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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


My videogame self would never do such a despicable thing.

Oh! A new page!


-Edit: Holy shit, Cena must be at least 10 times the weight of a regular person. He just hit the ring steps and they went tumbling. And as we know from Cena trying to lift them, those steps are frigging massively heavy.

Cena's workout buddy:


December Wrasslin |OT| Home of the Wildcats


WCW Monday Nitro 1/31/00


TLDR: Nitro was meh.

Let's close the first month of 2000 out right. A recap of Sid being stripped and regaining the title on Thunder. Since the powerbomb was banned, Sid won it with the Crippler Crossface, another spot that stolen from him later by HHH and HBK.

EARLIER TODAY. The nWo are wondering where Nash is. Hall is on the phone with him arguing like women. Jeff will be the acting commissioner tonight.

TO THE BACK. Acting commissioner Jarrett and his nWo hos and bros are heading to the arena. Oh goodie. Mark Madden's first Nitro. Brain is "under the weather" which I'm sure is code for "under the table".

Scotty Steiner has to bring his own YAKS because wherever they are is full of faaaatt aaasses. And then has time strip one by one. The Harris Brothers are officially made members of the nWo. WCW mutes the crowd chanting asshole, which doesn't really work when someone is trying to cut a promo. Jeff announces himself as Sid's next opponent at Superbrawl. He's making a 6 man tag, JJ/Harris Bros vs Sid/mystery partners. Then he talks CARNY!!! Also, he will take bribes.

Show run down. TONIGHT: Mamalukes vs David/Crowbar in a Bensonhurst Street Fight for the titles. Booker T vs Big T. Ric Flair will be here momentarily. Mark Madden looks like such a bag of shit. As in, a literal bag of shit.

TO THE BACK. SID has arrived. LIMO has arrived. It's Ric Flair! Clarence Mason is now with Harlem Heat 2000. Arn and Funker are going to look for Flair. They are kind of not on the same page right now.

Lash LeRoux vs Evan Karagias. Another match in the cruiser tournament. Of which the brackets have yet to be shown. Really odd that Evan came out to his pre-3 Count music, even though the other two were with him and they brought the green spots. Mark Madden gives some creepy explanation that he'd totally go to 3 Count concerts since there are a lot of teenage girls there. Hey, guess what? This sucked. The worst member of 3 Count by far is the one they put in the tournament? DQs must not be a thing in WCW anymore considering how much the other guys interfered. Lash wins.

TO THE BACK. nWo stuff. The Harris Brothers send food back because it isn't good enough for them. Then Jarrett again does some carny speak.

Weird, a WCW Don't Try This At Home ad. I don't remember ever seeing one from WCW. And it was Dustin Rhodes doing it. TO THE BACK. Crowbar/David/Daffney do promo with Gene before being attacked by the Mamalukes. Crowbar was again doing a Gordon Solie impression, which is pretty hilarious. They fight outside into the snow. It's like 10 degrees out. Tony Marinara is gone. He hadn't been on the shows for a few weeks, but now it is official I guess. Vito has a lot of dick based offense on David. He wore the most unflattering shirts. The weird sleeveless, almost mid drift silky/satin things that made him look short, fat, and like the kind of guy who always has his nipples poking out. Johnny The Bull really isn't much better than David. Slingshot Arabian facebuster with a chair to JTB. Speaking of Arabian facebuster, did no one think it was odd that Bombay (Michigan, eventually, but still) billed Sabu has moves that were all Arab named? I don't even know why he was ever billed from anywhere but The Syrian Desert since being The Sheik's nephew was always such a big part of his character. Anyway, Vito wins with a top rope elbow through a table to Crowbar. Dude always looked like he dipped his head in melted vasoline.

TO THE BACK. Harlem Head 2K and Booker make their ways to the arena. Back in the nWo office, Knobs is offering a bribe to Double J.

