Dreams in Digital
Very cool. I would do creative but I like atleast a little challenge lol
Just give it a go. You've got the freedom of the Universe and that's cool.
Very cool. I would do creative but I like atleast a little challenge lol
How many revisions have people gone through before ending up with a base they really liked? I think I've completely rebuilt mine about five times, and am pretty happy with what I've got. I wish the parts limit was higher on PS4 because there are a few more small things I want to build.
I can't even find a
I'm having an issue right now (PC) where I can't complete the quest for the scientist where I need to collect some Candensium because I haven't built the hazmat gauntlets yet. The builder tells me to talk to a scientist about the voltaic cells, the scientist tells me to go get hazardous materials I can't collect. Anyone else face this issue and know if the new patch fixes it?
Edit: Nope. Still not fixed.
Hmm. I think I need the builder to make the weapons station before I can get the weapons expert. But he won't do so until I get the voltaic cell. But there scientist won't teach me the blueprint for it because he's on about Candensium. Sort of a "hole in my bucket" scenario.Have you got the weapons expert too? All the missions kinda link up.
This might be placebo effect, but I almost swear moving the right stick while flying the ship didn't turn the camera as hard as it does now.
Front & back. I love how the safes look from outside. Two landing pads, one at ground level, and one on the third floor. My ship still parks itself under the whole structure when I warp, though...
After getting way too many resources from my plants, I've swapped most out for gravitino ball plants and five or six aubaumen pearls or whatever they're called. I'll probably keep one of each plant, and eventually just try to grow the pearls. Next to the garden, I have a pilar with all my specialists posted around it.
Hello Games have actually reached out to us (the mods). So some exciting things are in the pipeline right now. We'll start having the patch notes before they go live, as well as hopefully doing a big Christmas giveaway, giving away some keys etc. So this is quite the milestone!
After speaking to the community manager, Chris, I definitely feel like this is a gigantic leap in the right direction.
Where does one even build the base on the freighter? I've never really explored them so maybe it's obvious, but every time I've gone to the freighter captain I've never noticed where they'd go.
Were planetary buildings always painted? I was surprised when I landed on a moon tonight and saw a bright yellow factory. I've seen three painted buildings so far in this system. Maybe I just never noticed before, but I always remembered every building being metallic.
Yes, I'm definitely seeing more variety in shape and color as well.
Interesting. I wonder if that was part of the 1.5GB update in 1.13. Surely they must've snuck in some new assets.
I'm really liking some of these color jobs and varied architecture. I mean this is looking proper sci-fi.
Also, it may just be placebo, but I feel like the lighting engine changed with Foundation. The color grading seems more natural now. I know they said they changed the proc gen to have more bluish sky planets...maybe they weren't BS'ing about the atmosphere changes how things look.
Hmm. I think I need the builder to make the weapons station before I can get the weapons expert. But he won't do so until I get the voltaic cell. But there scientist won't teach me the blueprint for it because he's on about Candensium. Sort of a "hole in my bucket" scenario.
I've noticed more colorful buildings right when the Foundation update released, so it's definitely before the 1.13 or 1.12 updates. I'd say the base building system updated all structures in general and introduced more varied color schemes, and yeah, they look much more like some Chris Foss art than before. They definitely increased the contrast and color saturation overall and introduced new color combinations, so planets can look really vivid and full of eye candy. One thing I can't really argue about this game is that the terrain generation often produces gorgeous landscapes and can still surprise me from time to time even after 80-90 hours of play time.
I really want some settlements on planets to that size, the game seems to handle the performance of having something that large on the planet without any issues so it may not be out of the question.This looks incredible:
You thought I was exaggerating didn't you ...
Really hoping the implementation of bases and modular aspect allows the ruins to be reintroduced as sprawling complexes. I hope eventually subterranean building is possible both for bases and other uses. Would be great to add that with a redo of cave generation.I really want some settlements on planets to that size, the game seems to handle the performance of having something that large on the planet without any issues so it may not be out of the question.
Actually, what I think the animal procgen needs is for them to be generated based on a more logocal progression of how life would evolve on these planets. Presumably, life is so prevalent due to the alien races or the Sentinels or Atlas, but their generation should still follow a logical progression rather than just be a random mish-mash of parts which is what we've got currently.
Even though Earth has a large variety of plant and animal life, it still follows some kind of logic. I also know that some planets in NMS seem to follow a little bit of logic and consistency but I think there could be a lot more.
I really want some settlements on planets to that size, the game seems to handle the performance of having something that large on the planet without any issues so it may not be out of the question.
Someone made this pretty awesome NMS montage video. Check it out.
Beacon is just a save point that also shows up as a star way point on your hud. Good for marking points of interest on planets.Can crashed ships be found using Signal Boosters? If so, which the four options bring me closer?
Also, what does the Beacon do?
Is the ship cockpit modded? It looks super cool.
That would be good too but I'm sort of hoping that we'll be able to stumble on communities at some point, almost like you would in old school RPGs. It would have like traders, people that you could do missions for and maybe even somewhere that you can get jobs such as transporting materials to other locations or flying wingman for a certain faction.Really hoping the implementation of bases and modular aspect allows the ruins to be reintroduced as sprawling complexes. I hope eventually subterranean building is possible both for bases and other uses. Would be great to add that with a redo of cave generation.
If I'm being honest, I get the feeling that a lot of the stuff in there was somewhat forced out for launch, just to get it in there for people. It's difficult to know what the end goal is for the team, I'd imagine that they have quite a hefty list of "still to do" stuff hidden away in the studio somewhere.I find the building limitations on the PS4 to be odd. The building pieces don't seem extremely complex. I wonder if they are not doing any culling of geometry on the prefab base parts which are not visible; in effect, rendering every bit of base geometry at all times.
I was in the same boat, I play the traditional way and couldn't find those transmission towers. Once you find a base that's habitable, you will get to build those transmission towers.Well finding crashed ships sure is harder after Foundation - I hardly seem to find transmission towers. Maybe it's the planet I'm on (a lot of water) but I remember flying in any direction and finding transmission towers within a minute pre-Foundation.
Well finding crashed ships sure is harder after Foundation - I hardly seem to find transmission towers. Maybe it's the planet I'm on (a lot of water) but I remember flying in any direction and finding transmission towers within a minute pre-Foundation.
Is transmission towers searchable under "colonial outpost" from the signal booster options? That's what I'd like to know.All buildings have been made a lot less frequent, so yeah, there are fewer transmission towers. Have you done any of the base-building stuff yet? Once you learn the recipe, you can plop down a signal booster anywhere (on any planet, not just at your base) and search for transmission towers.
All buildings have been made a lot less frequent, so yeah, there are fewer transmission towers. Have you done any of the base-building stuff yet? Once you learn the recipe, you can plop down a signal booster anywhere (on any planet, not just at your base) and search for transmission towers.
Is transmission towers searchable under "colonial outpost" from the signal booster options? That's what I'd like to know.
I really should have gotten a 48 slot ship before the FU lol.