AgreedOkada vs Ishii is one best matches of the year
Hope he's in the SSS16 next year, or at the Unboxing show next month. You going to that? Kinda excited and also kinda wary of getting too overhyped at the whole mystery aspect of hoping Hero comes over
So how is everyone's Black Weekend going? My haul is small so far. I got the Harry Potter complete movie set for $35 and got menu priced Dominos at half off. Made $40 worth of pizza $20. I'm also going to do an Amazon promotion where you can get $10 off $30 of books today.
I wish the hardcore Tye Dillinger fans would realize outside of that ten chant which has him over, he's not much on the mic and is average in the ring.
I like Tye and would love to see him do solid enough when he's called up but I'm not gonna be shocked or offended if his gimmick crashes when he hits the main-roster and he ends up being another Adam Rose.
Vince is going to bury him so bad.I wish the hardcore Tye Dillinger fans would realize outside of that ten chant which has him over, he's not much on the mic and is average in the ring.
I like Tye and would love to see him do solid enough when he's called up but I'm not gonna be shocked or offended if his gimmick crashes when he hits the main-roster and he ends up being another Adam Rose.
I was gonna ask you what you were getting your son for Xmas. Your list there is symbolic of a man who loves his kid. Nice haul.
Recore is awesome btw
Do you mean as in how people felt certain wrestlers would fail only for them to not?you can say the same for most nxt call ups.
OopsTye's biggest issue is that he's 35.
I wouldn't say no to a short main roster run where he can milk the gimmick for a few months and make some merch money.
My parents asked me for stuff that I want so they can put it under the tree for me for Christmas and I'm like 'I'm grown I can just buy everything I want'
so now I gotta pretend there's some plastic junk I want.
My daughters aren't getting shit.
Do you mean as in how people felt certain wrestlers would fail only for them to not?
Do you mean as in how people felt certain wrestlers would fail only for them to not?
#Shoot - Black Friday is a retail tradition that should be outlawed
I'm proud to be a fucking gamer first and foremost. None of the shit i download onto my consoles were provided by shitty labor conditions in China and I get to support artists. Yeah, I'm a hippie. Bite me.
I'll wait to hear how Bayley and Balor were actually successes
I'll wait
Go on, I'll wait
*turns to dust after Bayley loses arm wrestling contest and Balor has demon entrance on Raw nobody watches*
Fine with me. People are animals.
(I did my shopping from the couch.)
Thanks for making me feel bad about wanting physical games. I guess I'll just kill myself.
how most people from nxt crash and burn on the main roster.
To me, the real genuine failures I feel would probably be Rose, Vaudevillains, Bo Dallas, the Ascension, and Breeze, albeit Breeze is slowly making a crawl up with Breezango if they ever decide to take it most people from nxt crash and burn on the main roster.
Demon Balor to me has been handled awfully all around given that it isn't a demon who's a separate being or character, it's Finn painting himself and crawling around a few times and then virtually nothing changing. Even in NXT that was essentially the case, which is a shame because it makes the whole thing look more like just a blatant cash-grab instead of something that fits the character. If anything at least Raw tried giving an explanation behind it.Bayley is already succeeding as being a basically universally over babyface who sells a ton of merch. She's one of the few pure-face characters that's pretty goddamn over.
Balor, however, I'm still nervous about. Them debuting the Demon on fucking Raw and basically making it "a thing" sent up all sorts of red flags. NXT handled Demon Balor so much better
The Ascension
Tyler Breeze
Bo Dallas
But you know who is succeeding?
Demon Balor to me has been handled awfully all around given that it isn't a demon who's a separate being or character, it's Finn painting himself and crawling around a few times and then virtually nothing changing. Even in NXT that was essentially the case, which is a shame because it makes the whole thing look more like just a blatant cash-grab instead of something that fits the character. If anything at least Raw tried giving an explanation behind it.
Demon Balor badly needs to have an upgrade in a more violent moveset or at least a special finisher or fuck, something unique.
The guy who got no sold by Rusev the night he debuted?
My mom always threatens not to get me and my brother presents if we imply that Santa isn't real.
We're in our thirties.
I wonder what I'd buy my son if he was my daughter. It's so easy having a son. >_>
Can't really argue. Maybe it;s because I'm Irish myself but the mythology shit was insane.Oh, I agree with everything you said. But I just meant, in comparison, NXT handled the Demon better than WWE.
midcarders getting called up to be midcarders is fine, it's not a failure
Sami Zayn is definitely a failure, he deserves better
Ascension are failures top to bottom
Vaudevillains too
the others are where they kinda have to be. The problem isn't that they're midcarders, the problem is that the midcard booking is irrelevant these days
even if Bayley wins the WWE championship by beating the whole roster, I still won't accept her finisher and her gimmick
#Shoot - Black Friday is a retail tradition that should be outlawed
Let me be clear, I still think the Big Show character is stale and fucking boring, but after watching this interview last night, I was reminded, again,that the man behind the character is seemingly one of the most genuine and nicest dudes imho.
My favorite is when he gets antsy in middle of interview because he has to go take a shit.
I'm proud to be a fucking gamer first and foremost. None of the shit i download onto my consoles were provided by shitty labor conditions in China and I get to support artists. Yeah, I'm a hippie. Bite me.
That man could have been my brother in law
It's a tough decision to make, you need to have these sales to drive a profitable business. The holidays are really the only time most retailers go in the black.
On the flip side, yeah I don't think stores should be starting these sales during a holiday.
I remember you mentioning that. Would have been great for you two to have a back and forth about your love for KennyOmega only to have Paul cut the conversation short because he had to take a shit.