Booker T. vs Big T. Book's music is cut off. Clarence Mason comes out to explain that the theme song belongs to Harlem Heat Inc. And so does the T. If he continues to use the T. or the music, he will be sued for copyright infringement. I bet this whole thing is actually an inside joke about WWE suing over Diesel and Razor. Stevie Ray offers to put it all in Ebonics. No mo' flames, no mo' music, no mo' T. Then he tells Book to go find his old GI Bro outfit. "If he loses the T, nobody is going to like him backstage anymore". Lol. God damn, Clarence Mason has giant hands. His hands are twice as big as they should be for someone his size. Midnight tosses him into the ring, Book beats on him a bit before Harlem Heat 2K come in. Ahmed is so fat. It's amazing. They hold Book so Clarence can hit him, but he comically starts clutching at his neck. "Ugh, he's selling the neck now."

TO THE BACK. Norman is coming to the ring. 3 Count assault him on his way. They start chasing him. JJ is selling Knobs out to Finlay. Knobs tried to use his bribe to get out of a match with Lex. Now Finlay will be the special ref of that. Knobs flips out and is so mad he can't open the locker room door. POPS COMMERCIAL WITH JESSE PINKMAN, BITCH. YEAHHHH BITCH! I remember this commercial vividly. That had to be why Jesse looked so familiar to me when Breaking Bad started. The chase continues and Norman tried to hide in the Demon's standing casket and starts screaming when it starts to close on its own.

Kidman vs The Wall. They're really pushing Kidman hard as the big rising star. Think Edge in 2002. It's actually really well done. Probably the best thing they are doing right now. And it all came from Bret and Jarrett pulling out the night of a PPV. Madden went as far to say that he agreed with people saying Kidman was the best performer in WCW. And you know, that could have been true. With Eddie/Dean/Benoit gone, all luchadores besides Juvi and Hypnosis being gone (and Juvi was hurt while Psychosis just wasn't the same without the mask), and Rey being sidelined and in the worst phase of his career anyway, Kidman probably was the best guy in the company. It kind of sounds like damning with faint praise considering all the qualifiers, but I don't think he was too far behind those guys even in 1998. He really stood shoulder to shoulder with Rey/Juvi/Eddie at Starrcade 1998 when all 3 were arguably at their best. He was certainly a top 10 guy even when WCW had the best undercard in the universe. Really a bummer to know how bad they are going to fuck it up in just a couple of months. Kidman wins after Vampiro does a spin kick from the top while he is up in the chokeslam. Kind of like when the Rockers would drop kick his own partner when one was being held in a body slam.

TO THE BACK. Scott Hall wants to know who Sid's partners are.

Ric Flair is Mean Gene's guest in the ring. First on screen interview since Halloween Havoc. "Yeah you better go WHOOO, that's what your girlfriend will be doing tonight, pal!" He was 50 here and looked seriously 20 years younger than what he looks now. Maybe more than that. His dramatic aging around 2003 was nothing short of stunning. He says TPTB called him and asked him to be the commissioner. Flair is the most over dude in the world on this night. "Why would you want the greatest wrestler alive to be the commissioner?" "You're Terry Funk and I'm Ric Flair. There's a big difference." Few things are more enjoyable than a fired up Flair promo. Especially of the Nitro era, what with his phantom elbow and knee drops. He calls out Funk, who comes out to a chorus of boos. "You banana nose, horse toothed, evil bastard." Lol, WCW are using Foley's book to run angles off of. Specifically, the line about Flair not being a pimple on Funk's ass. Funk is telling Ric he needs to grow up. Obviously that didn't stick. Basically, Ric is a petty baby and a shitty father. "From Starrcade to Wrestlemania and back to Starrcade, I got more world titles than you've got cows on that little tiny chicken ranch of yours, pal!" "Chicken ranch my ass!" "Talk to me face to face, I'll slap the shit out of your mouth." This was barely muted in time. SHIII got out before the censors hit the button. I know I said I was embarrassed to see Funk, but I'll support a Funk/Flair feud even today. Some clubbering and a spinning toe hold to Flair. Funk then throws some haymakers at security. Flair ends up bailing, but the crowd was 100% behind him.

