Unknown Soldier
You people have the entire rest of the Internet to talk about it. Why are you so desperate to bring it up here?
You people have the entire rest of the Internet to talk about it. Why are you so desperate to bring it up here?
Someone PM’d it to me yesterday. Omg wow I can watch brap post game news threads copied from here with an occasional sarcastic comment thrown in. BRB suiciding my neogaf account.
That place is the hot new place to be, hang out with account suiciders and the banned.
cock sucker.Pretty sure every possible scenario of discussing this will end with someone calling me a cock sucker, so I'll pass.
Opa-Ages, The Bore, ResetEra... I imagine more splinters at times I wasn't paying attention. This forum has always been divisive because of its uncanny ability to attract and foster pure garbage. It's no different now. The entire "give everyone a megaphone" aspect of the internet is the end of functioning society.We can't discuss Afghanistan due to it being "political" yet the usual suspects are throwing political softballs followed by a jk in the covid thread and it's perfectly fine.
It's sad to say but if you want to discuss Afghanistan freely you can go to "the other place".
That's kinda stupid, what if the Afghani people don't want to be ruled by Americans?This might sound stupid, but why can't we just colonize Afghanistan? If the people there are unwilling to fight for their sovereignty and the alternative is being ruled by the Taliban, why not be ruled by the U.S. and it essentially becomes a territory of the U.S. with all the benefits that brings? We get resources like oil and precious metals, and they get to live in peace and the women can be free and educated.
Someone PM’d it to me yesterday. Omg wow I can watch brap post game news threads copied from here with an occasional sarcastic comment thrown in. BRB suiciding my neogaf account.
I won’t regret it until the leaders rage quit and/or lose interest and the site dies, oh wait one of them just did.
It’s sarcasm/irony. I never liked anyone who went there that much to follow them to a different sitePlease tell me this is a joke ... You're joking right? I can't tell anymore
It was a shit tier speech from someone passing the buck when they should be owning the fuck-up. It is interesting how some of the folks on Era and other areas on the internet who were livid when Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria are playing apologist for Biden after abandoning the Afghans who supported us.saw a post on era that very much echos my sentiment on the subject :
that Biden speech left a really bad taste in my mouth
It’s sarcasm/irony. I never liked anyone who went there that much to follow them to a different site
Bruh you should go look at my post history and see how much shit I get away withAfter the worldwide pandemic of narcissism that swept the western world a few years ago you can't have any discussion anymore. People need emotional support pets when they are confronted with the idea, that somebody might have a different opinion than himself, herself (insert pronoun).
The board of old is dead. You can discuss some vanilla topics, but in general, you must just walk as much on eggshells like on the other board.
Of course, it would be great to be able to discuss topics like that, but those times are gone. The emotional hemophiliacs have won. Better get you bubble wrap ready. Not just for OT, but also in the games board, if you are going against the narrative.