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Non-criticizable albums??

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Diablos said:
Raoul Duke: Please, don't say that. That's a disturbing mental image. Billy Corgan is a gifted guitarist and songwriter, but um... no. Just no. Sorry. As a real person I think b0lly has some issues, it's quite obvious. If he jumped off a bridge, I wouldn't.
Hee hee... I made you nervous! Mission accomplished.


Nervous? Hardly. Pissed off because you had to act like a jerk? Yeah. Quit attacking me because I favor a real alternative rock band over your current goth rock band trying to act like their influences did 10+ years ago. :p


Dude I LOVE Maynard! He has a 6.5 inch penis! OMG! And when his drummer hits the drums he does it like 1,492,458 times and its SO PERCISE, I think the drum beats go through Maynard's penis and then spreads out onto the crowd in some weird kind of spiritual way! I know this because their song Sixty-Nine and Four has a secret menaing that told me so. Becuase of this, and the fact that their drummer is cool, Tool is our generation's Pink Floyd! Yeah dodes!

blue > pink on good days
pink > blue on bad days

...and who is the jokester that think green is better than both of those? HA! oh man...and don't even mention maladroit...i disowned weezer as a viable rock band after that album...let's hope rivers still has some juice left in him...


Diablos said:
Dude I LOVE Maynard! He has a 6.5 inch penis! OMG! And when his drummer hits the drums he does it like 1,492,458 times and its SO PERCISE, I think the drum beats go through Maynard's penis and then spreads out onto the crowd in some weird kind of spiritual way! I know this because their song Sixty-Nine and Four has a secret menaing that told me so. Becuase of this, and the fact that their drummer is cool, Tool is our generation's Pink Floyd! Yeah dodes!


It's funny that you go for the stupid assumptions. Like I said, I just pick anything Maynard's done because it makes you shit bricks.


But dode, I'm not shitting bricks. I'm ripping on maynard and enjoying it. I like The Outsider though. A lot. :rock


Well, ok. But I don't doubt it'll happen again next time somebody (Eminem) makes an APC/Tool post.

And I don't think they're the best band (and I'm definitely not one of those "Maynard = god" fans), but they're about the only current band I can still consistently listen to as far as mainstream stuff goes. I'm too much of a fan of older stuff though, like the real Pink Floyd and Hendrix and Led Zep.

Smashing Pumpkins are great if you ignore most of their lyrics (much like NIN) but Billy Corgan is such an insane egomaniac that I think it just makes me happy by proxy to see you feel the need to troll APC/Tool threads. It's like a great reminder that this wouldn't be happening if Corgan hadn't single-handedly destroyed 2 bands full of talented individuals who could have continued to make great music.


well not really...yet
firex said:
Well, ok. But I don't doubt it'll happen again next time somebody (Eminem) makes an APC/Tool post.

And I don't think they're the best band (and I'm definitely not one of those "Maynard = god" fans), but they're about the only current band I can still consistently listen to as far as mainstream stuff goes. I'm too much of a fan of older stuff though, like the real Pink Floyd and Hendrix and Led Zep.

Smashing Pumpkins are great if you ignore most of their lyrics (much like NIN) but Billy Corgan is such an insane egomaniac that I think it just makes me happy by proxy to see you feel the need to troll APC/Tool threads. It's like a great reminder that this wouldn't be happening if Corgan hadn't single-handedly destroyed 2 bands full of talented individuals who could have continued to make great music.
???Single handedly destroyed? The pumpkins time was up, theire was nothing left, better they broke up than to deteriorate more and more. Zwan was a mess though but thats a different story. What the fuck is so bad about his lyrics, you cant honestly compare them to fucking nine inch nails. Although melon collie is overtly angsty (about half of the album, partially why I consider it one of theire weakest albums) all theire other albums are lyrically fantastic, specifically adore (heart wrechingly so) and siamese dream. nin lyrics are so cliche and ridden with the same shit. its abhorrent to even compare the two.


Ramones Self Titled
Clash - Clash - London Calling
Screeching Weasel - My Brain Hurts
Mr. T. Experience - Love is Dead
Dillinger Four - Any album
The Queers - Love songs for the Retarded - Beat Off

and best of all

Journey - Greatest Hits


Diablos said:
Nervous? Hardly. Pissed off because you had to act like a jerk? Yeah. Quit attacking me because I favor a real alternative rock band over your current goth rock band trying to act like their influences did 10+ years ago. :p
Uh..... I read the words you typed, but they make no sense to me.

REAL ALTERNATIVE ROCK BAND. I assume you're talking about multi-million selling mainstream band The Smashing Pumpkins.

CURRENT GOTH ROCK BAND TRYING TO ACT LIKE THEIR INFLUENCES DID 10+ YEARS AGO: Hmm... yeah, I do listen to a lot of goth rock bands that are aping 10 + year old acts. Oh wait, I DON'T. Yeah, the Shins, Polyphonic Spree and Gary Jules sure are GOTHIC.

Maybe you're just upset about your continued inability to support your supposition that Billy Corgan is anything more than a hack, and that's why you've decided to libel me with scurrilous accusations. Hey, I can understand. I've backed some losing horses in my time before as well, but I've ALWAYS, ALWAYS admitted they were losers and just moved on. Maybe you should consider doing the same!