TO THE BACK. Jarrett looks like he's found Sid's two partners. Steiner starts making fun of Ric's teeth before a quick cut to commercial. Really creepy commercial of a kid no older than 4 being really concerned over money issues with his father, but dad keeps kind of blowing him off about it. Finally, he's in his room when dad comes in and asks him what's up with all the money talk? Kid opens his hand that has some change in it. He wants to give it to God. The fuck? That seems awfully young to have a kid that worried about tithing. What kind of brainwashed nonsense is that shit?

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene interviews world champion Sid. Sid doesn't expect anything less out of the nWo. Dude doesn't give a fuck what they do because as it turns out, he rules the world. Lenny and Lodi hand in their suits to Miss Hancock, they don't want to do S&P any more. Lex and Liz are on their way to the ring. They show one of the patented Apple crowd shots. I can't believe WCW were still booking such huge arenas in 2000.

Lex Luger vs Brian Knobs with Finlay as special ref. Knobs has the least intimidating entrance music. A Jimmy Hart version of My Sharona, as played by a Christian rock band at a GOP convention. Finlay lays Knobs out and later Liz bends the rubber bat over Knobs's faaaaatttt asssses. Fit just walks aout. Lex Pillmanizes Knobs wrist, much like he did to Buff on Thunder.

TO THE BACK. Norman emerges from The Demon's casket....dressed in full Demon outfit and make up. The Demon, in full face paint, has filed a report with the local PD about having his gear stolen.

Norman The Screamin Demon Smiley vs Shane Helms. Norman Smiley as Gene Simmons is pretty ridiculous. If only Shane was The Hurricane at this point. HULK HOGAN will return on Thunder to confront Lex Luger. He hasn't been on screen in a long time. I like the idea that Flair has his big return, so Hulk had to immediately come in and try to steal his Thunder. GIANT SWING! Chickenwing for the Screamin Demon victory. The real Demon and the police come to the ring to arrest Norman, but he bails out. Now there is a giant white dude and a British black dude both dressed as Gene Simmons running through the crowd.

TO THE BACK. DDP and Kim are getting interviewed and someone next to Disco grabs Kim's ass. I think it was JTB. Disco says it wasn't him and calls her a bimbo, which leads to a slap and a DDP beat down. That lasted through a commercial break, through the crowd, and into the ring. I think this is a match. RKO OUTTA NOWHERE. Moral of the story: Don't fuck with Kim. You will get BANGED. The Mamalukes come out to check on Disco.

TO THE BACK. The main event competitors are on their way to the arena. Sid/Funk are on their ways separately.

Jarrett/Harris Brothers vs Sid/Funk/Flair. Flair didn't come out. So instead it is a brawl on the floor between the other 5. Flair finally comes out after Sid makes the hot tag and it is just to attack Funk. He's taken out by security. Sid chokeslams one of the brothers. Powerbombs the other. Jarrett wins the match with a guitar shot.

Pretty uneventful Nitro, really. Flair's return and Jarrett making himself the number one contender at the next PPV were really the only things of note. They had been saying for 3 weeks that Sting would be returning at the end of the month. Every show. They even kind of hyped him as coming back at the LA show. Then, the last show of the month, they talk about Sting coming back at the end of the month. Well guess what. Sting did not return at the end of the month. Sting's bird didn't even make an appearance.

TLDR: Nitro was meh.


I always thought SoulPlaya would be the one to screw over Laser... I can't believe it's SoulFrog is having problems. You're tearing me apart Sunny! I bet Bootaaay has some evil control over Laser or something. I mean he jacked his title... they can't be allies!


So not worth it
I always thought SoulPlaya would be the one to screw over Laser... I can't believe it's SoulFrog is having problems. You're tearing me apart Sunny! I bet Bootaaay has some evil control over Laser or something. I mean he jacked his title... they can't be allies!

What is this i don't even

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I always thought SoulPlaya would be the one to screw over Laser... I can't believe it's SoulFrog is having problems. You're tearing me apart Sunny! I bet Bootaaay has some evil control over Laser or something. I mean he jacked his title... they can't be allies!

all shall be revealed next week...

