I'm still in. Not making much (any) progress on my backlog games but I haven't bought any new video games since starting this challenge!
Can we get a roll call of everyone still in? I love to tease and tempt y'all, but I know I couldn't do it - it's really an an accomplishment. 2 down, 10 to go!
Still at it, but pace slowed down a bit, because work on my game has ramped up again with my partners having some more time for it again. Voodoo Vince is half way done and will be finished this week though.Can we get a roll call of everyone still in? I love to tease and tempt y'all, but I know I couldn't do it - it's really an an accomplishment. 2 down, 10 to go!
Hard to be strong seeing DQXI on sale on PSN for $30 when I was so tempted when it came out to buy it day one. Grrrrrr. *There will be other, even BETTER sales on this again!*
Except on March 29th, on this day, the latest is the greatest.I'm still in it. It's amazing to me how much I don't have an interest in day one playing games since starting this. The latest doesn't mean the greatest.
Yes, sometimes you just run into the laws of nature and have to give in.Except on March 29th, on this day, the latest is the greatest.
i had the exact same impulse. But I bet it will be $20 later this year.
Yeah Dragon Quest is VERY tempting, but I know I won't finish it for months. I can wait for another sale.
just finished Technobabylon im pretty hooked on a sequel arriving soon. because Technobabylon is one of my favorite Wadjet Eye adventure games. despite it being really easy.
I started on Kathy Rain and the first puzzle forces me to refresh my Math knowledge... not sure i will be able to complete this one without walkthrough
been ages since i read about Pi and Prime Numbers. i mean for me its worse enough to do it in my own language but having to figure out what that is in English just complicates it even more for me.
I been playing Snakebird a puzzle game and i had to buy a Addon to that Snakebird Primer which tries to ease the puzzles up for people stuck with a brain of mush.
so technically i am up to 2 new games this year... but Snakebird Primer really feels more like a Tutorial to Snakebird original game. instead of not being stuck after 2 puzzles you get stuck after doing 64 increasingly challenging puzzles... and now i am pretty much stuck in that ... but if i can't beat Snakebird Primer there is no chance i ever get far in Original Snakebird.
Gemini Rue is really good too if you haven't played it
The morality in KotOR2 was much better, which is a hallmark of Obsidian's style.Kotor 2 is an interesting game. The locations feel bigger and more complex, and there is often no clearly obviously good choice. It's a lot more shades of grey as others have alluded to. Also Kreia is a rather interesting character. One comment struck me - that by helping others we weaken them while strengthening ourselves. In part that's obviously a meta comment on the game mechanic - that we go out and help randoms to get xp and level up, but it's something that has some real-world relevance too. Definitely a game with something to say.
FWIW I'm enjoying this a lot. It makes me think about replaying old games a lot more.
Publishers hate him!
Find out how shmup obsessed NeoGaffer destroyed the gaming industry...
I've heard that the story is the weakest part and doesn't really rise to the occasion when you consider all the other content included in the game. Is that impression correct?Finished up Ni No Kuni 2 today. Overall I enjoyed it. It has a lot of charm within its presentation but it’s also easy to see where corners were cut. The game has a habit of fading to black and unravelling the story with the audio rather than showing you events in real time. But that’s okay because it makes up for that with a great world to explore with sizeable sub-games that are different genres.
It has a fleshed out city building sub-game that I really enjoyed. It was good to take a break from the story and side missions to focus on that. It’s a nice change of pace. The fight system was also fun, but it’s too easy on normal difficulty, it’s better fun on hard and extreme difficulty. I enjoyed this more than I thought I might. I’ve finished more JRPGs this year than I had done in the last 5 years prior.
7.5 Higgledys out of 10 from me. It’s a good game, good mechanics, good extras, lots of charm. I recommend it to any that are still unsure about giving it a try, especially worth it at the current price of entry.
Whatever comes next for me, it’s got to be a smaller game next. I definitely need a change of pace after focusing on big open world story driven games for the last few.
I've heard that the story is the weakest part and doesn't really rise to the occasion when you consider all the other content included in the game. Is that impression correct?
I'm no stranger to skipping story scenes entirely (Disgaea series, for instance) when I'm playing an RPG for the battle system, or city-building, or whatever. A bad JRPG story is nothing compared to a bad JRPG battle system or a boring JRPG overworld. Thanks for going into so much detail. I appreciate it.I would say so. The game seems geared towards a younger audience when it comes to systems and story. But where it really won me over was the charm in that simplicity, the sub-games and the challenge of upping the combat difficulty. Now I’ve finished with the game, looking back at it I think its fair to say that despite any flaws, the game never stops being fun and charming with you being able to stop playing the story and focus on other aspects at any time. I think the games biggest plus is the package as a whole. Got a gripe with the story? There’s extra content to delve in. And that content was needed, the city building and army sub-games. I definitely used them as a break from the main story.
The game does an excellent job with letting you travel anywhere at anytime and focus on any aspect of your choosing once you are a certain % through its main story.
It is a bummer to skip story, and sometimes that's enough to make me give up on a game (JRPGs are particularly guilty of this problem), but I just view it as another annoyance that you choose to overlook out of love for some redeeming characteristic of the game.You’re very welcomeDunDunDunpachi , and I agree completely with your reply. Game play and the systems a game presents will usually top storyline for me. Not every time, but that’s where I generally place my importance when looking at gaming as a whole.
Can we get a roll call of everyone still in? I love to tease and tempt y'all, but I know I couldn't do it - it's really an an accomplishment. 2 down, 10 to go!
I'm out due to a friend sending me a copy of Slay the Spire for my birthday and then wanting to know how I like it (and being offended if I didn't at least give it a try). So I had to play a run.... and somehow have 16 hours played. I don't have any birthdays planned for the remainder of the year, so I don't have to worry about another gift.
But I have not bought a game this year and I'm still slogging through my back log.
I'm out due to a friend sending me a copy of Slay the Spire for my birthday and then wanting to know how I like it (and being offended if I didn't at least give it a try). So I had to play a run.... and somehow have 16 hours played. I don't have any birthdays planned for the remainder of the year, so I don't have to worry about another gift.
But I have not bought a game this year and I'm still slogging through my back log.
Pretty sure gifts are exempt. Can I get a rulingDunDunDunpachi ?
But do you maybe happen to have a christmas planned?I'm out due to a friend sending me a copy of Slay the Spire for my birthday and then wanting to know how I like it (and being offended if I didn't at least give it a try). So I had to play a run.... and somehow have 16 hours played. I don't have any birthdays planned for the remainder of the year, so I don't have to worry about another gift.
But I have not bought a game this year and I'm still slogging through my back log.
Playing gifts is fine.I'm out due to a friend sending me a copy of Slay the Spire for my birthday and then wanting to know how I like it (and being offended if I didn't at least give it a try). So I had to play a run.... and somehow have 16 hours played. I don't have any birthdays planned for the remainder of the year, so I don't have to worry about another gift.
But I have not bought a game this year and I'm still slogging through my back log.
The morality in KotOR2 was much better, which is a hallmark of Obsidian's style.