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noa teleconference live update thread

aoi tsuki

BuddyChrist83 said:
Yea. Ah, makes sense.
i should probably say that the locator feature uses Nintendo's proprietary technology, believed to be or use a subset of Bluetooth. i don't think it was ever confirmed to be Bluetooth in the official PRs. If it's Bluetooth, you can expect a shorter range (~30 meters IIRC) and lower speeds than WiFi, but it consumes much less power.


AniHawk said:
Nintendo should do something like reveal a game in development every day from now until launch.
oh man, the forum would never recover. thanks for that update aoi, i knew nintendo had some proprietary protocol but i wasn't aware of how they were using it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
puck1337 said:
He's from CNN/Money.
Seriously? Tsk tsk. I was guessing some random nobody from a small site or something.

AniHawk said:
Nintendo should do something like reveal a game in development every day from now until launch.
That would be incredibly cool. "You thought yesterday's game was cool, well check this shit out!"

aoi tsuki

i just realized something. i wonder if games will be hotswappable -- able to be changed without powering off the system. Say i'm chatting with a friend in PictoChat and we decide to play a game. Instead of powering down, inserting the game, and powering back up, i could just insert the game and the system would automatically recognize it, like disc-based systems do today. This would make the transition from chat or DS alert smoother than it would be with standard cartridge technologies.


GAF's Bob Woodward
aoi tsuki said:
i just realized something. i wonder if games will be hotswappable -- able to be changed without powering off the system. Say i'm chatting with a friend in PictoChat and we decide to play a game. Instead of powering down, inserting the game, and powering back up, i could just insert the game and the system would automatically recognize it, like disc-based systems do today. This would make the transition from chat or DS alert smoother than it would be with standard cartridge technologies.

I would think so. I'd say DS has some sort of menu system ala GC's or something, so on start up, you can go into calendar/time functions, pictochat etc. or go to the game you've got inserted in the slot. If you insert one while in picto chat, you'd probably just go back out to the menu and go to the option to play the game.


Can games make use of PictoChat? In other words, is PictoChat merely a program or is it a library that can be used in other games, similar to DLLs on a Windows machine?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Next NOA teleconference, GAF should get major representation to pass questions live to those hosting it. Kinda like how bloggers are being accredited as members of the press in different areas etc. We'd ask much better questions than these eejits!!

edit - btw, Skip, I didn't mean you as an eejit..I'm very grateful for you passing all this info on to us. I specifically meant the guy who was wasting time asking questions everyone else already knew the answer to since it was covered 5 minutes earlier..


skip said:
we also failed to ask if pictochat was upgradeable somehow. damn us.
I have no idea myself, but I would personally guess "no" because if it were upgradeable, that might mean PictoChat could be overwritten with full or partial games, particularly small ones. Depending on the size of the rewriteable ROM, it might be a free pass for some pirates.

Most companies probably wouldn't be worried about potential piracy that insignificant, but I would think Nintendo would be. But who knows?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Duckhuntdog said:
The GAF was represented at this, Kabuno was there.

I'd say the "PR favourites" got the opportunities to ask the questions though..I mean a certain number of Qs should be reserved for the GAF :p It's time we started throwing our weight around!

Justin Bailey

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Dan said:
Who's Chris Morris and why is he wasting time by asking for months-old information?
CNN would really be better off if they hired someone that knew what they were doing. Most of his articles make me wanna puke.
Seriously? Tsk tsk. I was guessing some random nobody from a small site or something.
That's probably giving him too much credit.

Ok, he's not that bad actually, but damn, it's on their website for christ's sake.


Zilch said:
Yeah, but the DS itself only has a 6-10 hour battery life...

SP claims were also around 10 hours and the requirement of a 3+ hour charge, where I get about 12-13 hours out of my SP and only have to charge for like 2 and a half hours, max.
So I'm personally not concerned. Fuck, I'm excited.


Queen of Denmark
Plus, I'm sure the low end of that estimate is meant to indicate the battery life while playing continuous wireless multiplayer. If you do mostly solo or even half and half, the battery will almost certainly be on the upper end of that estimate (8-10).
q - johnathan something - how are you going to have consumers familiar with DS outside of retail scene. anything like cube club?

george - starting on nintendo fusion tour, info videos and hardware samples will be there. as soon as software is completed, those demos will be out there as well. largest number of people will have access at stores (stores will have multiple units to demo the wireless play). also, nintendo street team.

Oh hi, that was me. :) something = Metts

Regarding the comments by many of you about how stupid some of the questions were, that just comes with the territory. Teleconferences are heavily populated by mass media who don't know what the hell is going on until the speakers tell them. It's not surprising at all that someone from CNN would ask a dumb question. The small fansites (though probably not invited to this particular teleconference) usually have the best questions, because they know their stuff and plan what they're going to ask ahead of time.

Although I love the guy, Adam Sessler wins the award for all-time dumbest teleconference question. The day NOA announced GameCube in 2000 (concurrent with Spaceworld), he jumps in the Q&A and calls the system Starcube, after half an hour of presentations have been calling it GameCube. Same sort of thing happened yesterday; this guy apologized for coming in late, then asked three or four questions that had already been answered. Very annoying.


Jonnyboy117 said:
Oh hi, that was me. :) something = Metts

Regarding the comments by many of you about how stupid some of the questions were, that just comes with the territory. Teleconferences are heavily populated by mass media who don't know what the hell is going on until the speakers tell them. It's not surprising at all that someone from CNN would ask a dumb question. The small fansites (though probably not invited to this particular teleconference) usually have the best questions, because they know their stuff and plan what they're going to ask ahead of time.

Although I love the guy, Adam Sessler wins the award for all-time dumbest teleconference question. The day NOA announced GameCube in 2000 (concurrent with Spaceworld), he jumps in the Q&A and calls the system Starcube, after half an hour of presentations have been calling it GameCube. Same sort of thing happened yesterday; this guy apologized for coming in late, then asked three or four questions that had already been answered. Very annoying.

hey I read planetgamecube sometimes. Keep up the good work :)

Can't wait till october 7th.


BuddyChrist83 said:
oh man, the forum would never recover. thanks for that update aoi, i knew nintendo had some proprietary protocol but i wasn't aware of how they were using it.
No, that would help DS' success and it would also increase it's popularity.
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