Oh, and Trippingmartian has named the only non-criticizable album in the entire thread.


btrboyev said:
and best of all

Journey - Greatest Hits

This is true :D

I'd like to add:

GnR debut
Boston debut
Van Halen debut
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Helloween - Keeper of the seven keys pt. 1

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i'll never understand matlock's musical choices. GREEN OVER BLUE AND PINK? WTFSTFFZFFFWF

then again, he does love the spider-man 2 soundtrack.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I was gonna go with Guns n Roses as well when I clicked on this thread but with a different album:

Appetite for Destruction


Smashing Pumpkins are great if you ignore most of their lyrics (much like NIN) but Billy Corgan is such an insane egomaniac that I think it just makes me happy by proxy to see you feel the need to troll APC/Tool threads. It's like a great reminder that this wouldn't be happening if Corgan hadn't single-handedly destroyed 2 bands full of talented individuals who could have continued to make great music.

What? The lyrics in the Pumpkins were great. Corgan is without a doubt one of the best artists around today, musically and lyrically (though recently he's been a lot stronger lyrically, even if a bit corny at times). He has wrote more amazing lyrics than he has cliche or dull, to call him a bad songwriter is absurd.

Billy did not single-handedly destroy two bands, SP fell apart. Darcy was a drug addict and quit without notice, James got tired of it, Jimmy wanted to start a family (which doesn't help Zwan much later on), Billy too was sick of it altogether, and they were tired of Virgin screwing them over. Zwan didn't work not only because of Corgan's stubborn attitude, but because you had two mainstream people, Billy and Jimmy, and then Paz who joined and probably slept with half the band (that always screws things up). Then you had Matt and Dave, two INDIE rockers. You can't mix all those talented musicians up and expect it to last. One of the first reasons could very well be Corgan's attitude in the studio, but regardless, the band would have never lasted even if he let everyone have as much contribution to the album as they wanted. They're all too different. Sluts, indie snobs and mainstream artists don't mix too well, especially in a studio; there's really no need to expalin why.

Uh..... I read the words you typed, but they make no sense to me.

REAL ALTERNATIVE ROCK BAND. I assume you're talking about multi-million selling mainstream band The Smashing Pumpkins.

Uh... maybe you are stupid, then. Mainstream bands from last decade can't be real? Compared to mainstream rock bands today, yeah, SP is a lot more real than these stupid bands are. Real in the sense that they really really cared about the music they were making. Not recycling the same riffs and lyrics like today's top mainstream bands do, like Linkin Park, Staind or Korn. SP was willing to fall on their own sword for the sake of artistic integrity (Adore is proof of that). No band would do that today, and if they do they're still indie so it really doesn't matter anyway.

CURRENT GOTH ROCK BAND TRYING TO ACT LIKE THEIR INFLUENCES DID 10+ YEARS AGO: Hmm... yeah, I do listen to a lot of goth rock bands that are aping 10 + year old acts. Oh wait, I DON'T. Yeah, the Shins, Polyphonic Spree and Gary Jules sure are GOTHIC.

Sorry, I thought you were kissing APC's ass like every other SP basher on this forum.

Maybe you're just upset about your continued inability to support your supposition that Billy Corgan is anything more than a hack, and that's why you've decided to libel me with scurrilous accusations. Hey, I can understand. I've backed some losing horses in my time before as well, but I've ALWAYS, ALWAYS admitted they were losers and just moved on. Maybe you should consider doing the same!

Oh stop. I've already admitted that Corgan clearly has some issues, especially right now. So there's no need for your first sentence there. You're just trying to tear me down because you have nothing else better to do. Corgan's far from a loser, he released the best selling double album of the 90's. It may have been angsty and had a couple filler tracks on it, but he still accomplished that regardless, and it's still superior to the shit you hear on the radio today.

But yeah, I have no problem in saying that a LOT of bands, be them mainstream or indie, from the early/mid 90's are so much more REAL than current mainstream/indie bands today. Smashing Pumpkins happen to be one of those bands; when you compare the mainstream today to what the Pumpkins were doing last decade, they slaughter them. A lot of people may not think so, but I do. And that's my opinion. If you don't like it, I don't care. I'm sick and tired of people thinking SP is the only band I listen to; the only reason why I get into these STUPID and POINTLESS arguments over a fucking BAND that broke up in 2000 is because if it's one thing I hate, it's being attacked for no reason, so I'll see to it that you don't get away with trolling me. Not without a good fight. There is no need for this constant picking on me because I happen to think that Smashing Pumpkins were and still are the best in the world. Take your inefficent bickering somewhere else, I'm sick and tired of it. Quite simply: get a life. Because ours is too short to sit here and type lines of text on a forum over pretentious bands led by bald men with good drummers. If I make a comment that pisses you off, put up with it unless it seems personal. I say one general thing about something and people like you get up in my face about it. I'm sick and tired of it.

Oh, and Trippingmartian has named the only non-criticizable album in the entire thread.
Riiiight. See my first post in this thread.

