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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


more money than God
See, now I was going to post a great piece of Hell No fanart, but now I may not due to your snarky remark.

Ah, fuck it, here it is, anyway.



more money than God
Oh, Kane should stop doing back body drops :p
Well, these are the only two instances that I can remember, but they're very different. In this one, Cody just fell on his head. The Edge one was picture perfect. It was how the move should be done, and Edge fell correctly, he just strained his shoulder in the process.

It's just a dumb PRO WRESTLING move. The guy doing the move has to push you up, then you have to push off his back, rotate in mid air, and fall at the same time. That much angular momentum combined with the strain on your upper body as you push off, add in the fall, it's a recipe for disaster. Kane should probably stop doing it, though.


So not worth it
Kane's clearly getting too old for this shit, after he drops the tag title, he should really consider taking a backstage roll and retire from the active roster.
Well, these are the only two instances that I can remember, but they're very different. In this one, Cody just fell on his head. The Edge one was picture perfect. It was how the move should be done, and Edge fell correctly, he just strained his shoulder in the move.

It's just a damn PRO WRESTLING move. The guy doing the move has to push you up, then you have to push off his back, rotate in mid air, and fall at the same time. That much angular momentum combined with the strain on your upper body as you push off, add in the fall, it's a recipe for disaster. Kane should probably stop doing it, though.

I know :p
Just messing whit you.
I´m also a Kane fan, just hate the fact that he never got a proper main event push.


Kane's clearly getting too old for this shit, after he drops the tag title, he should really consider taking a backstage roll and retire from the active roster.

Then SoulPlaya can finally move up from developmental and fill the shoes he's destined to fill!


I thought Edge was injured from the clothesline out of the ring in that segment. I don't remember. It's so hard to remember each time Kane has been a big red reckless jerk.


more money than God
I thought Edge was injured from the clothesline out of the ring in that segment. I don't remember. It's so hard to remember each time Kane has been a big red reckless jerk.
There was no clothesline in that segment.

I know :p
Just messing whit you.
I´m also a Kane fan, just hate the fact that he never got a proper main event push.
We all agree with you, there, man.

Then SoulPlaya can finally move up from developmental and fill the shoes he's destined to fill!
Put me in the mask. I'm barely 5'10", but I can do it.


So not worth it
Aiii, quit trolling or i'll snitch the hell out of you.

I do think it's time for Kane to consider retiring though. As fun as he is with Bryan currently, he has been phoning it in for a while and he never was the best performer in-ring to begin with. He could be a good booker though, so put him in a backstage role like that and see what he can do.


more money than God
I do think it's time for Kane to consider retiring though. As fun as he is with Bryan currently, he has been phoning it in for a while and he never was the best performer in-ring to begin with. He could be a good booker though, so put him in a backstage role like that and see what he can do.
Phoning it in for a while? What? Kane's the comeback wrestler of the year (for the WWE, that is). This has been a great year for him.
Kane phoning it in? in this here 2012?
I don't think so, in fact i'm pretty sure he's been putting in more effort than usual both in ring and in character.


more money than God
Kane phoning it in? in this here 2012?
I don't think so, in fact i'm pretty sure he's been putting in more effort than usual both in ring and in character.
Yeah, from JR to people in this thread, it's pretty clear that Kane looks revived and he's been credited for it. Then again, he was going through a great time just in 2010, lol. 2011 sucked, though.


So not worth it
Phoning it in for a while? What? Kane's the comeback wrestler of the year (for the WWE, that is). This has been a great year for him.
This Bryan stuff does not make me forget about the awful Cena feud he had. And his ring work is still mediocre, the comedy stuff is enjoyable, but other than that I still want him to tag in Bryan as quickly as possible when he is in the ring. His matches are very formulaic, even the PPV matches where normally they get some time for extra stuff. It's not his fault, he's been in the company for ages and everyone knows what he does and doesn't do. Its time to take a step back and do a couple of novelty matches a year for a nostalgia pop, but do we need to see him every week, I doubt it.


