to see the base develop.

Also I love the feeling of sheltering in my base while there's a storm raging outside 😊

I love running back to my ship when a storm is hitting and sitting in it waiting out the storm, with the sound of rain hitting the roof. Makes me want to grab a nice hot cup of tea.


I love running back to my ship when a storm is hitting and sitting in it waiting out the storm, with the sound of rain hitting the roof. Makes me want to grab a nice hot cup of tea.

The base game had a lot of faults, but I did fine it to be the ultimate wind down from a stressful work day game.

Sometimes you just need to decompress, and this game has done the job for me.
Base building is really fun. The mini-quests you get (fetch a blueprint etc) from people you recruit provide a sense of direction and something to do. It's not exactly deep but it's addictive and kind of satisfying to see the base develop.

Also I love the feeling of sheltering in my base while there's a storm raging outside 😊

Exactly my thoughts. Played for four hours straight in search of a nice base planet. Game totally has its hooks in me again.


Man, base building is legit as fuck so far. I can't craft certain materials though. Dude wants a beacon but there's some new component I don't have plans or blueprints for. How do I get it?
I don't know if it's just a Survival mode thing, but fuck launch thrusters depleting to 0% after each launch. I'm now stuck on a planet with hostile sentinels which I can't get away from because of this.

I haven't played it yet but I think the idea might be that you don't land everywhere like in normal mode. You have to plan landings a bit more. I can see why you'd be annoyed though.


Man, base building is legit as fuck so far. I can't craft certain materials though. Dude wants a beacon but there's some new component I don't have plans or blueprints for. How do I get it?

If it's the Voltaic Cell you need to the build the science terminal and recruit a scientist first I think.


Is there an easy way to get back to your home planet if you jump to another system? Or do I just have to remember where it was and if I want to explore the galaxy, try and find my way back there? Could be a lot of jumping to get back if you get far away.

By the gods... I can stack Atlas stones!

This should have been one of the first things they mention about the patch!
I haven't played it yet but I think the idea might be that you don't land everywhere like in normal mode. You have to plan landings a bit more. I can see why you'd be annoyed though.

I don't know why I missed it leaving the first planet. So I'm going to be making sure to carry plenty of spare plutonium from now on.

So that's my Survival tip, keep plenty of Plutonium and Thanium on you at all times.


Ah, and now I need to find cacti. Thanks!

It took me ages to find that material, in the end I realised you can see if a planet has it by scanning from space so no need to walk around endlessly.

If you can't find it in your current system then warp to a new one, bases are cheap to build and you can recover some of the materials from your old one.


The base game had a lot of faults, but I did fine it to be the ultimate wind down from a stressful work day game.

Sometimes you just need to decompress, and this game has done the job for me.

Agreed. Even before this update I got enough time and fun out of it to justify the price. I put it back on the shelf for a long time but now it looks like it's going to just keep getting bigger and better. I just wish I could get the option to warp back to my very first planet and explore it more now I know what I'm doing and have protection against the toxicity installed.


It took me ages to find that material, in the end I realised you can see if a planet has it by scanning from space so no need to walk around endlessly.

If you can't find it in your current system then warp to a new one, bases are cheap to build and you can recover some of the materials from your old one.
Figured as much. Mostly iron so easy to get going.


I don't understand the difference between Normal and Creative. Is it just that Creative have zero costs for building houses while Normal requires resources or something? I don't want to start over :(


Good lord, 15 systems with 5-6 planets each and not a single one with rigogen. Why can't I craft copper wire from copper?!
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