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North Carolina GOP Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor (NYT)

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The GOP after 2008 just became full on dicks and now, when they lose power, they'll burn the building down.

This is fucking revolting.


Republicans have no shame, and their "good christian" base is so deluded, they just go along with shit like this. Disgusting.


I was just reading about this. I think the gop in our state is one of the most transparently awful group of people and they still remain in power. It makes me sick. It's a good think the triangle is good, otherwise I would have never moved here.


If only Democrats fought as much during a loss as the North Carolina GOP fights during a fucking win

Mr. X

I wish Democrats had balls as big as these guys honestly. Imagine they fought and found all these loopholes.


Inside the GA lobby, right now:

I fear that this is just the beginning, and something much more grave and violent will eventually happen, sometime, somewhere. I just cannot see the current events in USA politics not leading to some sort of violent conflict.


How fucking ridiculous.

No different from Michigan's GOP. These GOP state parties are all playing by the same rulebook to give themselves permanent power regardless of population changes. If that's not scary enough to motivate you to vote regularly...
These morons are going to bankrupt this state. We've already seen companies choose not to come here because of the HB2 law. We've seen them lose millions of dollars because of the NCAA moving championship games out of state.

I mean, what in the ever living fuck? Do they just want to become a dirt poor state with only conservative Christians running around in rural areas?

This is some backwards assed bullshit right here, and it's gonna bite the entire state in the ass.


These morons are going to bankrupt this state. We've already seen companies choose not to come here because of the HB2 law. We've seen them lose millions of dollars because of the NCAA moving championship games out of state.

I mean, what in the ever living fuck? Do they just want to become a dirt poor state with only conservative Christians running around in rural areas?

This is some backwards assed bullshit right here, and it's gonna bite the entire state in the ass.

They'd probably love that.

Really, the entire article should be in bold. Just a whole heaping amount of bullshit here as they are doing what they can to make sure Cooper has almost no power once he is in. We know it would be difficult for Cooper with the GOP controlling everything else in the state, but this just seems excessive and unconstitutional to remove the governor's rights because it isn't the person they wanted.

And of course, once Cooper gets nothing accomplished, the GOP will blame him and get him tossed out in a few years.

For fuck's sake, NC...

Yeah. I live in NC. Someone said will at least Cooper is the governor now. I knew that didn't mean shit considering who's controlling the House and Senate. It's just like what happened with Obama.
These morons are going to bankrupt this state. We've already seen companies choose not to come here because of the HB2 law. We've seen them lose millions of dollars because of the NCAA moving championship games out of state.

I mean, what in the ever living fuck? Do they just want to become a dirt poor state with only conservative Christians running around in rural areas?

This is some backwards assed bullshit right here, and it's gonna bite the entire state in the ass.

Is that a trick question?


Charlotte Observer: Legislators’ breathtaking dis of voters

It’s both breathtaking and hardly surprising.

With a scope never before seen in North Carolina politics – and with an all-too-familiar disrespect for democracy – Republicans in Raleigh are engaging in a stunning reach for power this week.

They want to change the ideological makeup of election boards. They want to make it more difficult for court challenges to get to a Democrat-friendly Supreme Court. They want to limit the number of appointees Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper will be able to make. They want approval authority over some of those appointees.

It is an arrogant display of muscle-flexing, and Republicans weren’t shy about the goal. Legislators, said House Rules Committee Chairman David Lewis, wanted “to establish that we are going to continue to be a relevant party in governing this state.”

In other words: We’re in control. We want more control. We’ll do what we want to get it.



I honestly think Republicans in the NCGOP are mobilizing everyone against themselves... including their own Republican voters. And the veto of their racial gerrymandering forces a major vote in 2017 that can completely shatter their majority and faux-coup.

And this shit has seemingly spread all over NC's own media/news outlets so the people know whats going on, and aren't happy to see it happening.

HB2 shattered McCrory, this is going to shatter their entire legislative control.


The only thing that would ever give me peace of mind is if one day the people got mad enough and literally dragged every single one of these power hungry assholes out into the street and left them there for good. Not sure that will happen in my lifetime though, since democracy has been dead already for quite some time.


The only thing that would ever give me peace of mind is if one day the people got mad enough and literally dragged every single one of these power hungry assholes out into the street and left them there for good. Not sure that will happen in my lifetime though, since democracy has been dead already for quite some time.

You may see a less violent equivalent in 2017 if NC mobilizes against this.


Well, protestors just got kicked out of the gallery of the NC general assembly. Just too sensitive to bullshit I guess~

I should add that after we were told to not applause when legislators called out said bullshit, we were called out of "distracting hand shaking" that made up our silent applause.


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

When one side plays kinda fair and the other one doesn't even hide how it's cheating, you get really really bad results. Mostly cause it seems voters don't give a shit if one side cheats.


When one side plays kinda fair and the other one doesn't even hide how it's cheating, you get really really bad results. Mostly cause it seems voters don't give a shit if one side cheats.

Politics in America are basically a team sport now, at least for Republicans. It doesn't matter what your team does, as long as they win.


That's not how one would advise to get on the good side of your constituents who are a few doors short of dragging you into the streets.

It's especially dumb because they have been court-ordered to have statewide special elections under FAIR districts next year. Unless they think Trump's Supreme Court can stop that, so not only will they have to compete again very shortly, they'll have to compete under terms they can't rig themselves

The election of Cooper should be a warning shot across the bow for the NCGOP: North Carolinians are not Kansans, they understand the concept of being abused and what you should do to your abusers.
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