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November 2014 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes December 9th

i don't it will go back up either. MS will keep the price due to "popular demand". I do remember an article at the start of the generation saying that Sony could drop the price of the PS4 any time to match the Xbox so it would retain it's price advantage. I wonder at what point they pull the trigger.
If Sony are losing by more than 200,000 for three months.


I think that is more often what people draw from it, saying it's to pre-empt the bad news or whatever.

It depends on what they say.
A PR tonight without claiming victory, just talking about momentum and how sales were great and jumped x-fold would definetly sound like a pre-emptive statament just like last month.
Honestly whatever is the outcome I feel they'll be close.


i don't it will go back up either. MS will keep the price due to "popular demand". I do remember an article at the start of the generation saying that Sony could drop the price of the PS4 any time to match the Xbox so it would retain it's price advantage. I wonder at what point they pull the trigger.

I would imagine if they lose more than two months in a row it's getting dropped. Probably waiting to see what Jan sales are like.


He did, but that was just for the week GTAV & LBP came out, so not a huge surprise there.

I think the big take away from his post here is that there isn't a clear winner.
He said PS4 just nosed ahead in his store, but that XB1 had won in one of the other stores he checked with.

He also said that the reason PS4 did so well (on BF) at his store was because the X1 sold out, and they never got a refill of stock (apparently their only shipment was a big one at the beginning of the month?).

Oh, yes, here it is, and that was not PS4 GTA/TLOU bundle, it was ordinary edition. PS4's BF bundles were just a rumors then.

So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.

There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.

We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?


Honestly, I personally would be surprised to see it go back up from 349.99. I know it says limited time, but MS would be very stupid to raise the price back up in my opinion.

$349.99 is the price is should be, sans Kinect. A lot of us on GAF have been saying that for a year.

Saying that if they put out early PR they lost?

Otoh, MS can't sell at a (possibly big) loss forever.
The PS3 had the big earnings of the PS2 to ride (and mostly wiped them out) and the Blu-Ray war to win, but the Xbox seen as a division of MS doesn't have that kind of reserve (at least not from an investor's pov) or that kind of stake (the living room set top box All in One thing was a thing of the past even before they launched imo).

I could see the XB1 remaining at $349, but without games bundled. Or go back to $399, with 2 free games.
My (relatively informed) guess is that they currently lose at least $100 per console sold ($399 is either their production cost or slightly under, say $10 or $20). The above move would probably reduce that loss to $50 per, offset by the sale of a single XBLG sub.

How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?

Imo, outselling the PS4 by 200k at a minimum would be somewhat of a victory in terms of reducing the gap. 300k+ definitely though.
Anything between 100-200k is what is generally expected, and not much of a victory. A decent PR one, for sure.

100k and under would be catastrophic with the kind of $ investment they have done imo. They'd have to spin it pretty hard I think (which they'll probably do either way).


How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?
Many have said 200k+ or no wow. I'd agree with that.


Otoh, MS can't sell at a (possibly big) loss forever.
The PS3 had the big earnings of the PS2 to ride (and mostly wiped them out) and the Blu-Ray war to win, but the Xbox seen as a division of MS doesn't have that kind of reserve (at least not from an invester's pov) or that kind of stake (the living room set top box All in One thing was a thing of the past even before they launched imo).

I could see the XB1 remaining at $349, but without games bundled. Or go back to $399, with 2 free games.
My (relatively informed) guess is that they currently lose at least $100 per console sold ($399 is either their production cost or slightly under, say $10 or $20). The above move would probably reduce that loss to $50 per, offset by the sale of a single XBLG sub.

I agree and that is what my line of thought is as well. They move through the bundles they have and after the holidays those might go back up to 399.99, but the standalone console will stay at 349.99. I would bet on it.


How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?
Not 100k but I think 25% more would be significant. Even then it feels a muted victory when Sony essentially didn't drop the price and Microsoft threw in everything but kitchen sink.

I guess we'll find out how the PS4 is really valued in the eyes of consumers.


How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?

250K at the minimum. That was the gap between the PS4 and the One during September. If MS can't get that in holiday month, well, I don't know what to say.


I agree and that is what my line of thought is as well. They move through the bundles they have and after the holidays those might go back up to 399.99, but the standalone console will stay at 349.99. I would bet on it.

That's obvious, there's no turning back to 399$ especially if sales were close with deals at 329$ with two games and 50$ gift card.
Standalone at 349$ in January is a given.
That's obvious, there's no turning back to 399$ especially if sales were close with deals at 329$ with two games and 50$ gift card.
Standalone at 349$ in January is a given.

Someone should start a thread on this subject. I'm really interested in how it turns out and what GAF's predictions are.


How much would MS need to out sell Sony in order for November to look like a significant victory? I think most people believe MS will win November's NPD because it has a damn good sale going on.
But even with the price would only selling 100k more be enough?
Not trying to be hyperbolic here but only 100k will be a disaster.
Am I wrong?
Shouldn't that be released tomorrow alone with the numbers? Or results, whatever...

would of expected gloating PR from Microsoft about BF at least.

Im really not convinced the gap between the console is going to be all that great, nor do i think either sold gangbusters.

I think tomorrows thread isnt going to be a meltdown of Sony fans or Microsoft fans, I think its going to be filled with concern trolling about the fate of the console industry.


Someone should start a thread on this subject. I'm really interested in how it turns out and what GAF's predictions are.

That is an intriguing idea. I think the meltdowns would be best if the Xbox one went back up on January 2nd and the PS4 dropped in price on the 3rd.

I am waiting for the PR to drop. The last time we got preemptive Sony pr, everyone thought they were taking a loss for the month, before coming out the victor. I am very curious how the pr battles emerge this time. Did we ever get firm numbers for last month? I don't remember even seeing rough estimates?
would of expected gloating PR from Microsoft about BF at least.

