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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


Realer wrestling confession: I was at Showdown in the Sun and fell asleep during the Elgins/Richards "MOTY contender". It was only for a couple minutes in the early/middle stretches of the match, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the third act of it.

You know, I was front row for that and I didn't feel like I had witnessed a five star match.....sure it was fun, but five stars? Nah.
You know, I was front row for that and I didn't feel like I had witnessed a five star match.....sure it was fun, but five stars? Nah.

Yup, having watched it all the way through since it didn't really tell much story. I think it was basically Elgin kicking out of the superplex that got me into it, but fun is probably the best way of describing it.

I maintain that the Generico/Steen match from the first night was much better, but I was up front for that one as well.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seeing a 30 something year old Shawn act like a 14 year old was never entertaining. He was always immature, it was part of his gimmick, but the DX stuff was just stupid. And it was so funny that 'oh we're rebels' when Stone Cold was doing it a thousand times better. Nevermind the fact that early DX was in every other segment on Raw in one way or another.

Even when Bret was the champ, he usually only come out once and it was for a match, and he'd do his crowd work before or after. Sometimes it would be because one of the Hart Foundation was having a match, but it was always related to him. DX would come out for no reason so Shawn and Hunter, pre voice cracking and all, could do their jokes that were never funny. Even Nash was funny every once in a while.


Yup, having watched it all the way through since it didn't really tell much story. I think it was basically Elgin kicking out of the superplex that got me into it, but fun is probably the best way of describing it.

I maintain that the Generico/Steen match from the first night was much better, but I was up front for that one as well.

I maintain that Pac vs Low Ki from one of the Dragon Gate shows from that weekend was the best singles match I saw all weekend.


From the wrestling Observer:

As recently as last week, WWE creative was forwarding storylines with the idea that CM Punk will be featured in the closing match of WrestleMania 29

Does this mean he will be in a 3 way at Wrestlemania or will he be facing the Rock at Wrestlemania without Cena?

If they do that then he loses at Survivor Series and then it seems like he will face Mick Foley at TLC and then enters the Rumble and wins it to face the rock.
Seeing a 30 something year old Shawn act like a 14 year old was never entertaining. He was always immature, it was part of his gimmick, but the DX stuff was just stupid. And it was so funny that 'oh we're rebels' when Stone Cold was doing it a thousand times better. Nevermind the fact that early DX was in every other segment on Raw in one way or another.

Even when Bret was the champ, he usually only come out once and it was for a match, and he'd do his crowd work before or after. Sometimes it would be because one of the Hart Foundation was having a match, but it was always related to him. DX would come out for no reason so Shawn and Hunter, pre voice cracking and all, could do their jokes that were never funny. Even Nash was funny every once in a while.

I always rememeber the RAW where Shawn said he lost his smile. That was him at his height to me.


From the wrestling Observer:

Does this mean he will be in a 3 way at Wrestlemania or will he be facing the Rock at Wrestlemania without Cena?

If they do that then he loses at Survivor Series and then it seems like he will face Mick Foley at TLC and then enters the Rumble and wins it to face the rock.

He's not losing at Survivor Series.
I maintain that Pac vs Low Ki from one of the Dragon Gate shows from that weekend was the best singles match I saw all weekend.

I still haven't tried to get into DGUSA but I'm sure that sometime in the future I'll want to see their show over ROH if presented the option. As for my favourite match that weekend, sentimentality dictates I say Punk/Jericho...
Stop making me want to go to Wrestlemania again jerk.

He's not losing at Survivor Series.

I'm less sure of this now than I was before. Ryback "robbing" Punk of his legacy and cutting his reign just short of a full year would give Punk a ton of heel ammo for a few months, but smart money is still on Punk retaining.
You know, I was front row for that and I didn't feel like I had witnessed a five star match.....sure it was fun, but five stars? Nah.

It was a great match for sure, and the crowd were super into it, but I can't understand why some are still calling it match of the year. It's probably the best ROH main event of the year, as a lot of the Steen title defences have generally been more on the crazy brawl side of things, but as Persp said, there really isn't any story to the match and Davey takes so much punishment. It's pretty much the opposite of Tanahashi vs Suzuki, which had no head-drops, no near-falls and was 100% storytelling and psychology.


more money than God
I just realized that the WWE has arguably been terrible for more than a decade now.

And I've been watching it, anyway.


He's not losing at Survivor Series.