For those that missed it, GWF Week 3 teaser:

Watching some ROH TV for the first time in ages, the 11/17 show which kicks off Delirious' booking run without Cornette. We start off with The Briscoes hitting the ring and calling out the locker room. Jay gives a state of ROH address and then announces a new matchmaker for ROH in Cornette's absence; Nigel McGuinness. Nigel talks about how this is a new start for ROH, and that he wants ROH to stand for honour again, as it had in the past. He then confirms Kevin Steen vs El Generico for Final Battle, and that Generico has insisted it be under Ladder War stipulations! Next, Nigel addresses the tag title situation, and with both Coleman & Alexander and The Briscoes 1 for 1 against Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs, it will be a 3-way match for the tag titles at Final Battle - Nigel also confirms that it will be under 'sudden death' rules, whereby only pinfalls/submissions/KO's on Jacobs & Corino can end the match. Should make for an interesting stipulation, and a good change on the usual 3-way format.

First match, it's a 'Women of Honor' match with AK47 Allysin Kay taking on MsChif. Good opening match, nothing special, but they get over Kay's strength well, and MsChif shows off her quickness and skill with some nice pinning combinations before eventually hitting The Desecrator for the 3-count. Next up, capoeira expert Tadarius Thomas takes on 'The Messiah of the Backbreaker' Roderick Strong. They start out with some nice mat work, before Tadarius uses his capoeira kicks to good effect, pissing off Roddy who immediately takes it to Thomas with some stiff chops. Strong tries to suplex Thomas to the outside, but Tadarius lands on the apron and charges Strong, only to meet a big boot followed by a backbreaker across the turnbuckle, sending him crashing to the floor. Strong rolls him in the ring for a 2-count, then goes to work, peppering Thomas with more strikes and hitting a big leg lariat for another near-fall. Roderick whips him into the ropes, but Thomas handsprings into a low to high roundhouse that connects right with Strong's temple. Both men eventually get to their feet, and Thomas uses his quickness to avoid Strong's chops and hit a cartwheel kick over the back, followed by a hangman clothesline for 2. Thomas goes for more of his capoeira offence, but Roderick just levels him with a sick forearm and then hits his vertical suplex backbreaker for the 3-count. Good match, Thomas looked pretty good, but some of his offence is a bit ridiculous.

Main event time, and it's Adam Cole defending the ROH TV Title against Kyle O'Reilly. They start things off with a fast back and forth, O'Reilly wrenching in a side headlock until Cole uses his strength to break free. He flips O'Reilly over the ropes, but Kyle lands on his feet, only for Cole to hit a big enziguri to send him to the floor. He goes for a dive, but O'Reilly rushes to the ropes and hits a forearm. O'Reilly goes for a dive of his own, but Cole hits a big enziguri and then finally hits the suicide dive. Cole rolls O'Reilly to the inside and goes up top for a crossbody, but Kyle hits a big dropkick to the mid-section for the first near-fall of the match. Coming back from commercials and O'Reilly is in control, he sets Cole on the top rope and just drags him to the floor by his leg for a 2-count. O'Reilly then locks in a nasty looking seated abdominal stretch with the legs grapevined, before rolling him up for another near-fall. Davey comes out to commentary, distracting Kyle and giving Cole a moment to recover. They start exchanging strikes and Cole, with his superior strength, looks to have the upper hand, but O'Reilly regains control with one of his flurrys of MMA-inspired offence. O'Reilly goes to the apron, but is again distracted by Davey, allowing Cole to hit an enziguri followed up by a sick springboard DDT to the apron! Cole rolls him in and climbs to the top, hitting a big splash for a near-fall. He goes for the figure 4, but O'Reilly kicks at his midsection, and follows up with his axe kick, forearm, backdrop driver combo, only for Cole to float out of the backdrop driver into a sunset flip. Cole again goes for the figure 4, but O'Reilly cradles him for another 2-count. They exchange strikes, but O'Reilly ducks under a superkick, hits a roundhouse followed up by a nasty Regal Plex for 2. O'Reilly locks in a triangle choke, but Cole rolls over on top and gets a 2-count. O'Reilly grabs a side headlock and uses the ropes to hit a nice tornado DDT, holding on to lift Cole into a big brainbuster. He goes for a weak pin and only gets 2, but transitions into a guillotine choke. Cole, however, powers striaght out, lifting O'Reilly vertical and dumping him neck-first across his knee. Sick. Both guys struggle to their feet and we get a dumb 'this is wrestling' chant from the crowd. Cole hits a superkick to the back of O'Reilly's skull and hits his Florida Key straightjacket suplex for the 3-count! Great 10 minute sprint to cap off an excellent hour of wrestling. O'Reilly's offence looks great as always, but I fucking hate his selling. He is just so unconvincing. Adam Cole is a future star though, and certainly deserving of the CM Punk comparisons he has received lately. Good show overall, I may tune in more regularly now if ROH can keep up the momentum.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shit, Laserfrog - you're the man.