Until recently, he had been phoning it in for years. From the point of right after the Shane feud up until WHC Kane and then from the Edge feud until Hell No, he was phoning it in. The past 4-5 months he's been better than he has since he showed up. Still, he's been around for a long time, he's big and his body has to be beat up.

For most of the past decade, Kane has been on the same list as Chavo for general apathy when he came out. He's great right now, but fuck, he took a long path to get there.
Complaining about formulaic wrestling matches when watching WWE, better retire the entire roster in that case.
Seriously though he's had good matches with Orton, Punk, Bryan and others this year, maybe he needs a bunch of finisher fest matches before we can truly applaud him.


more money than God
This Bryan stuff does not make me forget about the awful Cena feud he had. And his ring work is still mediocre, the comedy stuff is enjoyable, but other than that I still want him to tag in Bryan as quickly as possible when he is in the ring. His matches are very formulaic, even the PPV matches where normally they get some time for extra stuff. It's not his fault, he's been in the company for ages and everyone knows what he does and doesn't do. Its time to take a step back and do a couple of novelty matches a year for a nostalgia pop, but do we need to see him every week, I doubt it.
The Cena feud ended in like February. And yeah, he should be there every week. The WWE is in desperate need of some DEPENDABLE known big man veterans who can work and teach the youth. Jericho brought it up in an interview when he left earlier, where he stated that most of these young guys don't even know how to properly call spots in a match, and that the lack of veterans being around to teach is hurting them. I don't doubt that you can't wait until Bryan gets tagged in. Bryan is the best in the world right now. However, in a company that employs Brodus Clay, Big Show, Khali, and Mark Henry, to say that a big man like Kane doesn't have a weekly role is ridiculous. Take a step back? The guy is putting over younger guys, and is in the tag team division. You make it sound like he's squashing fools for the WWE title, lol.

It's a fucking three hour show where 80% is useless garbage. I get that you don't like Kane (you've made that very clear this year), and I understand that your boy Bryan has been joined at the hip with Kane for practically the entire year, but to say that he shouldn't be on every week is just disrespectful.


more money than God
Until recently, he had been phoning it in for years. From the point of right after the Shane feud up until WHC Kane and then from the Edge feud until Hell No, he was phoning it in. The past 4-5 months he's been better than he has since he showed up. Still, he's been around for a long time, he's big and his body has to be beat up.

For most of the past decade, Kane has been on the same list as Chavo for general apathy when he came out. He's great right now, but fuck, he took a long path to get there.
I disagree there. He started turning it around the moment he got involved with Bryan/Punk/AJ, not just Hell No, and his matches with Orton weren't bad. BTW, from Edge to Hell No is like a year only, lol. The guy did take a few months break in 2011 too.

And I think his RAW years after the Shane feud were bad (and I don't blame him, they really used him badly then), but he was great when he went to SD. Most of his matches with MVP, Finlay, Booker, Batista were some fantastic brawls. I thought he really learned how to tell storylines better in the ring when he was allowed to work with more veterans over on SD. especially since SD was more wrestling oriented, and gave more time for matches. His time on ECW was also well used.

Even then he had some good matches on RAW. Watch his matches against HBK and Benoit in 2004, and tell me he's phoning it in, or his matches against Rey in 2008 (when he returned to RAW after being on SD/ECW). 2009 was OK as he went back to SD, and 2010 was great.

Complaining about formulaic wrestling matches when watching WWE, better retire the entire roster in that case.
Seriously though he's had good matches with Orton, Punk, Bryan and others this year, maybe he needs a bunch of finisher fest matches before we can truly applaud him.
Yeah, I really don't get it. Formulaic is how practically every WWE wrestler is or becomes. Shit, HBK perfected it, lol. Inverted atomic drop, chop, elbow, SCM, lol.


So Kane never phones it in and all periods of time when he was boring as fuck in and out of the ring was due to poor booking, not his performances. Got it. We all know you're a massive Kane fan, but even you can't pretend that he wasn't phoning it in for long periods of time in the past decade.


Neo Member
See, now I was going to post a great piece of Hell No fanart, but now I may not due to your snarky remark.

Ah, fuck it, here it is, anyway.