Im really not convinced the gap between the console is going to be all that great, nor do i think either sold gangbusters.

I think tomorrows thread isnt going to be a meltdown of Sony fans or Microsoft fans, I think its going to be filled with concern trolling about the fate of the console industry.

The NPD thread I feel no matter who wins will be filled with a lot of drive by shit posts. Anyway, it should be interesting to read the PRs that will be released today or tomorrow. December should also be interesting but I feel sorry for MS if they think they can go back to the regular price in January.


A "disaster"? To whom? Certainly not to Microsoft.
But how is that not a disaster to Microsoft?
They threw everything they had (huge price cut, amazing bundles) just to outsell the PS4 by 100k?
If it really is 100k (or somewhere close), I doubt the boost they got from the price cut will carry to December and the rest of 2015.


But how is that not a disaster to Microsoft?
They threw everything they had (huge price cut, amazing bundles) just to outsell the PS4 by 100k?
That's assuming they "just" wanted to outsell the PS4. Maybe they wanted to hit a million for November. If they hit that and PS4 hit 900K is it still a disaster?


Not trying to be hyperbolic here but only 100k will be a disaster.
Am I wrong?

Microsoft's plan is basically to focus on the US and try to recoup a significant chunk of the lost ground in their main market by selling the console at an extra loss for two months and taking advantage of the holidays. Then they'll still keep the price at 349$ but without the losses of the free games and gift cards, starting the new year in a more competitive position and more room to breathe.
Anything below 200k will be a disappointment for them considering the lengths they have gone to outperfom the PS4.


Do you guys think Microsoft is loosing money with these holliday bundles? If so, what is the advantage? Not getting it. Selling as much consoles as possible with loosing money as tradeoff doesn't sound good to me. Not a sales expert here. Sorry.
But how is that not a disaster to Microsoft?
They threw everything they had (huge price cut, amazing bundles) just to outsell the PS4 by 100k?
If it really is 100k (or somewhere close), I doubt the boost they got from the price cut will carry to December and the rest of 2015.

Microsoft's internal goal is hitting a certain sales target, not "beating" the PS4.

That's only console war fodder.


Do you guys think Microsoft is loosing money with these holliday bundles? If so, what is the advantage? Not getting it. Selling as much consoles as possible with loosing money as tradeoff doesn't sound good to me. Not a sales expert here. Sorry.

The money in selling software dwarfs the money made/lost in the hardware.


Do you guys think Microsoft is loosing money with these holliday bundles? If so, what is the advantage? Not getting it. Selling as much consoles as possible with loosing money as tradeoff doesn't sound good to me. Not a sales expert here. Sorry.

Software is where most of the money is made, as far as I understand it. Increasing the install base would be the advantage of taking a loss on the bundles.


when is the the price drop supposed go back up for XB1?

Early January. The only way I see the price going back up is if MS is offering a bigger hdd in the $399 package post holiday. A 1TB system at $399 for example. However, I don't see this is as a good value add anymore since it is easy to add an external USB hdd. Might as well keep the price at $349.


Do you guys think Microsoft is loosing money with these holliday bundles? If so, what is the advantage? Not getting it. Selling as much consoles as possible with loosing money as tradeoff doesn't sound good to me. Not a sales expert here. Sorry.

They likely are losing a fair bit of money, its about long term gain though as between game sales and Live they make that money back and then some.
Not trying to be hyperbolic here but only 100k will be a disaster.
Am I wrong?

No one month is a disaster.

Microsoft's internal goal is hitting a certain sales target, not "beating" the PS4.

That's only console war fodder.

Exactly. Doubt many people there are even paying much attention to share. They have a number to hit, that's what they're focused on.

Still no PR?

Don't know why you'd think some companies would get to see the results early.


Well I mean the money earned/lost in hardware isn't exactly insignificant either right? Don't people always point to Nintendo always making money on hardware as the major reason why they never lost any money during the GC era and other underperforming hardware?


Software is where most of the money is made, as far as I understand it. Increasing the install base would be the advantage of taking a loss on the bundles.
Well software and live subscriptions. Almost every person who buys cod and halo are probably also going to get a live subscription. So if halo sells great on the xb1 and COd sells gangbusters on both the 360 and xb1, those live dollars are gonna just keep flowing in.

And it's looking like those games did sell a lot


Well since MS basically threw everything + the kitchen sink at BF.

Even if the XBOX one outsold the PS4, if it turns out that the latter was still close on the former's heels even with all the effort , i cannot see how it could be considered a real "victory "
Well I mean the money earned/lost in hardware isn't exactly insignificant either right? Don't people always point to Nintendo always making money on hardware as the major reason why they never lost any money during the GC era and other underperforming hardware?

yes.....although in Nintendo's case I think it's more that their handhelds provide cover (though it certainly doesn't help when you end up with a Wii U-like scenario)
Well I mean the money earned/lost in hardware isn't exactly insignificant either right? Don't people always point to Nintendo always making money on hardware as the major reason why they never lost any money during the GC era and other underperforming hardware?

Yeah, once you hit profitability, hardware profits are a significant part of the business. SCEI's profits thus far are largely contributed by PS4 hardware sales (and increased Vita margins ). And Nintendo's hardware still makes a healthy chunk of their money.


Do you guys think Microsoft is loosing money with these holliday bundles? If so, what is the advantage? Not getting it. Selling as much consoles as possible with loosing money as tradeoff doesn't sound good to me. Not a sales expert here. Sorry.

More people in the XB1 ecosystem. MS gets a cut of the games those people buy, digital or retail, increased ad revenue etc.
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