Basically people have thrown out 3 ideas on how this is going to go:

1. Punk holds the title till Rumble and loses to the Rock. This results in Cena and Rock at wrestlemania.
2. Punk loses the title at the Rumble to the Rock. Then a 3-way happens at Wrestlemania.
3. Punk loses before the Rumble. Wins it and then faces Rock for the title at Wrestlemania.

So what one do you want to happen?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
KUSHIDA vs Mascara Dorada might be the best match I've seen all year. You've got Dorada who's been given so many chances, and is one of the biggest things in Mexico. Hell, probably the biggest breakout Luchador star since Mistico, and KUSHIDA who's also a young lion who's been trying to prove himself forever who gets so many chances but never a 'big' one.

I wasn't a huge KUSHIDA fan, but I love him after that match and Time Splitters(which is better than Machine Guns, imo)


It was a great match for sure, and the crowd were super into it, but I can't understand why some are still calling it match of the year. It's probably the best ROH main event of the year, as a lot of the Steen title defences have generally been more on the crazy brawl side of things, but as Persp said, there really isn't any story to the match and Davey takes so much punishment. It's pretty much the opposite of Tanahashi vs Suzuki, which had no head-drops, no near-falls and was 100% storytelling and psychology.

Meltzer actually gave it his five star rating, which I could see if it propelled Elgin to big star status like everyone said it would, but it really didn't do that much for him.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Now I'm sure you've ALL seen the latest episode of Go-Busters but for the few here who haven't







It was not a good lariat
Meltzer actually gave it his five star rating, which I could see if it propelled Elgin to big star status like everyone said it would, but it really didn't do that much for him.

I think the House of Truth implosion storyline didn't do him any favours - it has dragged on way too long, as Cornette kept teasing and teasing Elgin's face turn, when in the minds of the fans it had already happened and he was over. Also, as much as I know I'm going to love Steen vs Generico in the ladder war, I think they should have spent 2012 building Elgin up to defeat Steen at Final Battle.
The Kurt Angle years
I feel his face run in 2001 and feud with Austin is pretty underrated.

Nowhere near as good as 97, 98, or 99. Whatever, though, 2000 was certainly a lot better than anything in the past decade (Kane title run, notwithstanding).

PPV quality kicks the shit out of 98 and 99 I can say that much, late 99 was also a bet bleh, now 2000 was pretty much quality from top to bottom.
A main event HHH that is actually a plus and not a negative, the best tag team division, stacked roster, you underestimate 2000, what it lacks in the big moments that get overly repeated on best of Raw related stuff it makes up for in consistency.


NXT is the best thing WWE has going, and even without Dean Ambrose, has the strongest roster of in ring performers across the board.


more money than God
PPV quality kicks the shit out of 98 and 99 I can say that much, late 99 was also a bet bleh, now 2000 was pretty much quality from top to bottom.
A main event HHH that is actually a plus and not a negative, the best tag team division, stacked roster, you underestimate 2000, what it lacks in the big moments that get overly repeated on best of Raw related stuff it makes up for in consistency.
OK, fine. 2000 was great. The point is, it's arguably the last good year (2001 was OK), and it was TWELVE YEARS AGO!!!


I know why me and you watch it Owl, but what's everyone else's excuse?


NXT is the best thing WWE has going, and even without Dean Ambrose, has the strongest roster of in ring performers across the board.

I really like NXT. Some of the roster is pretty silly though. I don't like the dude that counts to 5. The crazy African dude is cool though


OK, fine. 2000 was great. The point is, it's arguably the last good year (2001 was OK), and it was TWELVE YEARS AGO!!!


I know why me and you watch it Owl, but what's everyone else's excuse?

2001 had wrestle mania 17 (GOAT mania) plus early hopes of WCW guys coming in, rock coming back for appearances, roster was packed top to bottom. so 2001 was fantastic. it was the last great year for me, booker t-rock, angle-austin, tag teams

by 2002 you could feel the fall coming

by 2003 HHH's reign of terror said you should stop watching
Smackdown! was a shining beacon through some of the worst years of WWE. 2009 and 2004 were especially good for Smackdown while Raw was the shits. Nowadays Smackdown! doesn't even have a separate identity, let alone any compelling reason to watch.


So not worth it
OK, fine. 2000 was great. The point is, it's arguably the last good year (2001 was OK), and it was TWELVE YEARS AGO!!!


I know why me and you watch it Owl, but what's everyone else's excuse?

