Man I forgot how good Honky Tonk Man's theme was.
smh.god those legs
Why do wrestling companies have a thing for embarassing holiday celebrations?
Why do wrestling companies have a thing for embarassing holiday celebrations?
Because every show has to have holiday themed episodes. Wrasslin is no different.
Well its that or let the wrestlers take the holidays off and thats not gonna happen.
Yeah, but wrasslin always does the most embarrassing thing they can think of with holiday celebrations.
I passed on both and got a Wii U instead.
I didn't have a Wii either so I get to experience those games as well.
Found a stream. How has Impact been in the first 20 mins in your opinion, GAF? Reading results on Curry Man?...Daniels?...
Say what you will but I like the idea of them bringing in enhancement talent for EC3 every week. They should get some heel jobbers and bring a new babyface up this way too.
Well EC3 is basically the only young talent they're pushing right now, so it's something.
I watched an episode of ROH TV today, and it was mostly kinda boring, but it could be that I'm not invested in any of those guys. Zack Bowen wrestled Matt Taven, Jay Brisco faced Silas Young, and Eddie Edwards faced Jay Lethal. No one really stood out to me, though Lethal/Edwards was okay. I like that they have all the vod packages and promos, gets me up to speed, but man Adam Cole seems like such an uncharismatic talker. Jimmy Jacobs too, kinda. I think I'd probably watch it again, but it's no NXT
Speaking of, I took advantage of ROH's 35% off DVD sale and ordered their El Generico DVD. Sami got me too hype
I like how they're building him. He's going to be confronted byeventually.Sting
Sam Shaw's coming in soon, and once AJ comes back, I expect a bit of a new talent initiative to kick into gear. TNA needs to start thinking past Angle, Sting, Bully, Daniels, etc. within the next 3-5 years.
I do like Paul London. I'll give some of it a look.You should've been watching the three weeks prior. They pieced out their Glory by Honor PPV into three separate TV episodes, and they were all great. Two weeks ago had a match of the year contender with Roderick Strong vs. Paul London.
I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but I'll probably catch it tomorrow evening. Watching Impact tonight.
I like how they're building him. He's going to be confronted byeventually.Sting
I do like Paul London. I'll give some of it a look.
The most glorious post of all time.
You forgot this one though
Was Crow Sting actually good in WCW? My memory's foggy about that period. I just remember him hanging out in the rafters a lot and pointing his bat at people.