Back then we didn't have that rule. It was instated because we found out we had to comply with COPPA and decided that simply banning everyone under 13 was much better than dealing with kids and their parents.Calcaneus said:Awesome thread. I always have an obsession with looking with vintage forum threads. Wish I had found GAF way back then rather than hanging in random anime boards. Though around 2000, I probably wouldn't have been allowed membership at 11 years old.
Great to see that Gaf has always suck at predicting.Sometimes I wonder if Nintendrones really are in the same "reality" as me. I mean, come on, 2 screens, big deal...... then what ???? First game to be annonced will be Time Crisis ???
This will be a collectors item folks, I'm buying them all when they hit 20$ in bargain bins at Wal-Mart, three months after launch.I didn't do it with the Virtual Boy, I would be rich by now. Nintendo, you can't fool me twice.
StoOgE said:Wait,
Is Duane that one guy who is a Florida fan now.
I notice all his posts end in PEACE too.
Started on GAF and found its way onto several gaming sites as rumours. The fanboys took it by the horns and the rest is history.Forkball said:Didn't IGN come up with megaton? I think it was in an IGN Cube article and it turned out to be something incredibly lame.
evil solrac v3.0 said:same guy. we're so old... it's up to us to pass on our knowledge to next generation of posters... I also remember the thread someone made that spoiled MGS2 a day or two before game release.
StoOgE said:It's a bit before my time. I was early 2002 right after my perma ban at TXB.
Yup, Duane is Pimpwerx.StoOgE said:Wait,
Is Duane that one guy who is a Florida fan now.
I notice all his posts end in PEACE too.
kitchenmotors said::lol
Nothing against the Xbox guys, but I seem to recall back in the day forum goers from TXB were like GameFAQs spawn. Of course, this was before the Xbox brand became more popular past the really rabid fanboys.
Well, ManaByte did threaten to call the FBI on us once.Fimbulvetr said:Eww you guys used to support IGN.
Did it feel dirty afterward?
Gamecube here I come said:It is far, 95 days left.
Uh, Fafalada still posts under the same name.Tamanon said:Man, so many old names from back then. TheArtfulDodger, EvilGreenRanger, Darkshire, Fafalada, MrAngryFace, the many names of Doug Ericson.
Tamanon said:And yeah, the mini-war with Team Xbox was great fun.:lol I can't even remember what years I modded for the site, I think it was Snowboard days.
Hitokage said:Uh, Fafalada still posts under the same name.
It was a travesty when they took the site down.demon said:Fanta Shokata is still the best late-nite OT gaf thread ever, btw. When was that, 02? 03?
Cerrius said:Lord Federman's Megaton thread is the one I wish I could view again. That shit was fucking classic. :lol
Forkball said:Didn't IGN come up with megaton? I think it was in an IGN Cube article and it turned out to be something incredibly lame.
darkwings said:the worst fanboy site ever. Literally every xbox release was hailed as the best game ever.
Burai said:The best thing about Team Xbox was the run-up to the Xbox 360 release. Everyone started showing off their ePeen by posting exactly what they'd pre-ordered and paid off in their signatures.
Dumb fuckers were already putting down $70-a-piece in August 2005 for games like Alan Wake and Huxley just to show off to a bunch of people they'd never meet. It was like a league table of money-wasting stupidity with people lining Gamespot's coffers with thousands and thousands of dollars for games that still, four years later, barely even exist.
StoOgE said:I don't think Mina was a joke character. She was just a cam whore who took the chivalry GAF popularity too far and decided to try and launch a softcore porn site that failed.
You mean getting stuck at the very beginning because he didn't think to crawl under the pipe? Yeah, that was Opa.Midas said:Man, I almost had forgot about ezboards. One favorite GAF moment is opa and Silent Hill. And MGS as well, was that him? :lol
In NFL Thread vernacular, the term that applies here is "lifelong".Grizzlyjin said:It's really strange to see the turnaround in company opinion. Nintendo was a living breathing joke around for so many years, and now everyone claims they've been loyal since forever. It's just weird...
how long has this been around? Rorschach was the first person I noticed using it last year.Hitokage said:In NFL Thread vernacular, the term that applies here is "lifelong".
I figured it was easy enough to find.nitewulf said:you should have put up the september 11 thread. that was epic. i went batshit nuts in that one.
I'm not really the person to ask, but it's definitely been around longer than a year.cashman said:how long has this been around? Rorschach was the first person I noticed using it last year.
Hitokage said:Mods from that time who are still around include bishoptl and Jim, and some former GA staffers like Alucard and Drinky Crow (aka Castellan aka Wrathful God of Moses aka Doug) continue to post in a non-moderation role.