Do you think you could improve my Batista? It looks ghetto as shit next to your wondrous things.



I do like the position of the white fluff on the santa cap. It looks like Batista is staring at it/trying to pull a Ryback and eat it.


I'm watching The Last of McGuinness, the documentary Nigel McGuinness made on the end of his career. It's a great doc, very sad story and something anyone with a dream should watch.

So what was the official reason he had to retire? Was it really brain stuff or was it a blood related illness?

Spoiler tagged for those that want to see the doc, because it is revealed there really for the first time I think:

The official reason is he just had a run of bad luck with his WWE tryout and in TNA. The WWE doctors didn't clear him because of his history with torn biceps and something that showed up on an MRI that turned out to be not an issue. He got Hepatitis B while in TNA and was cleared of that eventually and is immune to it now, but he didn't get rid of it as fast as some people do. That's why TNA let him go eventually. He could wrestle right now but he was just crushed by everything that happened because he realized his dream was over.

Reposting for the morning crowd. Anyone that was a fan of Nigel McGuinness wants to see this doc. I'm glad I was in on the kickstarter for this because Nigel created something special.


I don't understand the Cena/AJ scandal story.

Cena and AJ denied it saying Vickie is a liar blah blah blah but it turns out they are in fact together??????

Doesn't that make Cena the liar?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GAF Observer giving us the dirtsheets on next week's GWF show:

Last episode of GWF we saw a lot of crazy things - a strangely addled Vince McMahon searching for Bootaaay, Kane from 1998 facing off against Soulplaya at Bootaaay's behest, and Nocturnowl showing that he's working for Bootaaay. Bootaaay, talking to a powerful female...who could it be? There were also some memorable debuts - but what's in store for next week's show?

A teaser was released last night that shows Laserfrog attacking Soulplaya and working with Bootaaay! This kind of swerve is unprecedented and makes us all wonder what Bootaaay could possibly have done to get Laserfrog to work for him. Is it money? Power? Women? The belt? Tune in next week to find out!

Nocturnowl was reached (via phone, of course) and said that Bootaaay is a very busy man and putting in a lot of work. Does this have to do with his Resurrection Machine? Or is his "work" something else entirely?

Make sure to tune in for next week's GWF stream, which is the go-home show for the GWF PPV coming the week after - tentatively titled FATAL MATCH, this episode of the GWF promises to be...


Mr. Sandman said:
Reposting for the morning crowd. Anyone that was a fan of Nigel McGuinness wants to see this doc. I'm glad I was in on the kickstarter for this because Nigel created something special.

Definitely interested in checking this out when it goes on sale, and it's a shame his career ended the way it did. Would be nice to see his match maker role in ROH lead to another run one day, however short.

Speaking of ROH, this was posted on PWInsider;

Jim Cornette has stepped away from Ring of Honor for what it being termed as a "sabbatical" within the company. This actually went down a few weeks ago following the final TV taping of the year in Pittsburgh, but since there were no shows scheduled until the 12/16 Final Battle iPPV, no one was completely sure.
ROH officials noted earlier today that Cornette was taking a break from wrestling and there was no time table for him to return to his duties as Executive Producer of the ROH TV series. While there have been rumors for several weeks that he was done with the company, there has been absolutely no official indication that is the case from ROH management.