I see this guy's stuff on Tumblr and have always been confused -- is it great art when the guy is just flatout outright ripping off Frank Quitely?


more money than God
So Kane never phones it in and all periods of time when he was boring as fuck in and out of the ring was due to poor booking, not his performances. Got it. We all know you're a massive Kane fan, but even you can't pretend that he wasn't phoning it in for long periods of time in the past decade.
What are you talking about? I just said some of his RAW years were pretty bad. Hell, the lowest period I ever saw him put on was in 2002-2003 (after Katie Vick, all the way to his unmasking). His performances were absolutely terrible during that period. Every match was the same thing, and he did the same things in the ring over and over again.

I don't blame him for his lack of motivation, though. According to every ex-writer that has spoken about that time period, Kane returned from injury with a fire and he was set to get the World title from HHH. That was the plan. Then, Steph and HHH talk to Vince, Katie Vick was invented, Kane's world title reign was canceled, and he was subsequently thrown in a meaningless tag team with RVD (another guy who had stopped caring due to a bodged push at the hands of HHH). It's easy to be motivated when you're getting world title reigns and WM main events, but when you just get dicked around, you stop caring. I mean, he and RVD (and this is before things got really bad), were bumped off WM 19 for the sake of a divas pillow fight. I couldn't blame those guys for not caring after they get treated like that.

Other than that, I really can't remember when he was "phoning it in." All of his SD/ECW years (except 2011) were great to me. Yeah, a few of his RAW years were bad too, but I can't remember much else. I mean, it's one thing to say he's bad, but "phoning it in" means that he's not putting in any effort. I didn't see that outside of 2002-2003, early 2009, 2011, and some of the Lita crap.


And I think his RAW years after the Shane feud were bad (and I don't blame him, they really used him badly then),

So yes, you said the years after Shane sucked, but because he was used badly and you don't blame him. Guys get misused all the time. Intentionally not performing as well because you don't like how you're being used is something that isn't acceptable in any job.


more money than God
So yes, you said the years after Shane sucked, but because he was used badly and you don't blame him.
I don't. After Shane, we're talking 2005 now. After a guy has been in the company for about 10 years (and wrestles as Kane for 8 of them), puts in great effort, great matches, has a great body, and does every thing thing you ask of him, without ever complaining, and you don't reward him (on the contrary, fuck up his pushes and then punish him by taking him off WM), then yes that guy is bound to say fuck it. If you want to say he phoned it, fine, but when?

After Shane? OK, up until when? He teamed up with Big Show for a lot of this time period, and that tag team was great. The moment he got to SD, he started a great feud with MVP with good ass matches (except for that inferno match). Give me time periods, give me examples, give me feuds that were bad, DUE TO HIM.


Ouch, poor Cody - he got pretty fucked up for such an innocuous looking bump.

Speaking of injuries, Rain was injured during the SHINE iPPV last night - her right wrist was shattered about half way through her tag match against Jazz & Amazing Kong, but she still managed to work the rest of the match and even took the finish (an Implant Buster from Kong). Tough lady.

Also, 4 1/2 hours until the totally FREE iPPV from CHIKARA sister promotion Wrestling is Fun!



  • Mike Quackenbush vs. "Mr. Touchdown" Mark Angelosetti
  • Hallowicked vs. assailANT
  • Jaka vs. Gran Akuma
  • Green Ant vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado
  • Dasher Hatfield vs. Icarus
  • Fire Ant vs. Kobald
  • The Estonian ThunderFrog vs. Kodama
  • The Devastation Corporation vs. The Flames of Love

Anyone else watching? Did I mention that it's FREE? Should be a good show. Really looking forward to Quack vs Touchdown, and Jaka vs Gran Akuma.

Free is the best price of all! Not sure if I'll be able to watch it, though. Have family coming for dinner. :(

On another note, maybe you can help me with this. What are the two best Evolve DVDs that I should get? Thinking of 5 for the Bryan Danielson action, but not sure about another one. Want to take advantage of the 2 for 25 deal.


So not worth it
La Parka is no Alex Wright.

