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North Carolina GOP Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor (NYT)

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It's really unsettling how networks have not been covering such things nor giving it heat. Imagine if some actually reported on matters with the vigor that certain stations do in order to push their agenda which sadly is usually BS.


I would say it is more like a Religion.

For some it is, but Trump has turned it into a sport. You have people chanting stuff like Build the Wall or Lock Her Up at his rallies, people wearing pro Trump or anti Hillary shits/hats, and after the election, you had people rubbing it in that they won. It's no different than the NFL.



Fuck the GOP. Get the fucking media down there. Goddam I'm mad over this.


Democrats need some new leaders who aren't afraid to get dirty. Time to fuck some shit up. Republicans are working hard to remove rights from Americans while getting more money to the wealthy.

Fight back with everything we have.
And this is how they lose all of their legitimacy.

This is already on the national level for media, they're only going to turn it into a megaphone.

Nobody gives a fuck about this.

You think people outside the major cities give a fuck? They don't care. The GOP voters and supporters don't care.


Nobody gives a fuck about this.

You think people outside the major cities give a fuck? They don't care. The GOP voters and supporters don't care.

People obviously give a fuck. Otherwise people wouldn't be getting arrested, the gerrymandering scheme wouldn't have been vetoed, and this wouldn't be getting nationwide attention.

Spare me your defeatism.


The only thing a politician can do about something like this is focus on getting the population fired up. Don't get anything done, and get the population behind you to throw them all out of office. No point in trying to government in those circumstances, that's the only option that can bear fruit.
It's really unsettling how networks have not been covering such things nor giving it heat. Imagine if some actually reported on matters with the vigor that certain stations do in order to push their agenda which sadly is usually BS.

HOw do you even report it? The whole political process that's happening is pretty much impossible to communicate to the average person.


Truth, honor and American way are lost on Republican politicians (and a large part of the consituencies). Democrat politicians should assume they will get nothing less than maximum aggression and zero respect from Republican politicians and they should act accordingly by offering Republicans no outs or comprises in language and policy.

Bipartisanship is dead

And it's all thanks to a black President.

Tell me again how this country wasn't built on racism


So they've arrested press now right?
Seems like a good way to get that Streisand effect going. Hope they drown in the coverage.


And it's all thanks to a black President.

Tell me again how this country wasn't built on racism

it's a shame, but this was gonna happen at some point in the country's history.

Well at least it happened in a time where obama left the economy on a good note.

hope the next 4-8 years of trumperica help america in the long run in deciding on what they truly want.


Something these guys are doing is unconstitutional. Can't this become a federal issue?

Cooper has already said he'll take them to court if he thinks/finds anything to unconstitutional. Thing is, this is getting approved and rammed through so fast that most people haven't even had a chance to read it all and parse it.


it's a shame, but this was gonna happen at some point in the country's history.

Well at least it happened in a time where obama left the economy on a good note.

hope the next 4-8 years of trumperica help america in the long run in deciding on what they truly want.

The coasts are gonna leave the midwest behind in progress and education, and those states are gonna keep the white house/senate/house in Republican hands thanks to the Electoral College. I see CA, MA, NY and the like just refusing to obey federal laws from hereon out.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The coasts are gonna leave the midwest behind in progress and education, and those states are gonna keep the white house/senate/house in Republican hands thanks to the Electoral College. I see CA, MA, NY and the like just refusing to obey federal laws from hereon out.

I'm ready for the Civil Cold War.
Slow your roll, chief.
Yeah probably. But the core democratic process of this country is no longer working. It's broken and broken badly.

And honestly, bullets are already flying against a certain segment of the population. Both literally and figuratively via dehumanizing laws that the GOP loves to jack off to.


I do hope people in NC protest hard against what their state government has been doing to limit the power of the incoming governor. I also do hope that what the NC GOP is doing backfires eventually.


I'm glad this is getting coverage. It's a political coup and only deepens the obvious contempt the NC GOP have for the electorate. I don't know how they dig out of it, but starting with the courts is the right first step. I really hope the public backlash is enormous.
Preview of what they'll be doing at a federal level.

This is absolutely true. NC is their model for the nation, from gerrymandering to voter rights laws.
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