The Cornette issues, believed to have been fueled partially by his frustration with how he was being viewed by fans for the ROH product, manifested themselves at the Pittsburgh tapings as Cornette was said to have gone on a number of loud rants backstage over the course of the taping.

The rants were said to have ranged from Cornette being unhappy that fans might be able to see inside the building during pre-show production run-throughs to an angle with "security" not going right. It finally culminated with a huge rant after Steve Corino was injured, as Cornette, at the end of his rope, was loudly screaming about Corino having to go to the hospital and not having anyone from ROH ownership around to "pay for it" or go with Corino to the hospital.

Cornette's final rant reportedly included claims of threatening bodily harm on some members of ROH management (who were not present) as he was angry they had already left the venue when the injury happened. Cornette reportedly told one person to repeat what he had said to ROH ownership. The incident was described to me by one wrestler as the usual Cornette "flip out over something going wrong times 50. He was beyond pissed off, even for Jimmy."

Word did get back to ROH management almost immediately. Cornette spoke with management (I believe Joe Koff) several days later and both sides agreed that Cornette needed a break. The company had been trying to keep that quiet as they didn't want any negative fallout.

The reality is that Cornette losing it the way he did wouldn't have been all that unusual in the era he broke into the business under the likes of Ole Anderson, Jerry Jarrett and Bill Watts. Most likely, he was simply blowing off his frustrations in a colorful fashion and would have been fine afterward, but in 2012, it's just not acceptable behavior, even in the world of pro wrestling.

While both sides left everything on good terms, the word today was that Cornette had not communicated with much of anyone in recent weeks. A call to Cornette's home today by PWInsider.com led to an answering machine message that stated his voicemail was full.

The Pittsburgh taping was the first one under Hunter "Delirious" Johnston following he and Cornette switching places in the creative hierarchy. Cornette, who was already written out of ROH storylines, was still taking an active management role at the tapings, although the scripts and the show were 100% booked by Johnston.

It should be noted that despite the Cornette incident, several ROH wrestlers considered locker room morale to be up overall after the TV taping and were happy with the new direction the company was moving towards. There are a lot of wrestlers looking forward to the PPV in NYC.


So not worth it
I don't understand the Cena/AJ scandal story.

Cena and AJ denied it saying Vickie is a liar blah blah blah but it turns out they are in fact together??????

Doesn't that make Cena the liar?

Nope, as they only hooked up two weeks ago on Raw and not before that. So no.

Doesn't make any excuses for the fact that there's no scandal in dating a co-worker, even if you're the boss, provided your both single and the relationship isn't impacting eithers jobs or descissions.


I am not getting suckered into pondering this storyline again, it's not happening I tell you. AJ in tight clothes on my television is all I'm watching this for, AJ, tight clothes, that is it.


Definitely interested in checking this out when it goes on sale, and it's a shame his career ended the way it did. Would be nice to see his match maker role in ROH lead to another run one day, however short.

It really is a sad story because he was and still is so good in the ring and he's such a great personality.


He came off as really pissed at the WWE several times and somewhat blames them for ending his career. I also think he will be pro-actively against blood in wrestling after this comes out because of what happened to him. He doesn't say so, but he thinks he got Hep B from one of the hardcore matches he worked in TNA which had blood in them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As you already have a Christmas avatar I turned Batista into your favourite James Bond. Sean Connery.

Batista cannot look more Asian. I don't know if I can do this Laser...I don't know!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just like in You only live twice, your favourite James Bond film.

Ahem that's just known as "my second favorite Grace Jones film"

First is Conan the Destroyer and we all know how bad that was.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My eyes, they are a rolling.

Look, Grace Jones is PRETTY DAMN AWESOME. And Conan the Destroyer has a wrestling connection - the big monster at the end? That was Andre in that costume.

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