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
Spiritualized - Laser Guided Melodies
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
The Who - Tommy
Afghan Whigs - Congregation

Close but no cigar...

Guns 'n' Roses : Appetite for Destruction (My Michelle)
Nirvana : Nevermind (Lounge Act)
Radiohead The Bends (Bones)
Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions
gollumsluvslave said:
Nirvana : Nevermind (Lounge Act)

Lounge Act roxxors!

I do think Nevermind, In Utero and Unplugged are all near perfection...... although id probably say all their albums are since im a big Nirvana fanbhoy
Lounge Act roxxors!

And therein lies why 'Non-criticizable' is an impossibility...

Even something universally agreed to be beyond criticism would have someone criticize it just to be obtuse :D

Another addition to near perfect :-

U2 - Achtung Baby (A far better album than The Joshua Tree, for which I'm always branded a heretic) but then I prefer Facelift to Dirt (Alice in Chains) Gish to Siamese Dream (Pumpkins) and Album of the Year to Angel Dust (Faith No More)



I just need to express my loathing of the Use Your Illusion set. Complete and total bullshit from start to finish. An absolute disaster from every possible angle, and just plain boring as fuck.

Also that Corgan guy has a really irritating whiney voice. And I fucking hate U2, I hope they all die, or at least bono, what a peice of shit. Boston is also a historically terrible band and when people tell me they like Helloween I just assume they are really funny, I mean, they're called "Helloween", what the hell is that?

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime

I can listen to these albums start to finish without the urge to skip a song, that's what qualifies them for this thread for me (of course theres more)

Feel free to rip into them


This thread is a bad idea. The title is a thinly veiled way of asking, "Which albums do you consider to be perfect?"...and that question is flamebait waiting to happen.

Also, could we all please shut the fucking door forever on claiming that Smashing Pumpkins are the greatest band ever? They are on the short list of bands that make me want to smash random shit to pieces whenever I'm forced to listen to their music. (Other artists on that list include 311, Limp Bizkit, and Bob Marley.) Whenever I think about SP, I imagine Billy Corgan gargling a cheese grater to condition his voice while the rest of the band is rolling around on the floor in a drug-induced haze.

I can understand how SP might appeal to a certain kind of person, but geez.


MrPing1000 said:
Lounge Act roxxors!

I do think Nevermind, In Utero and Unplugged are all near perfection...... although id probably say all their albums are since im a big Nirvana fanbhoy

Hell yeah, how can you not love that last screaming verse/chorus? It's a shame it wasn't more common on their set lists. I think it shows up on only one of my Nirvana bootlegs.


-jinx- said:
Also, could we all please shut the fucking door forever on claiming that Smashing Pumpkins are the greatest band ever? They are on the short list of bands that make me want to smash random shit to pieces whenever I'm forced to listen to their music. (Other artists on that list include 311, Limp Bizkit, and Bob Marley.) Whenever I think about SP, I imagine Billy Corgan gargling a cheese grater to condition his voice while the rest of the band is rolling around on the floor in a drug-induced haze.

I can understand how SP might appeal to a certain kind of person, but geez.

"Certain kind of person," right. :rolleyes SP fans are very different, believe me.

They're MY favorite band, I think they are the best band ever. It's my opinion! When have I ever attacked your favorite artists? I can't believe you'd compare them to 311 and Limp Bizkit though. Jesus. They were a bit more talented than that.
I can honestly say I don't think I like any CD mention, expect the Weezer ones, although I like Pikerton better than the others, Blue is a very close second. But to CD perfect we must look at....

The Bronx - ST
Cursive - Ugly Organ
AFI - Black Sails on the Sunset
My Chemical Romance - (Either CD really, the new one being slightly better than the old, but that's be it's new.)
I'd like to say Nevermind, Ok Computer, No Code, The Unauthorized Biography Of Reinhold Messner, God Shuffled His Feet, Breath from Another, Pretty Hate Machine, and 40 Oz. to Freedom, but I don't see them as being unanimously appreciated albums.


goddamit, Griese!
Raise Havok said:
My Chemical Romance - (Either CD really, the new one being slightly better than the old, but that's be it's new.)

oh shit, another MCR fan. I think that brings us up to three people here =p

Ya know, I didn't like Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge very much at first, but it grew on me so much. Now I Like it more than IBYMB, YBMYL
Eminem said:
oh shit, another MCR fan. I think that brings us up to three people here =p

Ya know, I didn't like Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge very much at first, but it grew on me so much. Now I Like it more than IBYMB, YBMYL

I was the same way, I was like this is terrible at first, but what actaully got me to keep putting the CD in was Helena, just to laugh at the "We Are" at the beginning, and after doing that for a week, I just fell in love with the CD.
Ristamar said:
Hell yeah, how can you not love that last screaming verse/chorus? It's a shame it wasn't more common on their set lists. I think it shows up on only one of my Nirvana bootlegs.

You are not amusing!


goddamit, Griese!
lol, yeah. Not to mention the "I'm so dirrrrty babe" in I Never Told You What I Do For a Living

The way he says that is so...I don't know. It sounds great after the first few times you hear it.
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