Alex Wright should be in the hall of fame, go Berlyn!


Berlyn was clearly Cesaro's role model.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
lol Mark Henry is way better than Kane. Mark Henry went from giving birth to a hand to being one of the most feared heels in the company. Kane continues to not be able to be intimidating to anyone or cut any serious promos. He does that terrible laugh that reeks of bad acting. They don't turn Kane face all the time because 'he's so good at it' they turn him face because he's terrible as a heel.
La Parka was the coolest mother fucker on the planet.

rererereposting this awesome match for La Parka time
Lizmark vs La Parka Iron Man from the first triplemania

I think it's La Parka's best match of all time.


FWIW, Ric Flair confirmed to me today that he's heading back to WWE. Didn't say when and at least acted like he didn't know the show tomorrow is in Indianapolis (3 hours away from Chicago where Flair was this afternoon) but he did say he's headed back there and that it will be soon. As you can imagine, he was ecstatic about it too.


Just an FYI, I've put some of you over in the 'Who are the most intelligent posters...' thread. My true feeling and you're welcome.


Some of the snark from WWE.com on these pictures are great.



This is about the time that Ric Flair went off the deep end.

At first glance, it looks like Buff Bagwell, but at least The nWo official was in the ring during an actual main event.


Yes, Sid is in a suit.


"Mean" Gene Okerlund vs. Mark Madden, because WCW wasn't bad enough at this point

There is another one of Buff dressed as Rick Steiner with Scott standing over him and the caption is along the lines of "Buff, if you dress up like my brother, maybe one day you'll be a star." WWE.com hates Buff Bagwell, lolz

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remember that time Big Kev and Scott Hall squashed the entire LWO?
Good times.

Not that anyone ever took the LWO seriously, but they did have a cool shirt.

Jamie OD


It is a crime against humanity that there are people out there who have never heard of La Parka. Not just wrestling fans, just people in general.
Alucard said:
On another note, maybe you can help me with this. What are the two best Evolve DVDs that I should get? Thinking of 5 for the Bryan Danielson action, but not sure about another one. Want to take advantage of the 2 for 25 deal.

I would probably go with 4 over 5 - Danielson seemed more at ease working Bobby Fish than Munenori Sawa. That's not to say that their match wasn't good, it's just it felt a bit routine and Sawa didn't get much of a look in, whereas the match against Fish had a lot more intensity.

As for other shows, 1 is pretty good, with a great Kota Ibushi vs Davey Richards main event, and an excellent sprint between TJ Perkins & Munenori Sawa. 6 was a lot of fun, with a great Austin Aries vs Chuck Taylor main event, and some other good matches like Jacobs/Gargano & Ricochet/Cole. 9 & 11 had great Finlay vs Callihan matches, and 11 also has Low Ki vs Generico. Also, any of the shows with Generico vs Samuray Del Sol (14, 15 & 17) are worth it for those matches alone.


more money than God
Just an FYI, I've put some of you over in the 'Who are the most intelligent posters...' thread. My true feeling and you're welcome.
Thanks for the mention. This 4.0 GPA and 37 MCAT finally mean something now, lol.

I honestly can't stand the number of circle jerk threads that go on in the OT. Yeah, I used to think this place was smart too. . . . until I started actually talking to intelligent people, lol. It's not to say that intelligent people don't frequent here, but the ego stroking needs to stop. Like I always tell people, just because you're surrounded by idiots, it doesn't mean you're smart.
Sometimes I think NJPW is the best promotion in the world.
Then I remembered that one time DDT Pro wrestled in a theme park...

If I were a wrestler, DDT just seems like it would be the coolest promotion to work for. Everyone there is funny, and you have the weirdest matches.

I love DDT, it's pretty much the only Japanese promotion that makes me want to learn Japanese, just so I can understand half the crazy shit that goes on. I love their anywhere matches - I've got a 2-disc set of Sawa & Takagi's outdoor matches, and a 2-disc set of Ibushi's anywhere matches, and most of the campsite shows, but I still haven't found the one with Generico though :(


Looks like so much fun. And, as it's the end of the page, random DDT gifs ahoy;

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