Because it's not THAT bad really. Plenty of good stuff happened, like Edge, Punk, recently everything Bryan, monster Henry, recent Kane and - goddammit- AJ!!


Smackdown! was a shining beacon through some of the worst years of WWE. 2009 and 2004 were especially good for Smackdown while Raw was the shits. Nowadays Smackdown! doesn't even have a separate identity, let alone any compelling reason to watch.

When Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan were champion Smackdown was on fire and the ratings were great. When Sheamus won in April it hasn't been the same.
I really like NXT. Some of the roster is pretty silly though. I don't like the dude that counts to 5. The crazy African dude is cool though


I just realized that the WWE has arguably been terrible for more than a decade now.

And I've been watching it, anyway.

If you made it past the John Cena reign of terror than i salute you. Not only was this guy burrying guys in the ring but on mic too(In a bad way). Cena was getting shoved down everybody's throats so hard, right now is actually good as its a break from Cena in a way. He's gonna be in WWE for another 10 years atleast so get ready for another reign


more money than God
Because it's not THAT bad really. Plenty of good stuff happened, like Edge, Punk, recently everything Bryan, monster Henry, recent Kane and - goddammit- AJ!!
Punk was useless up until his heel turn, monster Henry was a few months (and that's just one piece of the show). Edge was spinning his wheels and doing nothing interesting for some years before he retired. AJ's role on the show (how they book her) has been pretty bad since the moment Kane left the love triangle angle (not trying to be a Kane fan here, but it's the truth, they just started booking her as super slut/authority figure, since the moment he left).

Either way, you add up all this stuff, and it's a minor part of the show. The vast majority of the show is irrelevant, recaps, product placement, or just plain bad.


1999 is TERRIBLE. All around TERRIBLE. It was Russo at his peak of wacky in WWE. It's amazing how instantly the shows got better in October/November of 1999 when Russo and Oklahoma went to WCW. 2000 is one of the best in ring years in WWE history. Except the Royal Rumble that year. THAT might be the shittiest Rumble of all time. 80% of it was just guys low blowing each other. Just the whole match, everyone getting hit in the balls. There were a few entrants who the FIRST THING they did when they entered the match was make sure to hit everyone in the ring in the dick.


So not worth it
Punk was useless up until his heel turn, monster Henry was a few months (and that's just one piece of the show). Edge was spinning his wheels and doing nothing interesting for some years before he retired. AJ's role on the show (how they book her) has been pretty bad since the moment Kane left the love triangle angle (not trying to be a Kane fan here, but it's the truth, they just started booking her as super slut/authority figure, since the moment he left).

Either way, you add up all this stuff, and it's a minor part of the show. The vast majority of the show is irrelevant, recaps, product placement, or just plain bad.

Glass half full is me.
When did Smackdown turn to shit?

Hard to place an exact point on it, but letting Mysterio and then Big Show obliterate the SES in 2010 certainly didn't do them any favors. Shortly after that Raw got pretty hot with the Nexus angle, which lead to the trend of Raw leeching Smackdown's talent for the big Raw angles. So yeah, I'll say summer 2010 is probably when Smackdown turned a corner down a bad alley.

When Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan were champion Smackdown was on fire and the ratings were great. When Sheamus won in April it hasn't been the same.

Actually yeah, Hall Pain was amazing as was the Daniel Bryan/Show feud. But that was a very brief period of time in an otherwise mediocre period. It should also be noted that some of D Brine and Henry's best moments came on the Raw Supershow not Smackdown.


more money than God
1999 is TERRIBLE. All around TERRIBLE. It was Russo at his peak of wacky in WWE. It's amazing how instantly the shows got better in October/November of 1999 when Russo and Oklahoma went to WCW. 2000 is one of the best in ring years in WWE history. Except the Royal Rumble that year. THAT might be the shittiest Rumble of all time. 80% of it was just guys low blowing each other. Just the whole match, everyone getting hit in the balls. There were a few entrants who the FIRST THING they did when they entered the match was make sure to hit everyone in the ring in the dick.
I thought RR 2000 was great. . . . . . .
i started watching TNA during the john cena reign or terror. i jsut got bac into watching wrestling and by the summer i was tired of his stick. Led me to following ROH and TNA more.

2001 migth have been the peak for wwe. with maybe 2011 being a clsoe second. they jsut drop the ball too many times and refuse to push anyone other than cena.

Smackdown was good during the edge stuff
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