The period before the G1 when he did nothing knocks Omega down a peg.
They actually included a bit on the rumour during Macho Man's dvd from a year or two ago. I think it was his brother who talked about it. Prichard talked about it as well debunking it on his show.Matt's actual ring work hasn't been great. Some of the most phenomenal vignettes of all time though.
Rumours that all the top wwf brass believe but are too scared to ask. If they scoffed at the very notion that'd be one thing, but the speed at which vince would always shut down ideas of a savage return just made them believe it more.
They actually included a bit on the rumour during Macho Man's dvd from a year or two ago. I think it was his brother who talked about it. Prichard talked about it as well debunking it on his show.
There's so much in that debacle between he and vince. The round table, Vince not doing the favour of adding his father to that one battle royal, Macho Man deflecting and taking the slim jim sponsor with him, etc.
Because that's a thing that's done in any job, much less in the corporate world?
who's the most in denial :
-people who think AJ Styles won't win wrestler of the year
-Hillary fans
Is Chris hero 2016 wrestler of the year?
Depends where, here he will win cause wwe is the most popular promotion. Places like the observer he might not.who's the most in denial :
-people who think AJ Styles won't win wrestler of the year
tough call
The Tanahashi match for the vacant IC title was excellent, especially considering how banged up Tanahashi was at that point. I liked the Elgin matches as well, but Hero as the touring indie guy has generally had more opportunity to impress while Omega's gone whole tours booked in multi-man tags.
Depends where, here he will win cause wwe is the most popular promotion. Places like the observer he might not.
Jeff Cobb is about to start working Evolve which is awesome. It means he's only one step away from WWE and you know Triple H and Regal have an eye on him.
So how is everyone's Black Weekend going? My haul is small so far. I got the Harry Potter complete movie set for $35 and got menu priced Dominos at half off. Made $40 worth of pizza $20. I'm also going to do an Amazon promotion where you can get $10 off $30 of books today.
San andreas ps4 and a pizza is the only thing I secured lol!So how is everyone's Black Weekend going? My haul is small so far. I got the Harry Potter complete movie set for $35 and got menu priced Dominos at half off. Made $40 worth of pizza $20. I'm also going to do an Amazon promotion where you can get $10 off $30 of books today.
My problem with AJ is that he has a worse year then last year, out side of his Nakamura match none of his matches have been half as good as the ones lat year but that not really his fault. Also I hate the Ellsworth shit.
how was xwa, and why didn't you sack it off for brogress
But he looks like a chump cause this fued has gone on for way to long.I do too, but can you imagine any other wrestler handling it as well as AJ? He actually made no chin music look strong and was able to tell the story on why he lost.
For you to lose to James Ellis without looking like a chump, you need some SERIOUS talent haha
My problem with AJ is that he has a worse year then last year, out side of his Nakamura match none of his matches have been half as good as the ones lat year but that not really his fault. Also I hate the Ellsworth shit.
who's the most in denial :
-people who think AJ Styles won't win wrestler of the year
-Hillary fans
tough call
How can AJ Styles be wrestler of the year over Ellsworth? Ellsworth is 3-0 against him.
So you're saying Ellsworth is wrestler of the year?
Cagematch tells me he had a 1PW match I think I may have seen, can't remember. Sounds about right, I've managed to avoid shit tier workers for the most part!Money more than anything, also I knew I could sell the Progress ticket but also knew there was no way I'd offload the XWA one - friend of mine's a huge ECW fan, so he really enjoyed seeing Dreamer. I am proper gutted though, especially seeing everyone's mark pics with Riddle. He looks like such a lad. Or bro, I guess
The XWA show was, as you'd expect, pretty standard family show affair. Paul London came out and had a bit of a sing song, followed around the arena by an army of small children. He also kept forgetting he was on a family show, which was amusing. I saw Doug Williams in McDonalds. Hornswaggle got a ridiculous pop and MVP was far more over than I expected. Crowd humoured Toyota & Sakura, most had no idea though. Also, got to see Jody Fleisch do his springboard tornado DDT.
Oh, and Bulk. Have you had the pleasure of witnessing Bulk? He's the most aptly named wrestler I've ever seen. Him and his tag partner did the Steiner brothers pose and getting up off his knees was the closest Bulk came to doing anything remotely strenuous.
More talented than Cody Rhodes
That crazy foolishness blew my mind.Suplexcember
Friends, is there anything worth watching on No Way Out 1998? It feels like an entirely skippable show. Like they thought "oh shit, we have a month between the Rumble and Mania, what do we do?"
The eight man tag sounds interesting, but I have zero recollection of it.
Get 'em, Dato.It's always funny when WWE said 'what a dumb move' having Schiavonne give away the results for Foley winning the title on Nitro when they gave WCW free promotion EVERY WEEK
So how is everyone's Black Weekend going? My haul is small so far. I got the Harry Potter complete movie set for $35 and got menu priced Dominos at half off. Made $40 worth of pizza $20. I'm also going to do an Amazon promotion where you can get $10 off $30 of books today.
More talented than Cody Rhodes
is that a shoot? if it is I kinda agree
You mean you don't want to see an NWA title match on a WWF PPV featuring Jeff Jarrett vs. Justin Bradshaw?
The worst ppv of the entire year.Friends, is there anything worth watching on No Way Out 1998? It feels like an entirely skippable show. Like they thought "oh shit, we have a month between the Rumble and Mania, what do we do?"
The eight man tag sounds interesting, but I have zero recollection of it.
I'm firm
He did have a quiet couple of months at the beginning of the summer but he's had a great year overall. Beating Tanahashi for the IC title and that ladder match with Elgin ain't nothing to sniff at.The period before the G1 when he did nothing knocks Omega down a peg.
It's always funny when WWE said 'what a dumb move' having Schiavonne give away the results for Foley winning the title on Nitro when they gave WCW free promotion EVERY WEEK
His matches with Roman were better, made him look like a million bucks.Yeah, he's had an excellent year, but very few standout matches. His SummerSlam match against Cena is the only one that jumps out.
He might be in the discussion, but he hasn't really separated himself at all from his peers this year.
No chance Riddle doesn't come back in Roddy (or I hope, more Ciampa) style. So so so over.
Between him and Sami Zayn IMOIshii is 2016 underrated wrestler or the year