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NO UWE, DON'T DO IT!!!! (Soul Calibur? Dungeon Siege? more Dr Boll movies coming)

Funky Papa

Stolen from EA


Here are some juicy quotes:

When is bloodrayne going to be made?

Uwe - August 16 , shooting start in transilvania

Any casting suggestions?

Uwe - Cast comes up soon. We allways till the last weeks to get actors cheaper
No shit Sherlock :D

What is Far Cry going to be about? And when is that film going to be made?

Uwe - Next year. We are using 80% of the game story.

Were you involved in anything called Soul Calibur? IMDB has you credited for it.

Uwe - My friend Noel Vega is a producer on it - and wants me to work on it

Is the music from the official site of Alone in the Dark going to be in the film?

Uwe - Not anything. We have only three songs in the movie



Street Fighter IV World Champion
Who is this Boll penis?

Is he some over-rated director who has a chubby for our beloved games?


works for Gamestop (lol)
I wish he kept that rant on his page about how people were idiots for not liking House of the Dead. I can't find it anymore...I guess he was drunk when he typed it out considering the grammar mistakes and poor writing

MC Safety

Wario64 said:
I wish he kept that rant on his page about how people were idiots for not liking House of the Dead. I can't find it anymore...I guess he was drunk when he typed it out considering the grammar mistakes and poor writing

Well, he's not a native speaker. That might explain, at least partially, his inadequacies in terms of the language.

Fun Fact: At the premiere of House of the Dead at the San Francisco film festival, Uwe Boll was frisking people at the door. He patted me down as I entered, searching for a camera, I guess.

When they announced him as the director and had him come up to the front of the stage, I said (loudly) to my friend Ethan "Stealy McGrabbington" Einhorn, "Hey, that's the cat that frisked me!"
I remember seeing in Play Magazine a photo of Peter Moore and freelance writer Tom Hamm on the HOTD set in zombie makeup. Peter Moore as a zombie is pretty funny.
Well, that about wraps it up for Soul Calibur :(

Not like I was expecting anything with that plot outline floating around, but there was always hope...
Uncle Dukey said:
Where does he get money for his projects?

I was about to say "Look at his movies" as proof that he didn't use much money to make them. But I just checked and somehow HoTD cost 12 million dollars to make. :p It did make 12 million worldwide which didn't clear the 10 million extra it had for a marketing budget. Alone in the Dark looks really cheap though.

I'm really happy that this guy didn't get his hands on Silent Hill. :)
I'm reusing an old post because nobody took me seriously last time. I guess nobody else thought he was dangerous.

Look, this isn't funny. This man is out to ruin the video-game movie for good. After he's done with Alone in the Dark, Bloodrayne, and Dungeon Siege no studios will ever green light a movie that has the stigma of being linked to a video game.

We need to rise up as a community and smite him.

ah do wanna see bloodrayne doh...
ArcadeStickMonk said:
ah do wanna see bloodrayne doh...

Bloodrayne is the saddest one out of all of these just because it does have alot of potential to be a great movie. With Boll on board though it doesn't have much of a chance at all.


Funky Papa said:
I think I have a new avatar :D



Do you know who those people are?

Just in case you don't: That's then-SOA president Peter Moore on the left and then-SOJ president on the right (whose name escapes me). They were extras in the HoTD movie, and this was the publicity photo.

So Peter Moore is now your avitar. Have fun. :)


20 years from now, Uwe will be hailed as the "new Ed Wood" or something hehe

check out the HOTD diary at the HOTD page, written by one of the "actors"

11:45 p.m.
Uwe says that he wants us to do a "funny version" of a few scenes for the DVD outtakes. He finds the idea of these "funny versions" quite amusing. He is giggling while describing to me an alternative to a current scene where, in the script, I get up on a stage and imitate a scene from "This Is Spinal Tap." Uwe thinks it would be hilarious if I get up and do an improvised Oscar speech. I do it. Uwe howls. Everybody else is silent. I am embarrassed.

11: 45 p.m.
The porta-potty scene. "The I-was-inside-the-porta-potty-when-zombies-came-and-flipped-it-over scene." There is much discussion on exactly how much poo should be smothered over my face and body. Mathias Neumann (the Director of Photography) feels that there should be enough for the camera to read it. Shawn Williamson thinks less poo is better, I mean let's have a little bit of taste, right? Uwe doesn't really give a shit, he wants to shoot. They decide to split the difference; why not just a few handfuls of it?
I hop inside the flipped over porta-potty. [...]
I feel like a real actor now. I have been decorated with fake poo.

I feel much more like an action hero with this gun. It's lighter, more versatile.
I am told I have the option of firing a test round before we film. You betcha. I'm not giving up free fake gunfire. I fire it off into the woods. Sweet.
I shit my pants when we get around to actually shooting the scene. There is a flame of approximately one foot that shoots out of the barrel when I fire. I'm supposed to be running in the scene and I am concerned that I may accidentally shoot myself in the face or something. But I don't tell anybody. No, no…I am an action hero…
We shoot the scene. I looked cool. I ask Uwe what he thinks. "You looked idiotic..."

The vomit is a mixture of fruit salad (for chunks, you see) and this weird green algae nutrition drink. It's littered with little white orbs that remind me of pimpleheads. Not very appealing. (Side note: Uwe has been drinking this stuff all day)

12:15 a.m.
(A little bit of backstory on Uwe. He's known as being very quick when it comes to the shooting schedule. This is pretty much unheard of in film. He prides himself on effectively walking the fine line between creativity and financial responsibility.)

Uwe is frustrated with the length of time it's taking to yuck up the stunt zombies and get the shots needed. There are a series of shots where zombies are killed in the water, and it's just taking too long. Uwe explodes, "Just poot zee zohmbeez een zee wohteh so wee can shoot zem!" This is much funnier in person.


GhaleonEB said:
Just in case you don't: That's then-SOA president Peter Moore on the left and then-SOJ president on the right (whose name escapes me). )
It's not the SOJ president, but the former boss of WOW Entertainment Rikiya Nakagawa, who stepped down and left Sega in late 2003.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Look, this isn't funny. This man is out to ruin the video-game movie for good. After he's done with Alone in the Dark, Bloodrayne, and Dungeon Siege no studios will ever green light a movie that has the stigma of being linked to a video game.

We need to rise up as a community and smite him.
I'm not sure if you're being serious and I'm never a political man, but you're right. Something has to be done before this idiot fucks us all up. :(


11:45 p.m.
Uwe says that he wants us to do a "funny version" of a few scenes for the DVD outtakes. He finds the idea of these "funny versions" quite amusing. He is giggling while describing to me an alternative to a current scene where, in the script, I get up on a stage and imitate a scene from "This Is Spinal Tap." Uwe thinks it would be hilarious if I get up and do an improvised Oscar speech. I do it. Uwe howls. Everybody else is silent. I am embarrassed.
:lol That is too funny.


Yes, FarCry has a story, and ironically, I think it would actually do pretty well as far as videogame -> movie transitions are considered. It doesn't have anything TOO far fetched (for the film world anyway) that need to be changed or toned down for an adaptation. There's no King Koopa to turn into a human or silly sex appeal that ended up being all Tomb Raider was good for. Its pretty much straight up. Find some pretty islands to shoot on, construct some underground "bunker" sets, get WETA or somebody competent to make Trigen costumes/CG models (hell, if you're working on an Uwe Boll shoestring budget, why not just steal the CG models straight from the game and reanimate them? :p), and there ya go. It ain't hard.
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