The Gradez are untakedownable.
The 'Mania 2000 grading was where the Zach heel turn really happened.
Dammit DM in that thread.. Lol
The spear isn't a good wrestling moveEdge's spear isn't a good spear.
Just watched the Vice documentary on CZW.
This is a subculture I don't think I will ever understand.
so it's obvious that the fans wanted to love the nwo
so you had the babyface wolfpac led by nash and the heel nwo hollywood led by hogan
logic tells me hollywood should have been phased out and everyone on that team should have just become regular old heels without the nwo branding, while the wolfpac continued as a babyface faction
but i'm guessing the hulkster would take exception to that
now this is a shirt
Braun Strowman might be the highest talent on Raw.
There's a hoss and then there's a HOSS. Braun is the latter.
God dang it, imbask, D-minuses don't exist!
You're a D-Minus in name only.I'm a D-Minus, Zach. Do I just not exist to you?
Judging by the crowd, this most a gfw show.
Why did early '96 WCW face Hogan wrestle like a total heel? Eye rakes, back rakes, face bites, nostril claws? Is he just being a cunt or what?
He's always done that. He probably turned it up a bit in WCW to be edgy and totally get over with the WCW crowd.Why did early '96 WCW face Hogan wrestle like a total heel? Eye rakes, back rakes, face bites, nostril claws? Is he just being a cunt or what?
How is the inverted atomic drop not an automatic DQ? And how do some wrasslers have an immunity to it
It's because I have no testicles you see.Zach is immune to inverted atomic drops.
It's because I have no testicles you see.
First known footage of a wrestler being Legit Shook on camera
Vader now is fucking great.Nothing is better than early 90s Vader