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North Carolina GOP headquarters firebombed | Investigation underway

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Violence is an unacceptable method of political discourse within the Republic. Whomever is responsible should most certainly see the inside of a jail. Hopefully no one gets hurt apprehending them.
Are we really going to start talking about it being a false flag op? Honestly? Come on.

Every time violence happens in the US that seems to be politically/racially motivated, there are always Internet commenters who posit that it must be a false flag operation. They are always proved wrong. Maybe one of these days people will learn not to make kneejerk assumptions that only the other side could have possibly resorted to violence.
Lol, wtf.Is this something that has happened before?
I never thought i would hear something like that happening in the US.

Here in Greece this happens more ofter than not.

Probably Trump supporters to frame Democrats. I would not put it past them.

Loool haha this is exactly what most people say when the same things are happening here xD
Yeah this is terrible. You don't do shit like this. Violence against a government should always be a last resort if you are oppressed. There is still hope within the current political system.
I live about 4 minutes from here. Just drove by it actually.

You wouldn't have known anything happened - no law enforcement that I could see anyway. Crazy.
Every time violence happens in the US that seems to be politically/racially motivated, there are always Internet commenters who posit that it must be a false flag operation. They are always proved wrong. Maybe one of these days people will learn not to make kneejerk assumptions that only the other side could have possibly resorted to violence.

The left is prone to violence, so I don't understand why the most logical conclusion for some is that it was a false flag. It makes us sound like the right-wing nutjobs on AboveTopSecret.


You realize that "being on the right side" doesn't mean that all people on that side are somehow good people? Every group has bad apples. Some perspective would do you good.

One does not justify the other.

Well that's inherent to all things ever created in the universe. Democrats aren't in the news for plotting mass shootings or bombings. Nor have they been told to be violent and their nominee will cover the legal bills.

If I thought as you suggest, your post might be insightful. But no, all people aren't one way.

If we didn't have precident, I wouldn't have made the post.


The left is prone to violence, so I don't understand why the most logical conclusion for some is that it was a false flag.

Because we have precedence in past elections of this type of stuff happening around this time of the election. Plus shit is particularly crazy this election. It's not that difficult to understand there is some doubt. And Trump supporters are not necessarily friends with the GOP at the moment.

I agree, crazy stuff like that has happened in the past. However, I personally think that jumping right to "it was an inside job" is too cynical, even for me.

It's not 'jumping right to one conclusion", its saying there is reasonable doubt based on the current climate, actions of certain political supporters, past incidents and so forth to not jump to any conclusion yet.


This just feels like an uncomfortable prelude of things to come.

What was it like around this time election year during Obamas first run against Romney?


Lol, wtf.Is this something that has happened before?
I never thought i would hear something like that happening in the US.

Here in Greece this happens more ofter than not.

Political arson doesn't tend to happen in the US. We don't have the kind of street brawling anarchist/far right rivalry the you've got over there. Seems we may be moving in that direction though.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Every time violence happens in the US that seems to be politically/racially motivated, there are always Internet commenters who posit that it must be a false flag operation. They are always proved wrong. Maybe one of these days people will learn not to make kneejerk assumptions that only the other side could have possibly resorted to violence.

You have multiple examples on the previous page of shit like this being false flags. Get your head out of your ass and the fuck off that high horse.
Glad no one was hurt, but man this looks fishy. I'll wait until more evidence comes out.

Edit: Funny it happened in a battleground state too.
Given the local politics and the bullshit the Republicans have pulled in North Carolina, it isn't far fetched that someone on the far left perform this attack.

Also, given how much tension and vitriol that has taken place between established Republicans and Donald Trump supports I could definitely see how someone from the Trump camp could perform this attack as well. It's a win win for them in their mind.


Lawyer, actually.

I agree, crazy stuff like that has happened in the past. However, I personally think that jumping right to "it was an inside job" is too cynical, even for me.

Wish that was a better opening statement then. I'm not cynical, so don't I find a real problem thinking those who have been threatening the most this election would try and find a way to make the other side look bad. There is precedence....


Remember everyone that suggested the police shootings in Dallas could be a false flag got banned?

I'm sure the same thing will happen here!
Jesus fucking Christ that's super fucked up




Wish that was a better opening statement then. I'm not cynical, so don't I find a real problem thinking those who have been threatening the most this election would try and find a way to make the other side look bad. There is precedence....

Oh, burn.

I also don't find a real problem thinking that after being called Nazi/Hitler/fascist/etc. for months (or in the case of Republicans generally, years), someone would take that rhetoric to heart and do something stupid. Just my $.02.

Hip Hop

Wish that was a better opening statement then. I'm not cynical, so don't I find a real problem thinking those who have been threatening the most this election would try and find a way to make the other side look bad. There is precedence....

lol if you think Republicans have been the most threatening this election.
You have multiple examples on the previous page of shit like this being false flags. Get your head out of your ass and the fuck off that high horse.

I'll admit to not knowing every political event that has happened in this country. I suppose you are referring to this story that happened on the previous page? That situation is a little different than this one because that is someone making up evidence of an assault that never happened, whereas here we do seem to have an actual occurrence of arson that happened, unless you think the photographic evidence and statements from the concerned parties in the linked news articles are all faked.

At any rate, while without further evidence which none of us not directly involved in the police investigation have it is impossible to rule out any motivation for this event, for that very reason it is very dangerous to make immediate assumptions about who must have committed the arson. When the news about the Dallas shootings of police officers broke, there were numerous people on this board who assumed that it must have been done by white supremacists trying to delegitimatize black protesters. It was not. By making assumptions before any facts have come out, you are only setting yourself up to look foolish once we do know all the facts.

That's all I'm trying to say. Don't invent a little world for yourself and ignore anything that doesn't fit the preexisting narrative you've constructed. Lord knows that there's enough of that going around. If the police investigation shows that this attack was actually done by right-wing Trump supporters trying to secretly ferment violence in this country, you'll have time enough afterwards to feel morally superior.


Glad I'm not the only one to wonder if their own base did this as a way to try and come off better than the other side.
Jesus Christ that's fucking terrible, glad to hear nobody was hurt. This is not the way to voice your anger when in a democracy.
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